
Become a Man
of Confidence and Direction

Every man in his life is going to feel hopelessly lost
or stuck at some point in his life. It’s in those
moments that you need to know: circumstances
don’t make a man, a man makes himself in the
circumstances he’s given.

It took me years to understand the subtle
difference in the statement above, but the
distinction is this: if you wait for circumstances
to change your life, you will never sit in the
seat of inner leadership
. Of knowing that YOU—
as a free and sovereign man—charted your own
path through the storms of life.

And this is what it means to be self-led. To see the chaos – the pain, suffering,
and dysfunction… and let yourself feel it all, move forward when the time is
right, and chart your course. To put in the work so that you can:


and move through the limitations that have held you back for years.


how to lead your life powerfully from a place of confidence, clarity, and strength.


more free and in control of your life.

Be more

grounded, embodied, and present for your life and relationship.


by example and inspire those around you


and move through the limitations that have held you back for years.


how to lead your life powerfully from a place of confidence, clarity, and strength.


more free and in control of your life.

Be more

grounded, embodied, and present for your life and relationship.


by example and inspire those around you


and move through the limitations that have held you back for years.


how to lead your life powerfully from a place of confidence, clarity, and strength.


more free and in control of your life.

Be more

grounded, embodied, and present for your life and relationship.


by example and inspire those around you

This is the work I lead men through: working with stuckness and pain instead of against it.
I will be leading a small group of eight men through twelve weeks of deep work.

It will be direct one-on-one deep work with me in a group setting, while giving you the tools, support, and insight you need in order to end your bad habits, and curb your harsh inner dialogue.

But, There Is a Cost to Becoming a Self-Led Man

You must decide if you are willing to take responsibility for your own
life — the wins, the failures, and everything in between.
The truth is, most men do not want
to be fully responsible for their lives.

Most men sequester themselves away behind task lists, their inner fears,
and the excuses that convince them to play small.

For years what held me back in my development and fulfillment was not
wanting to pay the price of self-leadership. The price of having no one else
to blame, the price of having to stand up for my own needs, wants and
truth, the price of having to risk not being liked or accepted by the people
you know, or complete strangers.

But, There Is a Cost to Becoming a Self-Led Man

You must decide if you are willing to take responsibility for your own
life — the wins, the failures, and everything in between.
The truth is, most men do not want
to be fully responsible for their lives.

Most men sequester themselves away behind task lists, their inner fears,
and the excuses that convince them to play small.

For years what held me back in my development and fulfillment was not
wanting to pay the price of self-leadership. The price of having no one else
to blame, the price of having to stand up for my own needs, wants and
truth, the price of having to risk not being liked or accepted by the people
you know, or complete strangers.

The reality is that MOST men
don’t want to lead themselves.

Most men feel comfort in the mob. Most men want to find solace in outsourcing their thinking, decisions, and power to other people, other groups, and ideologies.

So – what price have you been avoiding? Have you been ignoring accountability or responsibility for your actions in your marriage? Pretending like you don’t have a say
or can’t do anything about the situation you find yourself in at work or at home?

By facing these parts of yourself that you work so hard at avoiding they can be integrated and on the other side of integration is purpose, potential and power.

What Men Are Saying About the Program Success Stories

What Men Are Saying About the Program

Success Stories

“I have much more direction”

“Connor has a gift for asking questions that get to your core, and help you to recognize and uncover what it is that you really need. He pushes you and holds you accountable to make the positive changes, decisions that need to be made to benefit your life. Through Connor’s mentorship and guidance, I have much more direction, changed careers (for the better), I found clarity in what I want in a relationship and I feel greater balance in all aspects of my life”
- Luke M.

“The initiation process into manhood that I never properly went through”

“Connor guided me through a process to accept, rediscover and love myself. In many ways, it felt like the initiation process into manhood that I never properly went through. I use the term “guided” because I never felt forced to think, act or do something in a specific way. Rather, I was confronted with possibilities and Connor left space for my brain and heart to do the rest. It is not easy work and that’s exactly the point. I am writing this while I’m still on this journey and the tools and guidance that Connor provided me with are helping me grow myself as a man in ways I didn’t know were possible before we started.”
- Brandon G.

“Connor has a gift for cutting to the core of what needs to be brought into the light”

“This group has been a paradigm shifting experience for me. It’s my first time delving into men’s work in a group setting like this and I am amazed by how moving and insightful it has been to work with Connor and the other men in the group. The structure is stable enough to keep us on track yet fluid enough to allow whatever needs to come up for each man to come up. Connor has a gift for cutting to the core of what needs to be brought into the light and explored at any given moment. It’s been a privilege to work with him and witness his work with each man in the group. Everyone showed up fully and I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to spend such meaningful time with all of them.”
- Christian T.

“I was able to deal with these wounds that have been holding me back in many aspects of my life.”

“I would highly recommend this Men’s Self Leadership group as it was very life altering for me and has given me insight into my core wounds and with Connor’s help I was able to deal with these wounds that have been holding me back in many aspects of my life. The experiential process of this course was very powerful and the bonding with other men was extremely important to work through our own issues and vulnerabilities. I am so glad that I was able to participate in this course and am very very grateful for all the Connor did for all of the men in the group.”
- Mark P.

“The Men’s Self-Leadership Program has given me clarity on who I really am, what I really want and the confidence to go out there and get it.”

“Connor has a gift for asking questions that get to your core, and help you to recognize and uncover what it is that you really need. He pushes you and holds you accountable to make the positive changes, decisions that need to be made to benefit your life. Through Connor’s mentorship and guidance, I have much more direction, changed careers (for the better), I found clarity in what I want in a relationship and I feel greater balance in all aspects of my life”
- Luke M.

“The initiation process into manhood that I never properly went through”

“Connor guided me through a process to accept, rediscover and love myself. In many ways, it felt like the initiation process into manhood that I never properly went through. I use the term “guided” because I never felt forced to think, act or do something in a specific way. Rather, I was confronted with possibilities and Connor left space for my brain and heart to do the rest. It is not easy work and that’s exactly the point. I am writing this while I’m still on this journey and the tools and guidance that Connor provided me with are helping me grow myself as a man in ways I didn’t know were possible before we started.”
- Brandon G.

“Connor has a gift for cutting to the core of what needs to be brought into the light”

“This group has been a paradigm shifting experience for me. It’s my first time delving into men’s work in a group setting like this and I am amazed by how moving and insightful it has been to work with Connor and the other men in the group. The structure is stable enough to keep us on track yet fluid enough to allow whatever needs to come up for each man to come up. Connor has a gift for cutting to the core of what needs to be brought into the light and explored at any given moment. It’s been a privilege to work with him and witness his work with each man in the group. Everyone showed up fully and I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to spend such meaningful time with all of them.”
- Christian T.

“I was able to deal with these wounds that have been holding me back in many aspects of my life.”

“I would highly recommend this Men’s Self Leadership group as it was very life altering for me and has given me insight into my core wounds and with Connor’s help I was able to deal with these wounds that have been holding me back in many aspects of my life. The experiential process of this course was very powerful and the bonding with other men was extremely important to work through our own issues and vulnerabilities. I am so glad that I was able to participate in this course and am very very grateful for all the Connor did for all of the men in the group.”
- Mark P.

Program Breakdown

Session 1: The calling

Session 2: Defining self - leadership

Session 3: Shadow of the Father & Mother

Session 4: Mastering Masculine Feminine dynamics

Session 5: The predator: dealing with the aspect of your psyche that is trying to close off all avenues towards growth and change

Session 6: Embodiment: what it is, why it matters.

Session 7: Charge and intensity: embodiment practices

Session 8: Learning from the wisdom of grief

Session 9: Finding forgiveness (for others and for yourself)

Session 10: Leading through conflict & uncertainty

Session 11: The myth of your life

Session 12: Death, legacy, and integration

How the Program Works

The one thing that makes this program so different than so many programs out there is that I build the program around you and your challenges. Yes, there is a structure we do follow but it’s more of an outline than anything. This allows the group to be flexible and really give each man what he needs.

This means that no two groups will ever be the same as I will be tailoring our conversations and your homework to specifically target the things you’re dealing with in your life.

Whatever you’re going through in your life, bring it to our calls. This is where the work is done. 
We will face the places that your shadow is showing up in your life right now.

Each call will be a blend of direct 1:1 coaching in a group setting and teachings from Connor.

LIVE Coaching

We’ll meet for 1.5 hours every
week for 12 weeks to dive deep
into the content and the
challenges in your life.
You must attend all the calls.

Assignments to
Push you forward

You’ll receive weekly individualized homework on the calls to guide you through your journey.


You’ll be paired up with another man in the program. You’ll be accountable to each other to make sure you’re each getting as much out of the training as possible.

Of Men

You’ll walk away with 7 new brothers that you will have spent 3 months connecting with and supporting on your journey.

Shadow Course

You’ll get access to Connor Beaton’s premier course,
The Shadow Course. You’ll go through the course in tandem with the coaching calls for extra learnings and insight.


Be the first to get notified when registration opens.

3:30pm - 5:00pm ET
Sep 6 - Dec 6 (No session Sep 13 or 27)
3 Monthly payments of
3:30pm - 5:00pm ET
Sep 25 - Dec 18
(No session Nov 20)
3 Monthly payments of
11:00am-12:30pm ET
Sep 6 - Nov 29 (No session Sep 13)
3 Monthly payments of


A: Absolutely. The program is designed to address the challenges men face, and participants are encouraged to bring current life issues to the sessions. The coaching and support provided aim to help navigate and overcome challenges.

A: Being a self-led man involves acknowledging life’s chaos, embracing challenges, and moving forward with confidence and strength. It means understanding and overcoming limitations, leading one’s life with clarity and purpose, feeling in control, and inspiring others through example.

A: Calls will be 3:30pm-5:00pm ET on Wednesdays from September 25 – December 18 (no session November 20th). 

A: Yes. The program is built around each member individually so you
need to be present at each call. Also for the integrity of the group and other members everyone needs to be present on each call.

A: The program is tailored to each participant’s challenges. While there is a structured outline, the flexibility allows for personalized conversations and homework targeting specific issues in each participant’s life. The program includes weekly live coaching sessions, personalized assignments, accountability partnerships, and a supportive brotherhood of fellow participants.

A: Yes. The program is built around each member individually so you need to be present at each call. Also for the integrity of the group and other members everyone needs to be present on each call.

A:  If you cancel more than 2 weeks before the start of the group your payment is fully refundable minus a $100 fee.

If you cancel less than 2 weeks before the group start we will refund your full payment minus a $500 fee.

Once the program starts if you need to cancel for any reason you’ll be responsible for paying the full program cost.

I do this because the integrity of the group is paramount so if you’re committing to the process you need to be 100% in.


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