Dating & Relationships

Nick Solaczek – How To Make Your Partner Feel Seen

Talking points: relationships, IMAGO therapy, emotional intelligence, social media, attachment theory, conflict, sex, intimacy, artificial intelligence

Deeply grateful to have sat down with Nick last week to chat about all things relationships. Nick is, frankly, one of the best in the biz, and his compassionate yet no-nonsense approach has helped a great many people.

If you’re interested AT ALL in levelling up your intimate relationships, this is an episode to listen to. Strongly recommend you listen alongside your partner—or at least share it with them later.

[00:01:04] – Nick’s defining moment
[00:09:48] – What made you choose IMAGO certification?
[00:12:15] – Where do you see modern relationships breaking down most often?
[00:15:57] – How would you say social media has affect modern relationships?
[00:21:08] – What does it mean when your partner says “I’m not feeling seen”?
[00:25:50] – What other ways can we support our partner in being heard?
[00:28:52] – So what is IMAGO therapy based on? What tools does it deploy?
[00:44:49] – What are some of main challenges couples face in the realm is sex and intimacy?
[00:59:11] – Do you think AI is going to impact the future of intimate relationships?
[01:07:33] – We ultimately want to bump up against each other at a deeper level
[01:10:25] – What’s your definition of a conscious relationship?

Nick Solaczek Certified IMAGO Relationship Coach, working with individuals and couples to boost their emotional intelligence and success in romantic relationships. He emphasizes safe conversation techniques, mindfulness, authenticity, and boundary setting.

Nick is based in Vancouver, Canada, and has coached Hollywood celebrities, CEO’s, secret agents, high-profile lawyers, therapists, doctors, fresh partners and lifelong marriages. He’s also been privileged to assist Dr. Harville Hendrix and Dr. Helen LaKelly Hunt (founders of IMAGO and authors of the bestseller Getting the Love You Want) in their online training for couples.

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-Couples Course – Romatic Relationship Reset:

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Men’s Work Session – Healing The Relationship To Anger

Talking points: anger, inner critic, passive aggressiveness, shame

Haven’t done one of these in a while! Every so often I’ll have an anonymous guest on the show to give listeners a glimpse into what men’s work at ManTalks is actually like. This time, my guest is already familiar with what we do, so I dive right in.

If you’re the kind of person who has difficulty standing up for themselves, or can’t seem to control negative self-talk, this may be a helpful episode to dig into. We talk a lot about something I call “implosive anger”, aka when instead of having a healthy relationship with the anger you feel, you suppress and direct it back at yourself.

Pick up my brand-new book, Men’s Work: A Practical Guide To Face Your Darkness, End Self-Sabotage, And Find Freedom:

Check out some free resources: How To Quit Porn | Anger Meditation | How To Lead In Your Relationship

Build brotherhood with a powerful group of like-minded men from around the world. Check out The Alliance and join me today. 

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Do Not Compromise On This

Having a bit of give and take? Good. Being flexible within reason? Great. But in my opinion, there’s one area of your life where you should never, ever compromise. Listen in.

Pick up my brand-new book, Men’s Work: A Practical Guide To Face Your Darkness, End Self-Sabotage, And Find Freedom:

Check out some free resources: How To Quit Porn | Anger Meditation | How To Lead In Your Relationship

Build brotherhood with a powerful group of like-minded men from around the world. Check out The Alliance and join me today. 

Enjoy the podcast? If so, please leave a review on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or Podchaser. It helps us get into the ears of new listeners, expand the ManTalks Community, and help others find the tools and training they’re looking for. And don’t forget to subscribe on Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts  | Spotify

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Stirling Cooper – Porn, Attraction, Dominance, And What Women Want

Talking points: porn, sex, psychology, sexual technique, sexual health

Note: there were some technical troubles on this one, so forgive the rougher audio! I polled my followers on Instagram for a lot of the questiosn Stirling and I covered this episode, so expect a great combo of thoughtful “why” answers and actionable advice on everything sex, arousal, attraction, and more.

[00:01:08] – Stirling’s defining moment

[00:05:23] – How it shifted Stirling’s perspective

[00:12:57] – How DID you end up in porn, and what is it really like?

[00:21:22] – Why OnlyFans took off

[00:28:39] – What porn can do to a guy’s sexual psychology

[00:38:03] – How would you talk to your son about porn?

[00:46:44] – How do you map out male dominance in the bedroom in today’s society?

[00:55:41] – How do you get your partner in the mood?

[01:01:56] – How do we bridge the gap between women who want a more dominant man in the bedroom and men who are worried about being so?

[01:18:14] – How to get better erections and last longer

Stirling Cooper is an Award Winning Australian Pornographic Actor. Born in rural Western Australia, Stirling started off his Porn career in 2017 shooting for smaller studios based in Melbourne. He then moved to the United Kingdom and used his experience and connections to get his foot in the door in the British Porn industry, shooting for numerous studios throughout 2017 such as the notorious Fake Taxi, Dorcel, and many more. His career started to really kick into gear in the beginning of 2018 when he shot his first scene for Brazzers in 2018 and after that was flown out to Budapest, Hungary to shoot for other MindGeek brands like Babes. He stayed in Europe for several months working between Budapest, Hungary, and Prague, Czech Republic building a lot of momentum and gaining tremendous experience after being cast by big names like Rocco Siffredi and the FakeHub Network.

Stirling now uses his wealth of experience as a professional sex machine to teach men how to improve their own sex lives and through his Youtube channel he also helps enlighten men on the virtues of living an unapologetically masculine life.

Connect with Stirling





Pick up my brand-new book, Men’s Work: A Practical Guide To Face Your Darkness, End Self-Sabotage, And Find Freedom:

Check out some free resources: How To Quit Porn | Anger Meditation | How To Lead In Your Relationship

Build brotherhood with a powerful group of like-minded men from around the world. Check out The Alliance and join me today. 

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What Pornhub Data Says About Men

Talking points: porn, stress, hentai, isolation

Every year, Pornhub releases a bunch of stats detailing how long people are watching, top search terms, when people are watching, and more. This data is from Dec 2022, so it’s a bit old, but I wanted to share some thoughts on what some of these stats might be implying, particularly for men.

This is an episode for anyone curious about porn’s implications outside of just “sexual entertainment”. I go into how it might be affecting (or a be a response to) other parts of our lives, and offer up some thoughts on what to do.

This podcast is brought to you by Organifi! Plant-based nutrition that’s science-backed, high quality, and something I use literally every day. Hit up the link for 20% off your next purchase here:

Pick up my brand-new book, Men’s Work: A Practical Guide To Face Your Darkness, End Self-Sabotage, And Find Freedom:

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Looking to build brotherhood with a powerful group of like-minded men from around the world? Check out The Alliance and join me today. 

Lastly, check some more free resources: How To Quit Porn | Anger Meditation | How To Lead In Your Relationship

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Why Bother Getting Married?

Talking points: marriage, relationships

With marriage rates seemingly at an all-time low, and most of the old reasons for marriage largely defunct, it’s a question many men are asking. It was something I wrestled with too. So…why bother with marriage? And why did I get married?

[00:00] – Statistics on marriage and some of the reasons we used to get married

[06:56] – Why I chose marriage


What’s going on, Team?

Why are marriage rates in decline? There seems to be a disproportionate amount of people that are not only checking out from dating, but are just checking out from marriage altogether. There was some recent data that came out from the United States Congress, the Joint Economic Commission. Marriage is now between 6.5% and 6.9% marriages per thousand people. That is down significantly from the 1980s, the 1990s, and the early 2000s. What seems to be fascinating is that as we reach this all-time low within marriages, there seems to be a couple things driving this.

So I wanted to talk about why did we get married in the first place? Is marriage really even worth it? Why might you do it? So I’m gonna share a little bit about my personal story towards the end. But one of the things that I found fascinating is when I was doing research for this was that trends that are being set right now are showing that people are just opting out of dating and marriage altogether.

There’s men between 18 and 29, 66% of men in that age bracket are single, and of that age range, 50% of men say that they’re not even looking for a partner or a relationship. Then you have women, who projections are showing that by 2040, 45% of women between the age of 25 and 45 are going to be childless and single. So not in a marriage and without children. And that’s the highest that’ll ever have been, period. Not only that, and this is a different topic, and maybe I’ll talk about this in a different video, of those women who don’t have children post-menopause, the women who get out of the window that they can have children, 8 out of 10 of those women say that it was non-intentional, meaning that most of them wanted to have children, but the timing wasn’t right, or whatever the reason was that it just didn’t work out. So it’s not that they weren’t able to reproduce, it’s that it just never happened for them. There is a tremendous amount of grief coming up for a lot of women around this topic.

But let’s talk about marriage specifically. So as marriage rates decline, I think one of the things that is important to talk about is why did we get married in the first place? So I’m gonna bucket this into a couple [three] very clear and simple things. Then we’ll talk about some ideas around why this is happening.

First and foremost was economic reasons. Men and women got together, there were very clear roles – not saying that’s good or bad, but it’s just the way it was. The men would go out and work, the women would raise the children, and so there was an economic incentive for women to be with a man. There was this economic force of…okay, if I’m gonna have a child, it’s probably better to do that with somebody who can provide a certain lifestyle. Buy us a house. We can have a car or before that, a horse. But that was the structure. So for a very long time, for the most part, men went out into the workforce of the world. They tilled the farms, they built the buildings, they built the cities, the infrastructure, the pipes, the whole thing. And women were making sure that the family was being tended to at home. So there was this economic structure that was in place.

The second big one was religion. You were getting married for religious purposes, showcasing that your relationship was permitted by God and that you were following certain orthodoxies and certain ideologies, and you were abiding by certain rules that were laid out by your religion and et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. So it was all underneath this religious umbrella.

Then lastly, it gave people a very clear sense of function or purpose or role. So as I was talking about before, for a lot of men, this was your function. You were the provider. You, for better or for worse, were expected to go out and work and make a living to make sure that your family [was] provided [for].

I think in some ways, we structured our family systems like that for a very long time because we’ve generally built our social structures to coincide with how we’ve evolved – with evolutionary processes. We’ve gone out, historically, men have gone out around the world and been the hunters. They’ve been the ones that have gone out, and if you were in North America a thousand years ago, braved not getting eaten by a grizzly bear or a cougar or whatever it was, and in other parts of the world it was going out to hunt for antelope and make sure that you weren’t gonna get eaten by a lion, or a jaguar, or something like that.

So our social structures have, generally speaking, coincided with our evolutionary structures. But we’ve reached this place where that’s not necessary anymore. The economic incentives have basically dissolved because 42% of American households have women outearning the men. The economic structure that was in place before, that’s gone. So a lot of women, they’re not marrying for security or financial incentive.

The religious piece is very quickly dissolving. There’s less people going to church than ever before. Something like 40% of Americans identify as spiritual, but not religious. So they’re not getting married for religious purposes.

The role in the function part has started to dissolve, as well. As women have become more fiercely financially independent, more men are hearing things like, I don’t need a man. I don’t need a man to provide for me. Those types of things. So where a man used to be…okay, my why I would get married as a man is…because I’m going to provide, I’m going to protect. My role in this relationship has a very specific purpose and function, and that can give me a sense of purpose in life. And there’s many benefits to that for a number of reasons, which I’m not gonna get into. There’s also obviously some constraints that we could talk about, but I think the biggest thing that I’ve come to is why would anybody get married now?

If you’re a man, because like 95% of you watching my channel and on the podcast, there’s more women that tune in for sure, but if you’re on YouTube, it’s 95% dudes. If you’re watching this or you’re listening to this and you’re a guy, you’re probably thinking like, why would I bother getting married? And I gotta tell you, I asked this question for myself for a very long time, I make good money, I’m tall, I’m attractive. I like traveling the world. I have a really good social circle within my male friend group. So there really wasn’t a lot of incentive.

I wasn’t getting married for economic purposes. I wasn’t getting married for a sense of purpose or function. I wasn’t getting married for religion. And so I grappled with this notion of why would I get married? What’s the purpose of doing that? Because really, I think one of the other things is that marriage, still to this day, from a judicial and legal system, is still predicated on this notion that men are the providers. You can very clearly look at the data and see that historically, within the last sort of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years, but especially still today, where 42% of American households, women are outearning men, men get the short end of the stick when divorce happens.

And the big challenge is that something like 75% of divorces are initiated by women. You hear a lot of guys of like, why the hell would I get married? There’s no role or function for me. I’m not getting married for religion. I’m not getting married toprovide for my family. My wife is making good money, or my girlfriend’s making good money. Like, why would I go do that? Especially knowing that the chances are if this doesn’t work out, she’s going to be ending the marriage. She’s gonna be the love one leaving, and if we have kids or financial assets, I’m probably going to get the short end of the stick on that. I’m probably gonna get shafted in some way, shape, or form.

There’s of course, exceptions to the rules, but statistically, men are going to go through that divorce and they’re gonna have to pay more in alimony. They’re gonna have to pay more in child support. They’re gonna lose more of their financial assets. That’s just the way that our court system still operates.

So I thought about all of this data for a very long time, and I thought about why would I want to get married? Cause when I met my now-wife, and we’ve been married for four years, we just celebrated our four year anniversary. I thought about this for a while, and I really came to the place of I’m not getting married for any of those reasons. We’re gonna keep our financial assets separate, and we’re gonna have agreements around our finances, and my wealth, and her money. I got to the place where I decided that I wanted to get married because I saw it not as a religious thing or any of those things, but actually as matrimony, as a commitment to the relationship itself.

I think one of the things that I’ve noticed within our modern culture is that relationships are paper thin, and the excuses and the reasons that people have for bouncing out of a relationship is so high. I see all these stories online of all these “oh, I’m, I broke up with him because I want to go and live my best life and I just, I wanna be free and I want to express my most authentic self,” and [men] are like, I broke up with her because, she wanted too much from me and she was asking too much and da-da-da-da-da.”

So I think what I see is that when things get hard in relationships, which of course they’re going to get hard, the tendency of people is to peace out, is to not push through the challenge; and the beauty of a powerful relationship is that it’s going to help you. Carl Jung said that ” the fastest racehorse in the race of individuation is marriage,” aka relationship.

So the real, underlying principle that I came to around is that you are making a declaration not just to that other person, and not necessarily to yourself, but to the structure of relationship itself, to the relationship itself between you and this person. And you’re saying, “I’m going to commit to taking care of, protecting and providing for this third entity that exists between us, and that in doing so, I’m going to learn something fundamental about being human, about tending to this earth, about tending to this culture and society that we live in that’s so chaotic, and that so many people, as soon as things get challenging and hard, they peace out.”

Now, I’m not saying that you should get married and if abuse starts to happen that you stay in it, or if it’s super unhealthy that you stay in it, but I’m saying that you make a commitment to something that is bigger than the context of – “oh, we’re dating.” “Oh, we just live together. We’re in this relationship.” Maybe you don’t need to get married to do that. Maybe there’s a different way for you to go about it. But for me, matrimony was the recognition that I was making a commitment to something that was beyond just a relationship, that was beyond just living together; and dedicating myself as a man to this third body of the relationship and saying, “I’m going to commit to tending to this aspect of life.” When things get hard, I know I’ve also found a woman who’s going to do the same thing. You know that’s very important for her, that we’re both dedicated to almost like tending to a child – if you have a child together, you both parent it. When you get married, the whole purpose of it, again, if you strip away all of the religious and whatever, is to learn to take care of something else that’s bigger than you, and your relationship is bigger than you. And it’s bigger than just the other person, right?

So I think that’s the main reason why I got married, is that it was a dedication and a commitment. To provide for and to protect something that was bigger than me, that was bigger than my partner. And it was a declaration of something more meaningful than just where we’ve lived together for seven years.

So comment below if you’re watching this on YouTube. I see that there’s a bunch of you that are listening to my podcast, that are tuning into my YouTube channel that are not subscribed, and so please go and do that. Don’t forget to man it forward. Share this with somebody else you know will enjoy it or enjoy the conversation. Until next week, this Connor Beaton signing off.

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Lastly, check some more free resources: How To Quit Porn | Anger Meditation | How To Lead In Your Relationship

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Danica Patrick – Where Achievement And Spirituality Meet

Talking points: masculinity, femininity, achievement, dating, psychedelics, competition, culture, truth, what men and women want (and what they get wrong)

Wow. Danica and I covered a LOT of territory in this conversation. Like, top 3 widest-ranging conversations I’ve had on the podcast. Listen in for everything from masculine/feminine dynamics, to the nature of truth, to sharing psychedelic stories, to what men get wrong about women (and vice versa).

This is a brilliant episode to dig into if you’re looking less for answers and more for wonder. Much of what we discussed is better served by not forcing solutions, but simply wondering about viewpoints. Plus, you get a little of everything in this one!


[00:03:54] – Danica’s defining moment

[00:11:41] – Women and the masculine

[00:17:49] – How did masculine energy show up in Danica’s career?

[00:23:47] – How does it feel to be told, as a woman, “You’re more masculine than I am”?

[00:37:17] – The intersection of achievement and spirituality

[00:44:52] – Psychedelic experiences

[00:54:24] – How has your imagination and curiosity shaped your life?

[01:08:28] – How do you view the masculine and feminine culturally?

[01:30:18] – What do women get wrong about men, and vice versa?


About Danica Patrick

At just 10 years old, Danica’s racing career began after her parents bought her a go-kart. After winning numerous regional and national go-kart titles, Danica left the Midwest at 16 years old to compete in the cutthroat world of European road racing.

As a racecar driver, Danica Patrick broke barriers and set records with her on-track performance. With her racing career behind her, Danica looks to her next chapter as she focuses on her passions: good food, great wine, fitness and helping others achieve their goals.

Moving into her next chapter, retired from racing, Danica’s focus has shifted to her role as an entrepreneur and business owner. Danica has launched the clothing line – Warrior by Danica Patrick, authored a book Pretty Intense, and is the sole proprietor of Somnium, a vineyard in Napa Valley, California. In addition to these passion projects, Danica also continues to do inspirational speaking engagements and she plans to build upon these initiatives in the coming years.

Connect with Danica





This podcast is brought to you by Organifi! Plant-based nutrition that’s science-backed, high quality, and something I use literally every day. Hit up the link for 20% off your next purchase here:

Pick up my brand-new book, Men’s Work: A Practical Guide To Face Your Darkness, End Self-Sabotage, And Find Freedom:

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Lastly, check some more free resources: How To Quit Porn | Anger Meditation | How To Lead In Your Relationship

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The Big Misunderstanding About What Women Are Attracted To

Shorter episode today, but something I’d love to get your thoughts on. This came from a recent conversation between Lex Friedman and Aella, a sex researcher, writer, and sex worker.

She surveyed her followers on what men and women actually want in the bedroom, and noticed an interesting discrepancy. I polled my own followers and found something similar. Listen in!

Check out Aella’s work here:

Transcript below!

This podcast is brought to you by Organifi! Plant-based nutrition that’s science-backed, high quality, and something I use literally every day. Hit up the link for 20% off your next purchase here:

Pick up my brand-new book, Men’s Work: A Practical Guide To Face Your Darkness, End Self-Sabotage, And Find Freedom:

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Lastly, check some more free resources: How To Quit Porn | Anger Meditation | How To Lead In Your Relationship


What’s going on, team? We’re gonna have a short little episode here today; but we’re gonna be talking about the biggest misunderstanding about a woman’s attraction. I found this to be very interesting because it came out of – this whole conversation came out of some research that I stumbled across.

I think I was listening to Lex Friedman podcast, and he was interviewing this woman named Aella. I don’t know if I’m saying that right: A-E-L-L-A. She was a former OnlyFans star and escort, et cetera, turned relationship data scientist. And so she uses her platform to study relationships. She had talked about this poll that I went and checked out where she started to see that there was this big discrepancy between what men thought women wanted and what women actually wanted sexually within the bedroom. And so she put out a poll and said, “Women, how many of you want a man to be sexually dominant in the bedroom? How many of you want a dominant man sexually?”

The stats were quite high. She also asked men, “How sexually dominant do you want to be or think you should be in the bedroom?” And that was quite a bit lower. And so she started to see this discrepancy emerging that more women want a sexually dominant man than men want to be sexually dominant in the bedroom.

Now, I thought that this was fascinating. I would not have guessed that if somebody had asked me that initially; and so I actually repeated the same poll, the same kind of survey on my platform on Instagram. And if you’re not following me, it’s @mantalks. But I repeated this poll, and I said, “Men, how many of you want to be sexually dominant in the bedroom and to what degree?” So I said, ‘zero to three, three to six, six to eight, eight to 10.’

Then I asked women, “How many of you want a man to be sexually dominant in the bedroom? With the same scale.” And what was fascinating, to my surprise, was that the data matched up with what this woman, Aella, had found, which is that more women wanted men to be sexually dominant in the bedroom than men wanted to be sexually dominant in the bedroom.

It got me to thinking: why is that? How has this come about that less men want to be sexually dominant? So I followed up with the men and I said, “Is it that you don’t want to be sexually dominant, or is it that you think that you shouldn’t be?”

Now, this is where it gets really interesting. A lot of the men responded by saying that their perspective of womens’ desires, and I asked them to DM me, message, and whatnot. A lot of the men who responded said, “I think most women don’t want sexually dominant men. I don’t think that women want a man to be that directional or take charge in the bedroom, right?”

So there’s this growing stereotype that a man who wants to be, and I think this has been in our culture for a number of years, that a man who wants to be sexually dominant is dangerous. That a man who wants to be sexually dominant is somehow toxic, and that a man who wants to be sexually dominant is actually not what women want, which is counter to a good amount of polling and data and evidence. I think I had about 2,500 men and 2,500 women respond to the polling in the survey. And I think Aella had like tens of thousands of people respond to the survey. So of course this is a smaller subset of data and we can talk about the data itself and the efficacy of it, based on the polling in the survey, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

But the truth still stands that there’s a bit of a discrepancy there. And so I think what has started to transpire is two things: number one, I think that over the years there’s been this very negative connotation around our sexual desires as men. I think that, for the most part, when you look out at the modern narrative, when you look at the mainstream narrative, and anytime that it talks about men and sex, it’s generally not a good narrative. It’s not like, “yeah, men’s sexual appetites and energy is positive. It’s great.” it’s like, “no, men are responsible for domestic violence and all these things.” And so what really gets highlighted is the dangers of male sexuality. So I think that that’s part one, is that the quote unquote “dangers of male sexuality” have become so prominent within the modern narrative that a lot of men are afraid to even go near any kind of sexual dominance, right? Being able to express or explore what maybe is truly what they desire.

Number two: I think is a discrepancy and a complete misunderstanding of what women. And what I’ve noticed guys get caught by is that they go online and they maybe follow a female dating coach, or they follow guys who are talking about relationship advice, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, and they ask the question, “what does a woman really want?” And the more that you listen to, and I’ll just speak from my personal experience, but the more that I listen to a woman, describe what she wants, and I’ve spent a lot of time doing this. I’ve been on a ton of women’s podcasts talking to them: what do you want? What do you desire? The more that you’ll hear a woman talk about what she’s attracted to, not what she’s aroused by. And I think that this is the biggest discrepancy that when you listen to a woman, describe what she actually wants, what she’s attracted to, what she’s attracted to relationally, she’ll often talk about things that indicate a kind of physical or emotional safety, right?

So maybe she’ll talk about status, right? She’ll say, “I want a guy who’s over six feet tall, and I want a guy who has got a good job for himself. He’s making so much money. He’s emotionally intelligent. He cares about me, he’s compassionate, et cetera.” And so all of those things that she’s saying are things that she’s attracted to relationally, but not necessarily things that equal sexual arousal. And you hear this all the time with women who was like, “oh, he was such a great guy, but I just wasn’t attracted to him.”

What she’s really saying is, “he’s a really great guy. I was attracted to him relationally, but I wasn’t aroused by him. I wasn’t turned on by him. He sort of met the criteria of the checklist of what I wanted, or what I thought I wanted, right? He had a good job. He had a good family. He’s very nice. He’s very compassionate, very kind. But there was no element of spark and so I wasn’t aroused.”

So I think the biggest misunderstanding that a lot of men are operating on that I would really encourage us to challenge is this misunderstanding between what a woman is attracted to and what a woman is aroused by. I think if you’re a young man out there, or if you’re an old man out there, it doesn’t matter what your age is, and you’re single and dating or you’re in a relationship, there’s merit in being able to distinguish between what the woman that you’re with or dating or et cetera, what she’s attracted to and then what she’s by. Because those two things are often very, very different, right? You can see this again in female literature, right? If you read, if you read any sexy romance novel, if you look at a lot of the data and the research that’s out there, what women are often aroused by and what they want sexually – it’s not that it’s counter to what they’re attracted to and want in a relationship – it’s simply that it’s often the parts of men that we have in modern culture very much demonized and villainized in the last few decades, right?

So again, in this data, what I really got from it, in this polling, in this survey that I found fascinating, and again – I’m not speaking about absolutely every single woman, I’m not talking about every single man, I’m talking about a kind of general population – is that there are more women who are wanting sexually dominant men. But I think that the number of men who are willing to be sexually dominant, who know how to be sexually dominant in a healthy way – I don’t know if that’s lessened. I don’t know if more men are afraid of going down that path. I know for myself, I’ve talked to a lot of men who are like one wrong move and you get canceled. Or, you say the one wrong thing or you’re walking on eggshells. And so a lot of men are – I don’t know wanna say the word afraid, but they’re very cautious of really getting into a relationship and expressing this part of themself or exploring it with their partner.

So I’d be curious to hear your thoughts. I’m not gonna give necessarily any here’s what we should be doing about it or anything like that. I just want to hear what are your thoughts on this matter, on this discrepancy between attraction and arousal, and the volume of women that are out there that maybe want sexually dominant men; and the decrease or the smaller population of men who are willing or wanting to be sexually dominant?

Man It Forward. Share it with somebody that you know is gonna enjoy the conversation. That’s gonna enjoy getting into the comments section and digging in on this one because the dating market is interesting right now, and this conversation seems to be a hot topic. So I look forward to hearing your comments. And until next week, it’s Connor Beaton signing off.

How To Stay Calm When She’s Upset

Talking points: breathwork, calm, emotional volatility

I’ve talked pretty often about leading in a relationship, but a session with a recent client inspired me to dig into one of the more key components: regulating yourself and staying level-headed while your partner is upset. What does this mean, how do you do it, and why? Listen in.

02:02 – What it means to regulate

05:24 – Why the “take a deep breath” cliche actually works

08:33 – Women don’t want to have to validate your emotions

Transcript below

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What’s going on, men? Welcome back to The ManTalks Show. I’m Connor Beaton. Today we’re gonna talk about the single most important thing to the success of your relationship; and this might be one of the most important elements to being able to lead in your relationship. Now, last year I put out this video that’s done incredibly well called How to Lead in Your Relationship, or Five Steps to Lead In Your Relationship. And you can find it on my YouTube channel. You can find it on my podcast.

I got a lot of questions from men asking me to go a little bit deeper into some of those principles. Recently I was having a session with a man and we were working on some conflict that had come up in his relationship. And he said every time that my woman gets a little fiery, some of her anger starts to come out, or she starts to get sad, I find myself freezing up or I become reactive and it’s hard for me to manage. And I said, “okay, well, let’s make this very clear: your mission in your marriage, your mission, in your relationship is to out-regulate her. It’s to out regulate your partner.” It’s the same with your kids, it’s the same with your colleagues, right? Your mission is to out-regulate that other person.

Now, what does that mean to out-regulate? And it’s not to say that they don’t have their own responsibility. It’s not to say that you need to parent your wife or your girlfriend. It’s not to say any of those things, right? So don’t misinterpret my words, because I can hear the comments coming already, like “I’m not my wife’s father,” or “I don’t need to parent my girlfriend.” No, you don’t. But you still need to regulate yourself, right? You still need to be in charge of your internal charge.

So what does it mean to regulate yourself? Well, if you just look at the definition of to regulate, it means to control or to maintain – and I like the word maintain here – maintain the rate or the speed of a process that it operates properly, okay? To maintain the rate or a speed of something, a machine or process, et cetera, so that it operates properly.

Now, what does that mean for us? It means that we need to maintain the internal rate, the internal speed, the internal experience that we’re having, so that we can operate properly in a conversation, during a conflict or a disagreement, in a sexual interaction. One of the main challenges that a lot of us men have, and I’ve been working with men from all over the world for a decade, and I see this happening all the time, is that they don’t have good – and I fell into this category as well, I’m not excluding myself from this – that we don’t have good maintenance over the speed at which things are happening internally. So we have this internal charge, right? And you can think of it as like an electrical charge, and that’s your normal state of homeostasis. And when you start to feel more stressed, you know that charge starts to go faster. Your heart rate starts to go up, your breath rate starts to go up. The amount of thoughts that you start to have, those start to go up.

And so our work is to, what’s called downregulate – the clinical term, which we’ll talk about in a second, but our work is to be able to reduce the speed at which everything is happening within us. Reduce. Reduce the speed of our breath, which in turn is going to reduce the speed of our heart rate, which in turn is going to calm the mind, right? It’s literally going to settle the storm of the mind, all the thoughts that are racing through. Should I say this? Should I say that? I disliked what she just said there. And it’s going to temper the emotional charge. This, the rate at which, and the intensity at which your emotions are coming through. For most of the guys that I work with, I’m like, “okay, walk me through the process of what happens when your wife or your girlfriend says something or does something that causes you to feel angry or disrespected or upset, or she’s upset with you.” Or she’s just upset about something that happened with her mom or one of the kids or something. And what a lot of guys will describe is that their whole internal process starts to speed up, right? Their mind starts to go faster. How do I solve this problem? How do I fix things for her? Their emotions start to become more intense, right? Maybe their anxiety starts to rise, or their anger starts to rise, or their discomfort starts to become more intense. Their breathing rate elevates, their heart rate elevates and they move, right? We move into a more stressed out state.

Now, how in the hell are you supposed to support, lead, or direct any kind of interaction with anybody, right? This isn’t just with your partner or your girlfriend, or your wife, [but] with your kids, with your colleagues at work, with your business partners, with clients. How are you supposed to guide or lead any kind of interaction when you are in this naturally stressed out state?

So what do we do? Well, the first thing that we need to do is we need to slow down our breathing. Your breath is in many ways, the dial that over a little, brief period of time can turn up your heart rate and can turn up the stress response in your body. This is why this sort of cliche saying of “take a deep breath” is actually kind of accurate. Now there’s a type of deep breath that is going to help you specifically, and there’s deep breaths that are gonna cause you to feel a little bit more panicked, right, a little bit more stressed out. So how we regulate, how we start to maintain that speed is that as soon as something, as soon as we receive any kind of external stress stimulus, right, our partner is emotional, maybe she’s, angry about something that happened at work, or she’s pissed off at one of the kids, or maybe she’s disappointed that we forgot to do something, or her dad or her mom said something and she’s upset. We immediately bring some of our focus and our consciousness and our awareness to the breath, to be able to just check in.

Okay, did I stop breathing just now? Can I take a deep breath? Can I slow down my breath rate? Can I tune into the experience, what I call the D.F.E – our Direct Felt Experience? Can I tune into the direct felt experience of what I’m experiencing in this? Because if I’m disconnected from that, then there’s no hope in hell that I’m gonna be able to support my partner or navigate and traverse the intensity that my partner might be experiencing.

So we move back into our breath. We slow down our breath, we maintain some focus and attention on our breath, and we tune into what we are feeling and experiencing in the body. And by doing this, we are able to articulate and regulate what’s happening within our own experience. And this feels like safety to most women, right? This feels like a kind of – I heard a woman describe it once as, “getting to sit underneath the shade of a tree, after being in the sun for a long day.”

When a woman has a lot of emotions, she’s upset, she’s angry, whatever it is, even if it has nothing to do with you, and you can maintain your connection to your own body, your connection to your own breath, you can provide a kind of safety co-regulation stability that you don’t necessarily need to do much. I think a lot of guys are actually trying to do too much when it comes to supporting their partner when they’re upset or when conflict happens, right? It’s like, “oh, I gotta solve this. I gotta fix this. I gotta figure out what’s wrong. I gotta figure out what to do about this.”

And one of the best ways that we can do that is by returning to the breath, slowing the breath down, tuning into our heart rate, tuning into the charge, and the intensity in the body, and begin to down-regulate that. And as soon as we can do that, we have more bandwidth, we have more capacity for our woman, for our partner, for our kids, for our colleagues at work, whoever it is. But within our relationship, this is specifically one of the most important things because the reality is that even though the world is telling men to be more open and be more vulnerable and share their emotions more and do all of these things, women still want strong men.

And I’ve said this time and time again, and it’s gotten a lot of attention in a lot of my videos, from both men and women, which is that women don’t want to validate a man’s emotions. When a woman says, I want you to be more vulnerable, what she’s really saying is, I want to know what you’re experiencing, so I want you to know what you are feeling and to be able to articulate it to me, but for me to also know that you’ve got it. That you can regulate your own system.

Because a man who is out of control, unable to maintain his own emotional state is going to be an unsafe man. That man might leave, he might peace out, he might become violent, he might become aggressive or abusive in some way, right? So there’s a very real physiological threat that a woman feels around a man who is unable to maintain his internal emotional experience.

And so the more that you can begin to work on understanding your internal experience and regulating it, and out-regulating your partner, right… It’s like, okay, she’s having an emotional reaction. I’m gonna breathe. I’m gonna maintain a sense of peace and equanimity and calmness. I’m gonna understand how I’m feeling and I’m gonna be with that while listening to what she’s going through. That provides the ultimate level of safety and understanding for the relationship. So try this today when you’re around your girlfriend, when you’re around your wife, and you’re around your kids, just start to tune into the breath, inhaling through the nose, and letting your exhales be a little longer out the mouth; and you’ll find that naturally over a little bit of [time], 30, 60 seconds, 90 seconds, as you slow down your breath rate, your heart rate will slow down, and you’ll feel a little bit more calm and grounded in that moment.

So give that a try today. Let me know what you thought about this. Don’t forget to man it forward, whether you’re listening to this on the podcast or watching this on YouTube. And as always, until next week, this is Connor Beaton, signing off.

AJ & John – Are Young Men Actually Lost, And What Society Isn’t Talking About

Talking points: male isolation and “lostness”, dating, dating apps, relationships, redpill, AI

AJ, John and I covered a lot of ground, my friends. I’ve been following along with their work for a while and was recently on their podcast, The Art of Charm. Check the timestamps to see just how wide the net is!

This is a great episode to listen to if you’re wondering about some of the challenges younger men seem to be facing, what’s shifted for them compared to the GenX and millennial experience, and whether or not there’s hope.

00:03:12.000 – AJ’s defining moment

00:06:14.700 – John’s defining moment

00:12:57.500 – What’s changed for men since AJ and John started?

00:22:10.500 – Male isolation is increasing. Why?

00:40:43.00 – The shifting male archetype

00:47:23.500 – Good relationships with other men is a status signal

00:58:03.000 – Is AI going to impact mating and dating?

01:02:16.500 – What are some key foundations to an intimate relationship?

01:09:24.750 – Is there hope for young men?

AJ and John, through The Art of Charm, provide training and personal coaching for activating your ability to attract the right people, create meaningful relationships, and reach greater levels of success in your life. These programs include the strategies they’ve used over the last 15+ years to put more than 9,100 people into the fast lane.

Connect with AJ and John






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Dr. Shefali – Parenting In A Time Of Chaos And Confusion

Talking points: dad life, parenting, teenagers, masculinity

Very excited to share this conversation. I’ve found Dr. Shefali’s approach to parenting both fascinating and helpful. This week over Zoom, we dug into what kids and parents are facing these days, and how parents and parenting culture can best support children.

Dr. Shefali received her doctorate in clinical psychology from Columbia University. Specializing in the integration of Western psychology and Eastern philosophy, she brings together the best of both worlds for her clients. She is an expert in family dynamics and personal development, teaching courses around the globe. She has written four books, three of which are New York Times best-sellers, including her two landmark books The Conscious Parent and The Awakened Family.

Connect with Dr. Shefali






Pick up my brand new book! Men’s Work: A Practical Guide To Face Your Darkness, End Self-Sabotage, And Find Freedom:

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Are you looking to find purpose, navigate transition, or fix your relationships, all with a powerful group of men from around the world? Check out The Alliance and join me today. 

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Professor Scott Galloway – Why Young Men Are In Decline, And What To Do

Talking points: porn, masculinity, male decline, radicalization

Listeners, this one has been a long time coming. I’ve been a big fan of Scott’s work for a long time, and love his no-nonsense approach, particularly when it comes to what’s going on with men and modern culture. Not only that, but Scott has the science to back it up, something I deeply appreciate. Men, share this with your friends. Ladies, share this with your men. This is important stuff.

Scott Galloway is a Professor of Marketing at NYU Stern School of Business, where he teaches Brand Strategy and Digital Marketing to second-year MBA students and is the author of the Digital IQ Index ®, a global ranking of prestige brands’ digital competence. In 2012, Professor Galloway was named “One of the World’s 50 Best Business School Professors” (Poets & Quants). Professor Galloway is also the founder of several firms, including:

L2, a subscription business intelligence firm serving prestige brands;

-Red Envelope, an e-commerce firm (2007, $100mm revs.); and

-Prophet, a global brand strategy consultancy with 250+ professionals

Professor Galloway was elected to the World Economic Forum’s “Global Leaders of Tomorrow,” which recognizes 100 individuals under the age of 40 “whose accomplishments have had impact on a global level.” Professor Galloway has served on the board of directors of Eddie Bauer (Nasdaq: EBHI), The New York Times Company (NYSE: NYT), Gateway Computer, and Berkeley’s Haas School of Business. He received a BA from UCLA and an MBA from UC Berkeley.

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