Forge Bonds, Grow Stronger:
Your Brotherhood For Growth


ManTalks online private men’s group for men dedicated to unlocking their fullest potential in life, leadership and purpose.

Unleash The Power Of Self-Leadership

Become the Self-Led Man You Were Meant to Be: Master Your Inner World, Elevate Your Relationships, and Live with Unwavering Purpose.

Break Free From
What’s Holding You Back

Do you find yourself relentlessly pursuing your goals, yet still feeling unfulfilled and disconnected?

Maybe you struggle to assert yourself, fearing conflict or rejection, and often end up feeling frustrated and resentful. 

You’ve spent years trying to be the “nice guy,” but deep down, you know it’s not working. You feel stuck, disconnected from your true desires, and unable to break free from the patterns that hold you back—whether it’s in your relationships, your career, or even your sense of self.

Internally, you wrestle with procrastination, occasional lapses in discipline, and the nagging sense that you’re avoiding the deeper work. Maybe you’ve been dealing with the same issues for years. You may have spent years in therapy, other men’s groups, or avidly reading personal development books, but despite these efforts, you feel stuck—unable to fully express your true self, particularly in your relationships. You’ve built a life that looks good on the outside, but inside, there’s a lingering sense of dissatisfaction.

Externally, your connections with others suffer. You may find it difficult to maintain boundaries, leading to frustration when you slip back into old habits. You strive to connect on a deeper level, but find that your focus on achievement sometimes overshadows genuine relationships. In your career, despite your successes, there’s a hesitation to take risks that could propel you further—fearing that it might disrupt the stability you’ve worked so hard to achieve.

The result? 

Confront What’s Really Holding You Down

For too long, you’ve been trying to do it all alone. 
Maybe you’ve relied on unhealthy coping mechanisms—like addiction, self-abandonment, or falling into the ‘nice guy’ pattern—only to find yourself back where you started. 

But it doesn’t have to be this way. 

You’re craving a community where you can be challenged, held accountable, and supported by like-minded men. It’s time to step out of the shadows of your own potential and fully embrace the man you’re meant to be—connected, fulfilled, and aligned with your deepest values.

The truth is, breaking free from these patterns isn’t something you should have to do on your own. 

Without the right support and community, the cycle continues, leaving you feeling frustrated, disconnected, and unfulfilled.

Internally, you wrestle with procrastination, occasional lapses in discipline, and the nagging sense that you’re avoiding the deeper work. Maybe you’ve been dealing with the same issues for years. You may have spent years in therapy, other men’s groups, or avidly reading personal development books, but despite these efforts, you feel stuck—unable to fully express your true self, particularly in your relationships. You’ve built a life that looks good on the outside, but inside, there’s a lingering sense of dissatisfaction.

Externally, your connections with others suffer. You may find it difficult to maintain boundaries, leading to frustration when you slip back into old habits. You strive to connect on a deeper level, but find that your focus on achievement sometimes overshadows genuine relationships. In your career, despite your successes, there’s a hesitation to take risks that could propel you further—fearing that it might disrupt the stability you’ve worked so hard to achieve.

The result? 

I’ve Been There:
You’re Not Alone in This Journey

I get it. 

You’ve tried to make changes before, only to find that the old habits creep back in. 

You’ve likely tried to tough it out, thinking you can handle it all on your own. But here’s the thing—no one achieves greatness in isolation. 

It’s time to stop repeating the same mistakes and start taking control of your life.

Your Path to Authentic Manhood

I’m Connor Beaton, founder of ManTalks. Over the past decade, I’ve guided thousands of men to unlock their potential, develop unshakable self-leadership, and forge purposeful lives. 

With years of experience in personal development, I’ve seen firsthand how the right community can transform lives. I know the journey isn’t easy, but with the right support and tools, you can achieve the transformation you desire.

Imagine Living as a Self-Led Man


Imagine this:

This is what it means to be a self-led man.

The ManTalks Alliance:
Your Blueprint for Lasting Transformation

Welcome to the ManTalks Alliance—a transformative journey designed to help you become the self-led man you were meant to be. 

The Alliance isn’t just another men’s group; it includes comprehensive programing and structure to guide you through every stage of your personal and professional evolution. Here’s how it works:

Phase 1

Initiation – Laying the Foundation for Success

Your journey begins with a 4-week initiation period, where you’ll be introduced to the core principles of self-leadership, accountability, and personal growth. 

This isn’t just a warm-up; it’s an immersive experience designed to break old habits and start establishing new, empowering ones.

Throughout the initiation, you’ll participate in guided exercises, reflective journaling, and interactive calls that challenge you to confront your current patterns and start building the mindset of a self-led man.

You’ll also connect with fellow new members, creating a sense of camaraderie and support right from the start. By the end of these four weeks, you won’t just understand the principles of self-leadership—you’ll have new tools to start building a life of self-leadership.

Phase 2

Team Integration – Building Your Brotherhood

After your induction, you’ll have the option to join an intimate team of men that meets weekly. 

Led by team leaders within the community, these teams provide a space where you do the work!

Here, you’ll build deep, meaningful connections with like-minded men who are on the same journey as you. You’ll be challenged to grow, encouraged to step outside your comfort zone, and supported in ways that only a true brotherhood can offer.

Phase 3

Mastery & Growth – Elevating Every Aspect of Your Life

This phase is where the rubber meets the road. It’s where you take the foundational work you’ve done in the induction and team phases and apply it to every area of your life. 

The ManTalks Alliance offers a robust and dynamic programming schedule designed to keep you on track and continuously growing.

Each month, you’ll dive deep into a specific theme designed to tackle the real challenges men face today. These themes aren’t random—they’re carefully selected to build on each other, creating a comprehensive curriculum that touches every aspect of your life. Whether it’s mastering self-discipline, building unshakable relationships, or aligning with your life’s purpose, each theme is packed with actionable insights and practical strategies you can implement immediately.

Twice a month, you’ll have the opportunity to join live calls with Connor Beaton, where you can ask questions, seek guidance, and get direct coaching on the challenges you’re facing. These calls are more than just Q&A sessions—they’re opportunities to receive direct, personalized support from someone who’s been where you are and knows how to guide you forward.

We bring in some of the leading minds in personal development, psychology, relationships, and leadership to share their knowledge and insights. Former guests include people like: Dr. Robert Glover, John Wineland, Navy Seals, Stanford Professors and more.

Designed to push you out of your comfort zone, these challenges are all about taking action. Whether it’s implementing a new habit, overcoming a specific fear, or stepping up in a leadership role, these challenges are crafted to ensure you’re not just learning but doing—making real, tangible progress in your life.

Missed a session? Want to revisit a powerful insight? Our extensive library of past sessions, workshops, and resources is at your fingertips, available anytime you need it. This library is more than just an archive—it’s a treasure trove of knowledge that you can draw on as you continue your journey.

The Alliance isn’t just about the scheduled programming—it’s about the ongoing, day-to-day interactions that keep you engaged and connected. Our private community is where you can discuss the real issues in your life, ask for advice, share your wins, and connect with other men who are on the same path. It’s a place where real, honest conversations happen—conversations that lead to breakthroughs and lasting change.

The ManTalks Alliance is more than just another online group —it’s a path to becoming the man you’ve always wanted to be.

Upcoming Monthly Mastery Themes: Challenge Yourself Every Month


The Power of Intimacy

Unlock Deeper Connection and Passion in Your Relationships

October is all about intimacy, with a specific focus on sexual relationships. You’ll explore how to build deeper, more meaningful connections with your partner by improving communication, trust, and emotional vulnerability. This month will also address common challenges in sexual relationships, providing strategies to enhance intimacy and connection. Whether you’re looking to reignite the spark or build a stronger bond, October’s theme will help you create a fulfilling and passionate relationship.


Mastering Relationships Inside and Out

Cultivate Stronger Connections with Yourself and Others

In November, we delve into both internal and external relationships. You’ll work on developing a stronger relationship with yourself through self-awareness, self-compassion, and self-trust. Simultaneously, you’ll explore how to build and maintain healthy, fulfilling relationships with others. This month’s theme will cover conflict resolution, effective communication, and the importance of boundaries, ensuring that your relationships—both with yourself and others—are strong, resilient, and supportive.


Reflect & Reset

Review Your Journey and Set the Stage for the Year Ahead

December is dedicated to reflecting on your year and planning for the future. This month, you’ll take time to review the progress you’ve made, celebrate your achievements, and identify areas for continued growth. Through guided reflections and group discussions, you’ll gain valuable insights into your personal development journey. December’s theme will also help you set clear intentions and goals for the upcoming year, ensuring that you continue to build on your successes and move forward with purpose and clarity.

join hundreds of brother getting real results

It’s just priceless. The Alliance has given me the knowledge, strength and connection with my inner power to really go for what I really want, know who I really am. Nothing is as valuable as that, and won’t ever dare to leave the group. It’s the most nurturing and edifying one I have been in.
Ricardo Rivera
The Alliance has reconnected me to men in way that I never really had. It has allowed me to see what a man relationship can be without all the booze and football. I’ve learned how to talk to other men in about the problems I face and learned that I’m not alone in this place to figure it all out in solitude. My shoulders can only bare so much weight, so with help and community I am capable of the things I desire. My life, mindset, and attitude has changed in way I always wanted but never knew how. It has helped me see my potential, and keep me on track to achieve my goals.
Shawn Moen
The Alliance is my home to defining my purpose. It allows me to look into my shadows and expose to other men the things that are holding me back to leading with a purposseful life. It’s a community of brotherhood that hold a strong bond of commitment and responsibility. It’s the space I see I can turn my weakness into my strengths by the help of the amazing man in this group that will always be there to lift you up when you need them most because this is a journey we can’t do it alone.
Louis Moran
The Alliance allows me to broaden my connection with other self led, curious men, that are able to drop ego and share a safe space for each other to grow in mind, body and spirit. There’s so much I could say - having other great men in ones life necessary and makes the world a better place for all. A real issue we face in this era is having been fed falsities about what it means to be a strong and successful man. The alliance is one way of correcting course.
Marc Torrey
I would say the alliance has provided me with a safe and intentional space to be vulnerable, to test out what it means to be self led, resilient, and courageous, to call forward my learning, and to discuss my challenges. This support network to sound our what I’m feeling is valuable, and the reflections of other men’s honest and authentic journeys is constantly inspiting. Not to mention the values of the live calls.
Peter Middleton

join the waitlist

Registration is now closed. Join the waitlist to be the first to know when it reopens.

Take the Next Step:
Join the ManTalks Alliance Today

If you’re ready to stop struggling alone and start living with purpose, power, and fulfillment, join the ManTalks Alliance today. Your transformation begins the moment you take action.

You’ll complete your profile first to get instant access to The Alliance

Monthly Membership


per month

Annual Membership


per year


The Alliance is an online community tailored for men seeking connection, support, and personal development. It’s a platform where men can engage, share experiences, access resources, and foster a supportive environment to navigate life’s challenges.

The calls with Connor and expert guests normally take place on Thursdays at 4pm Eastern Time. Calls are recorded for those who can’t make it live.

The peer-led team call times vary. We aim to line up your team call time with a time that works for you.

Absolutely! The program is designed for English-speaking individuals, regardless of their geographic location. As long as you have access to the internet and are committed to making a change, you’re welcome to join me. 

All calls with Connor and expert guest calls are recorded for those who can’t make it live. The peer-led teams are grouped by geographic location so your team calls line up with your timezone.

Our group provides a space for open discussions, peer support, and guidance from both experienced moderators and fellow members. You can expect a non-judgmental environment where you can share, learn, and grow together.

Our focus isn’t just on support; it’s also on providing practical tools and education to enhance mental well-being. We curate resources and offer live sessions aimed at personal growth, community building, relationships, and more.

Many members initially feel unsure about group interactions. That’s one of the reasons we have you join a small team upon registration. These teams are designed to be welcoming and slowly ease you into the group, while also challenging you to meet your edge…

The discussions cover a wide range of topics including personal growth, relationships, self leadership, discipline, and more. The group aims to address the multi-faceted challenges that men often face.

While we can’t force participation, you’ll out what you put in. If you’re not ready to put in at least an hour a week engaging with the group, then this may not be for you.

Once you become a member, you’ll receive login credentials to our platform. There, you can access resources, join discussions, attend live sessions, and interact with fellow members from your computer or mobile device.

We value the confidentiality of our members. All discussions within the group are private and visible only to fellow members. We encourage a culture of respect and privacy among members.

Canceling your membership is hassle-free. Just email [email protected] and we’ll cancel your membership for you.


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