Work With a
Mantalks Coach


Forget the rose-tinted fluff that shames you for feeling like shit, or the self-help books that only pacify your discomfort. This isn’t therapy, it’s the training you never got in the areas of your life that matter most, areas like purpose, fullfilment, relationships, sex, and intimacy. Stop waiting for permission. This is your call to show up, go deep, and do the work.

The ManTalks coaches will meet you where you’re at without judgment, and be your guide on the journey. It’s our mission to help you face the parts of yourself that are sabotaging you from living the life you know you’re capable of.


Casey Desharnais

Casey Desharnais

Coaching is a sacred art form to me. I’ve trained in multiple modalities to cultivate my own unique approach to this work. My main focus areas have been somatic work, embodiment, shadow work, archetypal work, and IFS. What I do is not talk therapy, goal setting, vision board projections, or mantra repetition. This is depth work, guiding you to re-discover the authentic parts of yourself that have stored potential. And to undo coping behaviors that keep you small and in those darn repeated patterns. We risk finding the rightness in your unwanted behaviors, decompress the negative beliefs, and allow the nervous system to un-burden and flow freely.

20 years ago I trained as a recreation therapist which had a profound effect on me. Most of my Learning came through people with major disabilities who could see life through a unique lens, which sparked an insatiable curiosity in me. It was like they had found a way to look behind/beyond the curtain and taken control of their perception of life. My clients had profound life-altering injuries/experiences that could make some crumble, yet they had unlocked a secret, and they knew how to soak up the joy in life. I was blown away and realized I had a lot to learn.

I had to find my way to this work through my own dark night. My life was profoundly broken. I was lost, depressed, isolated, and disconnected from myself and the world around me. My life was turned upside down, and for the first time, I couldn’t bullshit myself. I looked at myself head-on and started to see all the ways I’d been abandoning my true self. It became evident that I was spiraling into deeper and deeper levels of chaos. I had to get extremely honest for the first time in my life. I had to face my bullshit and my shadows. At the time, I couldn’t imagine there was a place for the authentic me in this world. My relationships were a mess, I suppressed my feelings, and I had no clear vision/goal for my life.

I believe you are innately called to grow as a human being. With proper support and guidance, you are extremely capable of meeting, understanding, and overcoming what’s been holding you back.

My training includes:


Somatic Coaching / Embodiment- Strozzi institute / Coaches Rising


Recreation Therapist, CTRS


Mankind Project
Facilitation - GUTS/
Masculine Archetypes


Outdoor Leadership / Guide - ACA instructor


Somatic Coaching / Embodiment- Strozzi institute / Coaches Rising


Recreation Therapist, CTRS


Mankind Project Facilitation - GUTS/
Masculine Archetypes


Outdoor Leadership / Guide - ACA instructor

Each individual brings their own unique material to this work, my methodology is rooted in attunement, skilled reflection, radical acceptance, and opening questions. A cut through the bullshit rooted approach which employs Somatic Awareness, embodiment, Shadow Work, and authentic reflection.

The work I focus on is: Kind Man vs Nice Guy, Alignment with Core Values, Unlocking/Re-Awakening Masculinity, Dropping Validation, Authenticity, Intentional parenting, Relationship as a Practice, Generative Conflict, Presence and Breath Work.

What Students Say


A grounding force who will act as a lighthouse so you can find clarity amidst the chaos

Casey is a man rooted in reflection. He brings years of experience in men’s work, is a wellspring of knowledge and has the capacity to ask the deep questions required to bring forward what has been hidden from you and your life. He has a depth of wisdom from multiple traditions, and is a grounding force who will act as a lighthouse so you can find clarity amidst the chaos.
Connor Beaton

Casey understands where
your true and complete self lives and finds creative
paths for you to rediscover

He has a gentle approach but understands when you need to hear the discomfort. He guides you to find your inner child, masculinity, and true self. Inherently, Casey is intentional, raw and powerful. He’s your partner through it all – a friend, a confidant and a mentor.

I am forever grateful for the impact he’s had on my life

I’ve worked with many different coaches to gain clarity of my inner workings, our sessions have proven to be some of the most effective in helping me anchor into masculinity and make sense of what has driven me off my path in the past. Casey’s methods are incredibly non-confrontational and instead have made me feel safe in looking at parts of myself that were previously out of view or undesirable to unearth. I am forever grateful for the impact he’s had on my life.

A grounding force who will act as a lighthouse so you can find clarity amidst the chaos

Casey is a man rooted in reflection. He brings years of experience in men’s work, is a wellspring of knowledge and has the capacity to ask the deep questions required to bring forward what has been hidden from you and your life. He has a depth of wisdom from multiple traditions, and is a grounding force who will act as a lighthouse so you can find clarity amidst the chaos.
Connor Beaton

Casey understands where
your true and complete self lives and finds creative
paths for you to rediscover

He has a gentle approach but understands when you need to hear the discomfort. He guides you to find your inner child, masculinity, and true self. Inherently, Casey is intentional, raw and powerful. He’s your partner through it all – a friend, a confidant and a mentor.

I am forever grateful for the impact he’s had on my life

I’ve worked with many different coaches to gain clarity of my inner workings, our sessions have proven to be some of the most effective in helping me anchor into masculinity and make sense of what has driven me off my path in the past. Casey’s methods are incredibly non-confrontational and instead have made me feel safe in looking at parts of myself that were previously out of view or undesirable to unearth. I am forever grateful for the impact he’s had on my life.

Trevor Bird

Trevor Bird

We each have our own unique stories, raised by the stories of others.

As we grow up, we end up adopting the idea that our authentic self is not good enough. So we strive, we perform, we push, make more money, get the best looking women, run the marathon. Why? Do these achievements fulfill us? Or are we overworking parts of ourselves as a means to protect, control, because our true desires were perhaps denied, or told to “toughen up”, learn a lesson, or admired for your achievements which you strive for to get the affection of loved ones. Whatever it may be, this has gotten you to where you are today. And if you are like me, I was grateful, frustrated, and completely lost until I got clear how I got there, and began to re-write my stories.

If you are a father, and an entrepreneur or professional, are you ready to claim your authenticity, show up in all your roles with deep integrity and pride? Are you ready to face your anger and levels of protection that serve you no longer? Are you prepared to meet all the parts of yourself that overworked and give some space to desires, creativity, and joy?

In a supportive space, you will explore your unconscious. Diving deeper into claiming your identity, and expanding all the areas of your life, and retiring behavior that no longer makes sense.

My training includes:










IFS [Internal Family Systems]










IFS [Internal
Family Systems]

What Students Say


Direct, fierce, and will always stand for you, your growth, and your healing

Trevor is one of those people who lives, breathes, and walks the work. He has an intense passion for growth, healing, and understanding the human experience and has lived through much pain that is now wisdom embedded into his coaching. He is direct, fierce, and will always stand for you, your growth, and your healing.
Connor Beaton

Amazing journey of self-discovery and self-healing

Working with Trevor has been an amazing journey of self-discovery and self-healing. He’s patient and compassionate, and the methods that he uses in his coaching create an environment that I feel comfortable sharing my stories and true feelings while learning to observe my thoughts and emotions from a third person’s perspective. His coaching has helped me to develop better self-awareness and apply such awareness to my journey of finding personal values, purpose, and happiness in life.

Direct, fierce, and will always stand for you, your growth, and your healing

Trevor is one of those people who lives, breathes, and walks the work. He has an intense passion for growth, healing, and understanding the human experience and has lived through much pain that is now wisdom embedded into his coaching. He is direct, fierce, and will always stand for you, your growth, and your healing.
Connor Beaton

Amazing journey of self-discovery and self-healing

Working with Trevor has been an amazing journey of self-discovery and self-healing. He’s patient and compassionate, and the methods that he uses in his coaching create an environment that I feel comfortable sharing my stories and true feelings while learning to observe my thoughts and emotions from a third person’s perspective. His coaching has helped me to develop better self-awareness and apply such awareness to my journey of finding personal values, purpose, and happiness in life.

Coaching starts at $225 per session
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