Dating & Relationships

Dating An Avoidant? Don’t Put Up With This

Talking points: attachment, relationships

We all have parts of us that are hard to handle. But if you’re in a relationship with someone who’s got an avoidant attachment style, there’s ONE behavior that’s tougher than the rest. Here’s what it is, and how to handle it.

(00:00:00) – Intro, and “the flip”

(00:03:55) – The real challenge dealing with an avoidant partner

(00:05:52) – So what do you do?

A Man’s Guide To Divorce

Talking points: relationships, marriage

Not an easy topic for anyone, but there ARE things you can do that can help things go more smoothly. Whether you chose it or it got chosen for you, I’ve laid out what you need to ask yourself and how you should proceed. Listen in.

(00:00:00) – Intro, and the best question to ask yourself first

(00:07:18) – How do you know when it’s time to go, and midlife changes

(00:16:12) – Divorcing in anger, and the first thing I say to men who have decided

(00:20:26) – Get a good lawyer, but YOU should focus on the ethics, and more questions to answer

(00:25:17) – Get support and perspective, and what to do if kids are involved

A Man’s Guide To Disorganized Attachment

Talking points: attachment, mindset, psychology

Diving into the deep end for 2025, team. The disorganized attachment style is complex, hard to manage, and my heart goes out to anyone who struggles with this. But over the years of training and study, and working with clients with disorganized attachment, I’ve found some things that help. Here’s your primer, team.

(00:00:00) – Why disorganized attachment is so challenging, what makes it different, and the biggest origin points

(00:09:26) – Digging deeper: how does disorganized attachment get formed?

(00:19:47) – Signs of disorganized attachment as an adult

(00:32:05) – How do you heal this?

(00:43:16) – On the importance of working with your nervous system, and one final piece of advice


All right, everybody, welcome back to the ManTalks Show, Connor Beaton here. Today we’re going to be talking about disorganized attachment. This is going to be a full and robust guide to disorganized attachment.

I’m going to define it for you. I’m going to tell you about how it gets formed, what actually creates that disorganized attachment, how it shows up in your life or in your partner’s life or in somebody’s life that you know, and then what do you do? How do you actually begin to work with and move through your disorganized attachment style? Now, admittedly, this is a challenging attachment style for a number of reasons. Just as in the title, as in the name of it, it’s disorganized.

The person really struggles to stay connected to any type of intimacy and relationship. There’s a desire and a fear of intimacy. There is a desire for closeness, but a fear of abandonment.

So the way I like to break it down is, “I don’t know how to be in relationship.” That’s the sort of moniker or narrative going on inside of an individual with disorganized attachment. You could also put on the sort of title of, I deeply crave intimacy and relationship, but I’m also afraid of it, and I don’t know how to make it happen.

So for the disorganized person, there is one real big component that is different from almost every other attachment style, whether it’s avoidant, fearful avoidant, anxious, et cetera, which is that there is a kind of hypervigilance towards any small relational changes. Any changes within their partner, any change within the relationship itself can send that disorganized person into a bit of a spiral, a panic about the relationship being changed or that being a threat. Because for the disorganized person, it’s almost always the case that their disorganized attachment style was created because of painful inconsistencies in their childhood.

I’ll just give you a quick example and then we’ll dive in a little bit deeper. But imagine that you’re a kid and you bring a book or a toy to your parent and they smile at you, right? You’re two, you’re three years old, they smile at you and they take the book from you and they start reading the book. And then you get off their lap and you walk away and you go grab another book and you bring back the book to your parent and they smack the book out of your hand and they yell at you and you start crying and you’re forced to go away and leave them.

That’s very much the case for a lot of disorganized attached people. In their childhood, they were surrounded by inconsistencies. One moment a caregiver would be loving and kind and connected and the next moment they’d be abusive and yelling or cold and shut down and there would kind of be this unpredictable cycle that would play out at home where the child never really got any type of grounding or foundation of what to expect in relationship.

And this is a very, very important part. I mean, if you look at attachment just in general, what you’ll see is that on average people need 35% to 40% of the time when we’re a kid, when you’re a kid, you need 35% to 40% of the time for a parent or a caregiver to understand that there’s a need and to be able to meet and fulfill that need without punishment, without breaking relationship, without disconnecting from you, yelling at you, making you wrong. You need to begin to realize that there can be a consistent pattern of I can bring you what I need and what I want.

I can try and connect with you and you’ll meet those needs. You’ll connect back with me. You’ll engage in relationship with me.

For a disorganized person, that didn’t happen. That consistency, even a 25% of the time consistency of being able to see, oh, there’s a pattern here. When I bring mom this book, mom’s happy.

When I ask dad to play with me, dad engages with me, right? There’s not a consistent response to that child and their needs. Think about disorganized attachment as a form of attachment style that’s really characterized by a lack of an internal system or structure that is designed for managing relationship and emotional needs. The actual internal systems of being able to regulate emotional needs, being able to know that other people care about your emotional needs, and being able to trust relationships, feel safe in relationships, those internal systems never really got fully developed within a disorganized attached person.

Now, this doesn’t mean that they’re defective. It doesn’t mean that you’re broken. It doesn’t mean that there’s something fundamentally wrong with you.

It simply means that the circumstances that you grew up in were not conducive for you to develop that, really to sort of like pour the concrete and the foundation of your internal home with regards to relationships and your emotional needs. Now, the good thing is that you can learn these things, all right? I’ve started to look at a lot of the conversation that’s out there around disorganized, and I’ve seen your comments. I mean, the comments that I get from you guys on YouTube are phenomenal.

I really, really love how much you guys engage with this content around attachment. And what breaks my heart quite a bit is that I see a lot of people that are either hating on avoidance and disorganized people or disorganized people that genuinely feel hopeless. And so if you are a disorganized attached person, please know that you are not hopeless.

You’re not fundamentally broken. And I’m going to walk you through a very deep understanding of what created this, how it up in your life, and what you can actually do to go about building an internal system and structure to be able to engage in relationships and trust intimacy and feel safe and bring your emotional needs forward and meet your own emotional needs. Because that’s one of the other hallmarks of the disorganized person is that they don’t know how to meet their own needs or have others meet their needs.

So last piece about the disorganized attached person, and then we’ll get into the real formation of it. The disorganized attachment can really be identified as a mix of fear and confusion. Confusion is a big, big, big player when it comes to the disorganized person.

They’re very confused. They’re confused about how to create intimacy. They’re confused about how to get their needs met.

They’re confused about whether or not they should stay or go. Now, a lot of people experience that. So just know that if you are thinking about, I don’t know if I should stay or go in a relationship, that doesn’t mean that you’re disorganized attached.

But for the disorganized attached person, this is a pattern. It’s like they just deeply have this sense of, I don’t know if I’m in the right relationship. I don’t know if I should stay in this relationship.

I don’t know if I’m good enough to be in this relationship. Sometimes disorganized attached people are confused about why the other person would even choose to be with them. So confusion is a really, really big, big part of this.

Remember, disorganized attachment, the hallmark of it is unpredictability. I’m going to drive this home a couple times because I haven’t heard enough people talk about this. Because in the wounding is the remedy, right? In the wounding is the remedy.

If unpredictability was the kind of hallmark of what created this interrupted attachment style, this attachment style where you struggle to maintain relationship, then predictability, as boring as it may sound initially, predictability is really going to be a huge, huge part of the reconciliation, the healing, the rewiring of your system, which we’re going to go into. The last piece to this, the last piece I want to add on to this is that your primary caretakers, it’s very, very likely that if you are a disorganized attached person, one or both of your primary caretakers or whoever your primary caretakers were, they were a source of comfort and fear and deep confusion. And this led to a kind of internal conflict and unrest where you don’t ever really know whether it’s safe to approach somebody that you love.

You don’t ever really know unequivocally whether the other person wants to be with you, wants to know how you’re feeling, wants to know what you want. And so there’s a kind of mistrust that happens that it’s not okay for me to be in relationships or relationships just aren’t okay for me. So how does disorganized attachment get formed? Well, I’ve laid out a couple of things already, but I’m going to go a little bit deeper into this.

So it’s usually a response from childhood and a response to your primary caregivers. And there’s a few things that can cause this. So the first one is certain types of abuse and neglect.

Depending on how that abuse looked and how that neglect looked, for example, maybe you had a parent that was very loving and kind sometimes, but just wouldn’t show up to your sporting events or your music recitals or whatever it was. And this was like sort of sporadic. Sometimes they’d be nice at home.

Sometimes they’d be loud and violent. Sometimes they’d show up to your school events and sometimes they wouldn’t. And there would be no rhyme or reason.

There was sort of like no predicting what they were going to do. And you’re kind of on the edge all the time of like, are they going to show up? Are they going to yell at me? Like, I just really have no idea and I can’t figure it out. The next one obviously is trauma.

Trauma can play a big role. And again, here we’re talking about acute trauma, the capital T trauma of physical abuse, direct emotional abuse, sexual abuse, et cetera. Those types of abuse specifically coming from a primary caregiver or somebody adjacent to the primary caregiver that the primary caregiver likely should have protected you from or known about or et cetera, some version of that.

So trauma will and definitely can create a disorganized attachment. Because again, trauma can create fear for some people, really deep-rooted fear. And for others, it can create deep-rooted confusion.

And again, for the disorganized attached person, you can kind of think of it as like the cloud over top of them and the relationship. And they’re constantly sort of wondering and thinking and not really too sure. And they can never really settle in and exhale into a relationship and know that they’re okay.

They’re safe. They’re wanted there. And that’s clear.

The next piece is inconsistency and unpredictability from primary caregivers. So you had a mom that was sometimes emotionally okay, other times bursting out into tears, other times yelling and screaming, other times throwing things, other times not talking to you for hours on end. And there was this kind of emotional whirlwind where you just like, you never knew what was going to happen.

You’re like, I just do not know what to expect. There’s no rhyme or reason. There’s no ability to predict how she’s going to be feeling.

Or you had a father who was there and present and then not there or loud and abusive or jovial and happy and kind of cycled through these sort of like really intense emotions, maybe really close and connected to you and then very distant and far away. And so again, this unpredictability and this inconsistency, when you’re a kid, your nervous system and your brain are actually wiring. And they’re wiring for many things.

But one of the biggest things that your nervous system and your brain are actually wiring for when you’re a kid is relationship. Your nervous system is literally, your body is literally wiring for, how should I feel when I’m in relationship with people? What should I come to expect? And the brain is doing the same thing. Remember, your brain is a pattern recognition machine.

And so in part, the brain, when you’re a kid and you’re growing up in an environment that’s really inconsistent and there’s really unpredictable behaviors and emotions and situations and circumstances that happen, your brain wires to not be able to recognize consistent patterns of safety, security, attachment, connection. So this is one of the big, big parts where your caretaker as a parent or whomever may have cycled or alternated through these behaviors of loving, kind, harmful, abusive, present, disconnected, available, unavailable, and just generally left you as a kid feeling deeply, deeply confused about where you stood. And the last piece I want to say on this unpredictability and inconsistency is that because of the way that our brains form and our nervous systems form, and because of the way that the psyche forms when you’re a child, specifically in certain developmental stages that you go through, you are going to be a kind of a little bundle of ego.

And so all the things that happen out in your external environment with mom and dad and caregivers and family, they kind of get internalized as, what am I doing to cause this? What am I doing to cause mom or dad’s erratic, inconsistent behavior? How come I can’t get them to respond in a way that is consistent and loving and kind and grounded and calm and et cetera? So it’s very common that when you dig down, when I’ve worked with people that have disorganized attachment styles, when you start to dig down into it, there is at the sort of core, the foundation, a belief that that inconsistency was somehow their doing. Like I did something wrong or there was something wrong with me fundamentally that caused this behavior in my environment. I was the reason why dad was never consistent.

And again, this doesn’t logically make sense. As an adult, we’re like, of course, I mean, he was just a mess or she was just a drunk or whatever it was. But internally, as a child, in your body, in your nervous system, in the unconscious, in the pre-verbal states, before you even had language to explain or try and rationalize what the hell was going on in your household, your body and your brain were coding things as, I am contributing to what’s happening to me.

I am doing something that’s causing this. And your little brain and your little body would have been working tirelessly, just extensively to try and figure out what am I doing that’s causing this inconsistency because I can’t figure it out. And so it can be really, really deeply frustrating.

This is one of the things that I really have a tremendous amount of empathy for people that have disorganized attachment because the more that I’ve learned about their stories, the more that I hear about childhoods and relationships in their adult years where they have worked tirelessly to try and figure out and get clarity on what have I done to cause this situation? Like, what’s my part in this? And there’s really, and we’ll get to this in the healing part of it, there’s really oftentimes a mislabeled or misplaced level of responsibility on them for relational issues, specifically in their childhood. They might be causing and contributing to them for sure in their adult relationships, but specifically in their childhood, there’s a misplaced level of responsibility of like, mom was a disaster and I really made it my fault. The last piece, the last two pieces about what forms disorganized attachment is emotionally unavailable parents.

So you might have had a caregiver that is just really, they’re emotionally overwhelmed. They’re struggling with their own trauma, their own PTSD. This is very common when I’ve had people that grew up with military parents or parents that were doctors or first responders.

It’s a big one. First responders have a lot of trauma, a lot of PTSD from what they have seen, being on the scene of car accidents and gun violence and stabbings, et cetera. And so they can really take a lot of that stuff home with them.

And so that can create an environment where that person is emotionally distant. And again, internally, it can be very confusing for the child, for you as a child to know, how do I get my needs met? How do I get some type of connection from a parent who doesn’t seem to be willing or wanting or able to connect with me consistently? And again, as a child, you would have and you will have internalized that as your fault, as something that was wrong with you. Not necessarily something that you were doing wrong.

This is the big difference. Children do not have the capacity to separate personhood from behavior. So they don’t think like, oh, I did something wrong.

They think I am wrong. Something’s wrong with me that’s causing this because they don’t understand that who I am is different from what I do, even though there’s many adults of us that don’t understand that either. But for kids, that’s a very real experience.

It’s just like, mom yells at me, something’s wrong with me, you know? And so they internalize everything. A couple of examples, a child whose parent comforts them in one moment is sort of like loving and nurturing and kind, but then lashes out, is unpredictable, yelling, maybe hitting them, slapping them, spanking them in the next moment may develop disorganized attachment. So this sort of response of, I don’t know what I’m going to get.

Am I going to get hostility? Am I going to get loving, nurturing? Like, what am I going to get from my parent? Having and growing up with a diagnosed or undiagnosed bipolar parent can replicate this. And you can grow up in an environment where they’re cycling through. And so if you have a parent who was sort of manically happy in some moments and then terribly depressed the next day and then kind of okay the day after that.

And they were going through this cycle and you never really knew it was happening. That can certainly cause disorganized attachment. Kids witnessing domestic violence, so you may not have even experienced the abuse on you, but witnessing the abuse, witnessing this sort of erratic, hostile behavior between your parents, that can also lead to disorganized attachment.

So all of these types of things, I’m just trying to give you the landscape. So I’m going to truck through signs of the disorganized attachment. This is also important because it’s going to help you understand what it is that you actually need to work on in order to develop a more secure attachment style.

So if you are disorganized, then you definitely want to stay in on this part. If you don’t think that you’re a disorganized attached person, you could skip ahead to the healings just so if you want to know how to work with your partner. But this part can be very helpful, especially if you are in a relationship with somebody to be like, okay, I’m not crazy.

Like this is this disorganized attachment showing up in our relational dynamic. So people with disorganized attachment styles, they often exhibit a mix of behaviors that for you, if you’re not disorganized, can be very confusing. You kind of feel their confusion.

You feel this disorganized, cumbersome, confused, unsure behavior because it comes out into the relationship. And there’s sort of an inconsistent pattern where they’ll be connected to you. Sometimes they’ll be super avoidant.

Other times they might act like irrational and anxious. Other times, and they kind of oscillate through and you’re like, can we just find solid ground here? Can we land the plane? And it kind of always feels like you’re going through some type of turbulence when you’re in relationship with a disorganized person. What are some of the signs? Number one is fear of intimacy coupled with a very deep fear of abandonment.

So this is where the disorganized person has a kind of conundrum, right? I’m afraid of intimacy. I want it. I’m afraid of it because it’s been inconsistent or it’s been dangerous or it’s been unhealthy or abusive or traumatic, but I’m also afraid of being abandoned.

And so that’s where the disorganized person is constantly sort of dancing between these two sides. I don’t want you to leave me, but I also don’t want to get close enough to you to actually feel the depth of love and connection and relaxation and ease that could come from consistent, connected intimacy. So the person may desire the close relationship, but simultaneously fear being hurt.

As soon as you start to get close and you feel like things are going well, they pick a fight and blow things up. Or you feel like things are going well and all of a sudden they’re anxious and they’re like text bombing the crap out of you. And you’re like, what’s going on? You were just pulling away and didn’t want to be with me three days ago.

Like what’s happening? So they oscillate between clinging to you, clinging to someone, or if you’re the disorganized person, you oscillate from clinging to your partner to pushing them away. And you kind of create this push-pull dynamic. And it’s kind of like this yo-yo effect where you as the disorganized person, you’re like, come closer, come closer, come closer.

And then there reaches this certain point where it feels like, holy crap, they’re so close. And your whole body goes into an alarm. An alarm goes off, right? It’s like, this feels dangerous.

This feels like a threat. This feels foreign for a lot of disorganized people. The consistent, loving, safe attachment is what feels foreign.

And all of the questioning starts to happen. Is this normal? Do I want this? Usually when stability starts to enter into the relationship, that’s when the disorganized person has all of the alarm bells go off internally. They start to question whether they’re safe or not.

And they start to question the relationship itself because stability, ease, connection, closeness, intimacy, all of that is foreign. It’s unknown. And so when it starts to happen, all of the alarm systems start to go off.

And maybe they pull away. They become sort of disengaged and disconnected. Or they start to become anxious.

There’s a deep difficulty trusting other people. So you might notice that if you’re a disorganized person, there’s this constant projection onto your partner of like, I don’t know if I can trust them to take care of themselves, to take care of me, to meet my needs. I don’t know if I can trust them to stay faithful.

And there’s this kind of pervasive thought or pervasive sense of mistrust that the other person is somehow out to get you, going to betray you, going to hurt you. And there’s a suspicion of that other person or the relationship. Now, I want to say something on this because part of what happens for a lot of you disorganized people is that you do attract people who are not trustworthy.

And that is part of the pattern. And usually these people who are not trustworthy, sometimes you have great wild sexual connection with them, but the relationship itself is toxic, unhealthy. You know, really wild and inconsistent.

And it’s just this big push-pull dance and they’re close and it’s intense and they’re gone and it’s not, and it’s a bit of a mess. So your sort of radar for relationship, depending on where you are and how intense your disorganized attachment might be, it’s common that disorganized people sometimes will attract other disorganized people, okay, which is a bit of a storm. It’s a bit chaotic.

You probably, if you’ve experienced this, you know exactly what I’m talking about because that relationship will stick out in your mind like a sore thumb because it’ll just have been this like nuclear bomb that happened in your life. But you can attract disorganized people or you will attract people who legitimately do not want intimacy, do not want closeness, do not want connection and relationship. And so you attract these people that you can’t actually trust and push away the people that you can trust.

Now, this is super important for the healing process. We’re going to touch on it more later. But the basic part that I want to emphasize here is that your relationship radar, for lack of a better word, is a bit skewed.

And it’s skewed towards people who are going to reinforce your current attachment style. Now, that is a problem inherently, okay? It’s a bit of a pickle and a conundrum. So what I want you to start to look towards are the people that would normally feel a bit too safe, almost a bit boring.

I use the word boring. The people that you’re like, oh, yeah, like that would be easy or that relationship, you know, it’s like, oh, that was just going to bore me or I’m not really too sure if that would be exciting for me. Those are generally speaking, and honestly, those are the types of relationships that you want to go and try to have because your nervous system needs to get a sense of stability, of predictability before you can really have a clear sense of being able to choose who you really want to be with.

So you need to have a relationship or some relationships with people that are stable, that are very grounded, that are, you know, again, like I said, I’m just going to keep using the word, that are, to your perspective, probably kind of boring and overly safe and kind of like vanilla. That is going to be a healing experience for you. So moving on, a couple more things that hallmark the disorganized attachment style, unpredictable behavior in relationships.

So again, very common, no fault of your own, that disorganized people become disorganized in the relationship, right? They become the unpredictable person. So they experienced a lot of inconsistency and unpredictability growing up, and how they show up in relationships is the exact same behavior. There’s a lot of reactions to emotional situations that can be erratic.

You can oscillate from being super intense to wanting a lot of closeness to rejecting it to emotional withdrawal. And you might find yourself struggling to maintain any type of consistent patterns of communication, affection, intimacy, right? You might show affection one day, and then the next day when your partner texts you or calls you, you just like flat out ignore them for the next like two days. And all of a sudden they’re like, what happened? So there’s this kind of erratic behavior that can start to show up.

There’s a deep fear of rejection and criticism. This is seen as a huge threat for the disorganized person. And there’s a heightened sensitivity because rejection and criticism of any kind, right? No, I don’t want to go on that date with you, or no, I don’t want to watch that movie, or no, I don’t want to eat at that restaurant.

That is encoded, encrypted internally as a threat. That might mean I’m going to get hurt if I’m disorganized. That might mean that this person is going to leave me.

They’re going to abandon me. They’re going to blame me for something. And so any type of rejection or criticism is seen as a threat internally.

Emotional dysregulation is another big hallmark of the disorganized attached person. So you likely have a big challenge processing, managing, sometimes even understanding the emotions that are happening inside of you. And they just kind of take over. It’s like a weather system moves in and mood swings, outbursts, all of these types of things begin to unfold.

You might be somebody that experiences intense anxiety or despair whenever there’s any kind of relational stress. Okay, depending on the origin of your disorganized attachment style, you will either go to intense anxiety or you can go to intense despair. Like I’m never going to be loved.

Relationships are terrible. They never work. You know, this sort of like Eeyore effect can really set in.

And that can happen at the drop of a hat with any type of relational conflict or stress. It doesn’t even have to be big. It can just be like a reoccurring small thing. And it can send you into this type of despair. Two more things that are really, really important. The next one is low self-worth.

Very common for disorganized people to have low self-worth. Again, the primary cause of this is that the lack of consistent connection and relationship and intimacy growing up, of love, receiving love growing up, became internalized as there’s something wrong with me that I’m not getting the love and affection that I want or there’s something wrong with me that I keep getting this very negative, abusive, whatever it was. So very common that there’s a lot of low self-worth.

And then the big last piece is hypervigilance. This is a big one, team. Disorganized people have a lot of hypervigilance towards any incongruencies, any incongruencies in the relationship, any behavioral changes in their partner, any behavioral changes, any changes within the relationship, the temperature of the relationship, like when things are hotter or colder, they’re closer, they’re more connected, they’re less connected.

A disorganized person will be extremely hypervigilantly tuned in to all of that because when they were growing up, they had to learn to just be in a constant state of externalized awareness, externalized awareness. What is happening outside of me? And they had to do that in order to try and provide any type of safety and stability and internal sense of just being okay. And so there’s a lot of externalization of how are you doing, what’s happening in our relationship.

They might even be very hypervigilant about what’s happening in their environment, things within the apartment or your house, being moved or in the wrong place can cause a lot of dysregulation, can cause them to move into a space of like, is there something wrong with us? Are you leaving me? It can cause this sort of descent into that despair or that anxiousness. So hypervigilance, a big, big, big hallmark of it. Okay, let’s get deep into how do you heal? How do you heal disorganized attachment? The first thing I’m gonna say is work with somebody that specializes in this.

If you are a disorganized person, if you have a disorganized attachment style, this can be very challenging. I’m not saying that working with avoidant and anxious can’t be challenging, but working with disorganized is genuinely, it is a very challenging thing. So if you know that you are that person, if you’ve come this far and you’re like, yes, I’ve checked literally all of these boxes and I 100% am a disorganized person and you’ve gone through and you’ve sort of done the test and you’re like, yes, I’m a disorganized person, definitely work with somebody that has a few skillsets to support you.

Number one is that they know how to work with attachment specifically, okay? That they are specifically trained in attachment. My good friend and mentor, Dewey Freeman, he’s been working with attachment for 40 plus years. That’s what I am trained in and it is a beautiful modality.

It’s very, very important to work with somebody that understands attachment and somatic therapy, some type of somatic processing. Because again, a lot of the hypervigilance, a lot of the confusion that you experience, a lot of the yo-yo push-pull stuff that happens, it is what’s called pre-verbal. It’s not a rational process that’s unfolding.

It is something that is ingrained into your nervous system and your body and it’s something that is in your unconscious and it’s something that is somatically baked in that you need to begin to work with. So very, very important that you begin to work with somebody that knows how to help you get into the body, develop safety in the body, be able to work with your body in a way that is effective, okay? Super, super important. The next thing is rediscover safety with the self first and with the other second.

So very important, a lot of disorganized attached people, they lack a felt sense of safety in their body. So there’s this constant state of like, am I okay, am I all right? And they maybe feel okay if things are fine in their relationship or fine in their external environment, but the minute that any of that changes, they lose any kind of internal sense of safety. So beginning to develop systems where you can regulate yourself, breath work, meditation, maybe getting into like Qigong or Tai Chi, some forms of yoga can be very helpful for you to actually get into your physical body and begin to work on what does safety actually feel like for me? Because as I said, a lot of the things that contributed to your disorganized attachment style are less memories in your mind and more memories of the body, okay? And this is something that I’ve just started to talk about more and more.

It’s this notion that your body has memories, right? Memories of the body are usually the things that are getting in the way in the relationship, right? Your partner does something or they say something in a specific way, in a certain tone, or they text you something, and it’s usually, it’s not your mind that triggers things first, it’s your nervous system in your body that activates some memory of like, oh crap, am I safe? Am I okay? Are they pulling away? They’re getting too close. This doesn’t feel safe. And so in many ways, you have to be able to develop that safety within your body and your nervous system so that your alarm system isn’t constantly going off and that your alarm system in your body isn’t going off at the inappropriate or incorrect times.

So being able to develop safety within yourself, there’s a number of things you might look at. Again, you will want to do guided with a psychedelic therapist, but you could do certain forms of psychedelics. MDMA have been shown to be very, very helpful, and psilocybin has been shown to be very, very helpful.

Things like EMDR have also been shown to be helpful when it comes to things like disorganized attachment. But the main piece I wanna reinforce is that as you work towards developing safety internally and with your partner, it’s very important that you have a third-party person, that you have a therapist, a psychologist, a coach that specializes in this. And again, I’m not trying to pitch myself here.

There’s tens of thousands of people that specialize in this. Go and find somebody so that you have someone that can help you move towards consistent, safe, trustworthy connection. That is the aim.

And unfortunately, as a disorganized person, your body doesn’t know what that feels like. And so you need a third party outside of you to act as a kind of tuning fork for your nervous system, for your brain to be able to trust relationship, okay? And somebody that’s good to see through your BS. So begin to rediscover safety with the self.

Again, breath work, yoga, qigong, working out, all these types of things can be very, very helpful for you to develop that sense of safety. The next one is really important when it comes to the relationship. You have to start to map your yo-yo push-pull pattern, okay? You have to start to map your push-pull pattern.

When do you push away, why, and what’s happening inside of your body? So that’s a question that I want you to write down. If you’re a disorganized person, do some homework out of this video. When do I push away, how, and why? What’s actually happening in my relationship? Am I pushing away because that person feels too close? Am I pushing away, oh yeah, and what’s happening in my body, right? Am I pushing away when somebody brings something up that they don’t like, when they express disappointment, when they start to really love on me and try and meet my needs? Like, when is it that you start to push away your partner? What’s happening in the relationship? And what does it somatically or physically feel like in your body? Does it feel constrictive? Does it feel like this big wall goes up? Like, what actually starts to transpire? And then when do you move into the pull pattern, the pull cycle of trying to get that person closer and closer and closer and closer and closer? Again, what’s happening in the relationship when you move into that pull cycle? What’s happening physically and somatically in your body? What does it feel like when you’re in that pull cycle and pull space? All of this is going to be super, super important so that you can identify where you are because what happens for a lot of disorganized people is they oscillate between these two extremes, right? They oscillate, I mean, imagine in the political spectrum oscillating between like the far left and the far right.

And I know it’s kind of like a funny, ridiculous analogy, but for disorganized people, that is often what happens is that you are oscillating between get further away from me and I need you to come closer to me. Get further away from me, I’m not okay. I need you to come closer to me because I’m not okay.

And there’s not a lot of middle ground. And so as you can start to contextualize, oh, I’m in that pull cycle again. Oh, I’m in that push cycle again.

You can begin to regulate and there’s a very clear pathway that you can begin to walk, right? If you’re pushing somebody away, call out the pattern. If you’re with a partner that you trust or that you’re starting to develop that trust with, just label it, identify it. Hey, you know what? I noticed I’ve started to push you away.

Not because you’re doing anything, not because it’s your fault, not because of anything, but I felt like things were getting too close and I started to push you away. My bad, I apologize. I’d like to spend some time with you tonight or whatever it is, right? Like maybe you ask for a little bit of space.

Maybe you genuinely want some time. This is a process of you really beginning to notice that cycle of push-pull, this yo-yo and back and forth, and beginning to tune more deeply into what is it that I actually need in order to be secure and safe and trusting in this relationship. And again, you might not know initially, but the first step is getting very clear on what the cycle is and being able to communicate that cycle to your partner, right? You have to out yourself, you have to out your cycle.

So out your cycle to your therapist, your psychologist, your coach, whoever it is that you’re working with, and then ideally out yourself to your partner when you get this awareness, because this will do two things. One, it will help you begin to get a sense of, I know where I am, I know what’s happening inside of me, and you’ll have a better understanding of why the relationship keeps oscillating. And then secondly, it’s gonna help your partner begin to trust you a little bit more because you will be identifying what’s happening with you.

And that will actually allow the relationship to find some consistency, to find some stability that it has likely been missing. The next piece is very important, which is begin to reparent your younger self. Now, this is a concept that is in many different modalities.

I started doing it in psychology for a long time, reparenting the self. I don’t think Jung called it reparenting the self, but working with the inner child is a big part of it. In IFS or internal family systems, that’s a big part of it.

So beginning to give that younger self what they needed that they didn’t get from your caregivers, right? So if you needed consistent validation or recognition from your parents, begin a ritual, a daily ritual and process of recognizing yourself as often as possible to reinforce, to start to give yourself this thing, this skill, this behavior, this recognition that you didn’t get growing up. That’s just a very basic part of it. But creating safety will be reparenting that younger self, doing some inner child work with somebody.

I’m not gonna outline that right here and now, but doing that inner child work can be very, very helpful because part of what happens, part of that memory in the body is that younger self. And that younger self comes online, takes over cognitively and emotionally and physically, and says, oh crap, I’m not safe. I need to protect myself.

And I need to protect myself by pushing this person away or by trying desperately to get them to come closer to me. And so it’s that younger self that needs a more mature adult-oriented version of you to step in and say, we’re okay, we can ground right now, we don’t need to chase after them, we don’t need to push them away, or here’s where we are in the cycle. So being able to reparent is going to be a very, very, very important piece of the equation.

The last piece that is very important outside of everything that I’ve talked about is being able to work with your nervous system. Being able to work with your nervous system. Your little nervous system when you were a kid didn’t have any type of consistency.

And that inconsistency is disorienting for your nervous system. And so it can never really tell when it’s safe. And so you need to work with somebody who’s skilled to be able to help you develop a very deep sense of safety within yourself.

Now there’s ways that you can begin to do this on your own. Some of them are more extreme, some of them are rituals that you need to have on a daily basis, but I strongly recommend that you have some type of a daily grounding practice to get you into your nervous system. To start to connect to how does the energy in my body actually feel right now? And when you start this practice, you might feel like it’s just a giant question mark.

Where you’re like, I have no idea. I have no idea how I feel, or I just feel like crap constantly, or I feel confused constantly, or whatever it is. But you just begin a ritual.

And it might be a meditation, it might be that you commit to daily breath work, right? You do Wim Hof, or some breath work style, and you just commit to it for 45 days, or 60 days. And you start this practice of forcing yourself to get back into your body, and to try and reestablish a baseline of safety and security so that you know what to return to when you feel that oscillation into pushing the other person away, or trying desperately to get them to move closer to you. Because again, that cycle for the disorganized, they move into that cycle when they become aware, when you become aware of I don’t feel safe relationally, or I don’t feel safe with myself.

And it’s either in one of those two moments where you push or pull the person away, just depending on what’s happening in the relationship. And so the more that you can work with your own nervous system and your own body, for your own body to be a safe place for you to live, the more that you are going to be able to show up in a consistent way in your relationship. Because the real, and this is how I’m gonna wrap up this episode, the real sort of tragedy or hardship of the disorganized is that it doesn’t just cause a disorganized attachment for you with others, is that it creates that disorganized connection with yourself.

And so the real hardship for the disorganized person is I don’t know how to be safe with me. I don’t know how to be consistent with me. I feel inconsistent and out of control in myself.

And that’s the real challenge. And so at the base of this, being able to slowly and incrementally commit to practices and rituals that are going to embed safety into your body, that are gonna embed consistency into your mind and your habits and your nervous system, the more that you are going to start to lower your baseline from a frenetic, frantic, disoriented, confused place to a more grounded, consistent state of being. And the last thing that I’ll say is that for disorganized people, when they start to have more grounding and regularity, it can feel so foreign that it’s almost like this unbearable thing.

I’ve noticed this in working with a number of disorganized people, where the more they find consistency and grounding, the more intense the confusion, the more intense the urge to self-destruct, push people away, et cetera, becomes. And so please know that if you are a disorganized person and you start to do this work, what you’re going to notice, and I promise you this will happen. I’m sorry to say, I promise you this will happen.

As you start to move closer and closer to having safety, security, trust within yourself and within your relationship, the more, for a period of time, not forever, the more that the intensity of confusion, wanting to push people away, wanting to pull them closer, you might find yourself becoming way more needy or way more avoidant because for disorganized, how do I say this part? For disorganized people, the way out is usually through avoidance or anxiety and then back to secure. You don’t generally go straight from disorganized to secure. Usually what happens for disorganized people is they move through one of those pathways.

They become more anxious, more anxious, more anxious, and then they move back to secure or they become more avoidant and then really have to lean in to relationship and security and safety. And so just know that if you feel like you’re doing this work and you’re becoming more anxious or more avoidant, it’s probably that you’re on the right path. Keep going.

Now, that doesn’t mean that I’m advocating for you to be an anxious, attached person or avoidant, attached person. It simply means that that is the direction that’s moving you towards safety. It means that you’re picking a side.

It means that you’re finding a path. And for disorganized people, that is part of the problem to begin with. They don’t know which energy to inhabit.

They can’t find safety. They can’t find avoidance. They can’t find anxiousness.

And there’s kind of this oscillation between all of them. So as you do this work and you start to ground and you start to find more safety and more security, you are going to notice that the urge to pull away, disconnect, sell everything and move to Bali, the urge to become more anxious and needy and clingy in your relationship, those things are probably going to heighten. Know that that’s going to happen.

Know that that’s okay. Be honest about it with the people that you’re working with, with your therapist or psychologist. Be honest with your partner about it.

Just be as transparent as possible and you’ll move through that phase much, much faster.

Best Of ManTalks 2024

Talking points: trauma, culture, attachment, masculinity

Maybe you’re new (or new-ish) to the podcast. Maybe you’re gunning for new insights so you kick off 2025 right. Either way, we here at ManTalks have got your back. In this episode, you’ll find extended clips from 2024’s top interviews, from the veteran perspectives of Michael Meade to the attachment expertise of Sarah Baldwin. Happy New Year, team.

(00:00:00) – Peter Levine on the symptoms of trauma and using active imagination

(00:19:41) – Michael Meade on the importance of myth, and AI’s possible effects on humanity

(00:31:48) – Sarah Baldwin on anxious and avoidant attachment, and the goals for healing each

(00:47:22) – Owen Marcus on co-regulation and importance of genuine connection for men

Dating A More Masculine Woman? Here’s What To Do

Talking points: relationships, masculinity, culture

This is a question I get all the time from men. They date a woman who takes on what feels like a very masculine energy, and they’re not sure how to handle that without doubling down on battles, roles, and standoffs. Here’s how to build a grounded, fulfilling, satisfying partnership instead.

(00:00:00) – Intro and the reasons women adopt traditionally masculine traits

(00:08:40) – What do you do? Number one: let go of “who’s right” battles

(00:12:12) – Stop fighting for the “masculine role” in the relationship

(00:16:54) – Evoke emotion


All right, team, welcome back to the ManTalks Show. Connor Beaton here. And today, we’re going to be talking about the keys to dating a woman who is more in her masculine.

I get this question all the time from men, what do I do if my woman is more in her masculine or she can’t seem to switch out of that? How do I operate? It causes some tension. And no, the answer is not just bounce. I’ve seen a lot of commentary on the internet of like, oh, if a woman’s more in her masculine, then you’re beta and you’re attracting her.

Or if a woman’s more in her masculine, just bounce, don’t even bother with that. That is a life choice that you can make. But if you’re married to a woman who sometimes occupies more of a masculine energy sometimes, you seem to attract women and date women that are more in their masculine.

This isn’t about fixing her or changing her or trying to solve it. I’m just going to talk about why this happens. Why are more and more women more masculine oriented? And then secondly, what do you do? How do you build a healthy, grounded, peaceful, loving, fulfilling, satisfying relationship with a woman that maybe is more in that masculine orientation? So let’s dive in.

First, why is this happening more and more and more? I think the big thing, there’s three big things I want to lay out. The first one is that society has incentivized women to embody the masculine more and more. There has been this push for women to embody more masculine oriented gender norms or characteristics or traits, things like assertiveness, becoming a little bit more dominant and aggressive.

Those things seem to be more and more socially acceptable for women to embody, to be more direct, to have to be more ambitious. And they are less and less socially acceptable for a man to embody. We can see this in our culture, right? Feminism sort of denotes this idea that in some ways, and I’m not knocking feminism, I’m not putting it down, we’re just talking about it here.

Don’t bring the knives out. Don’t shank me. But in many ways, feminism is promoting equality through the vehicle of encouraging women to be more like men and men to be more like women.

And that’s a very basic frame, but it is a part of what a lot of feminist rhetoric and ideology promotes to women. And what ends up happening is that a lot of women end up embodying, a lot of modern women in big metropolitan areas, they end up embodying the type of man that they want to attract. So they end up becoming very much externally like the type of man that they want to attract.

They’re highly ambitious. They’re go-getters. They’re very assertive.

They’re very direct. They go after what they want, those types of pieces. And there’s nothing inherently wrong with that outside of the fact that it doesn’t leave a lot of room for the man who is that way.

Because the inherent truth is that a man who is very ambitious, very direct, very assertive, he’s not necessarily looking to get into a relationship with a woman that he’s going to have to compete with, or that he’s going to have to grapple with for the masculine seat in the relationship. And what can be challenging is that for a lot of women who are very career-focused and very career-driven, which again is not an inherent problem, but what ends up happening relationally is that they can’t shift out of that. They can’t shift out of this very masculine way of being.

And what ends up happening is that they attract more feminine, what I call feminine-forward men. So men that are generally, you know, they have more softer skills. They’re more nurturing.

They’re more caretaking. They’re less ambitious. They’re less direct.

They’re less assertive. And they have sort of these more feminine-oriented qualities or qualities that we have historically associated with feminine, with women. They seem to attract a lot more of those style of men.

And the men that they really are desiring, these sort of ambitious, driven, direct, assertive men, either get deflected away or women adopt this narrative of, I’m just too much for some men, or some men can’t handle me, or men are scared of me. And this becomes the rhetoric and the sort of way of coming to terms with the fact that they are deflecting away or turning off the type of men that they would really want. And so society has largely, a lot of society and much of feminism has told women, you should be completely independent.

You should never, quote unquote, need or have to rely on a man. And the truth about relationships is that there is reliance. There is reciprocity across the board.

And so what can happen is that a lot of women end up becoming completely autonomous and 100% independent, and there’s no room for a man in their life. Now, if that’s truly what you want and you desire, power to you. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with that.

But for the women who want to be in a relationship, it can be very challenging to step out of this hyper-individualistic orientation that doesn’t actually leave room for a man to contribute into her life or give feedback or grow with her and these types of pieces. The second thing is that some women have been raised by a very dominant woman and they never really learned what it actually feels like to not be in this hyper-dominant orientation. So they don’t actually know what it feels like to be in a more feminine-oriented body, caretaking, nurturing, soft way of being.

And again, I’m not saying that those are the only qualities of a woman that are attractive or appealing to men or that in order to be a quote-unquote good woman that you have to be nurturing and caretaking. But the reality is that when you do ask men, those are things that the majority of men say that they want in a woman. They want a woman that isn’t going to make their life exponentially more complicated and drama-filled and conflict-oriented.

Men, generally speaking, desire women who are nurturing, who are caretaking to a certain degree. And it’s very interesting because the modern narrative is that men either shouldn’t want those things. It’s degrading for women to embody those characteristics, etc.

And so for some women, they’ve just never grown up around a woman who had those more feminine qualities of being able to nurture, being able to caretake, being able to care for the people around her in a way that still embodies leadership in its own orientation, still embodies strength in its own way, but they just never actually witnessed it. The last piece is that some women have been really hurt by or taken advantage of or abused by or betrayed by a man who embodied this sort of what we could call hyper-masculine orientation, right? Very dominant, very assertive, overly direct, but he wasn’t maybe honest or truthful. Maybe he took advantage of her.

Maybe he abused her. Maybe he abandoned her. Maybe he betrayed her in some capacity.

And so what happens for those women is—or maybe she just grew up around a very hyper-controlling father, a type of father that was always trying to control everything that she did, what she wore, who she talked to, gaslighting her, manipulating her. And so this very either deep mistrust of men started to come online, and so they embody those characteristics or they adopt this mentality that the only way to be safe in life is to embody those characteristics of the man who was controlling. So she becomes hyper-masculine.

You can see this in some women that maybe had these types of fathers that are very controlling, manipulative, narcissistic, coercive. A lot of these women mistrust men, and how they develop safety around men is by being in this hyper-dominant, hyper-controlling position where they’re always right, they’re controlling the outcomes, they’re dominating the conversations, they’re dominating the outcomes, and that for them is a position of safety. It’s not to excuse the behavior.

It’s just to say that that’s part of what has created it. So what do we do? Regardless of which one you found yourself in, what do you do? How do you actually develop a meaningful, deep, connected, fulfilling, and rewarding relationship with a woman who is embodying more of her masculinity? There’s a couple of things that I want to lay out for you. Number one is letting go of the who’s right battles.

This is very common in relationships where if you are a man who is remotely masculine, you’re going to get in a relationship with a woman like this, and there’s going to be a lot of battles, going to be a lot of conflict. And that conflict revolves around a kind of power struggle where she is not wanting to move out of this safe space of being in this masculine orientation, and you find yourself provoked in some way to engage in this power battle with her to try and win, to try and be right. This is the thing that you need to step out of, regardless of your relationship, stepping out of the need to win with your partner.

Because when you are in a battle with your partner and you’re trying to win, you are automatically in a position of moving out of a relational space and into an objectification space. You are moving into an adversarial form of relationships, me versus you. That is non-relational.

That is not the type of relationship. That is likely going to bring you long-term fulfillment and joy and happiness. So moving out of this power battle, beginning to identify what are the key things that you and her seem to get locked into a power battle around.

Where do you find yourself trying to prove yourself? Where do you find yourself needing to be right all the time? Where do you find yourself trying to correct her litigiously? Some guys end up going into lawyer mode, where it’s like two lawyers arguing between the man and the woman. And he’s just trying to gain some semblance of, we could call it masculinity, but he’s trying to gain some semblance of control in the relationship by being right. And so you have to start to let go of all this.

And you have to start to disengage because it’s very common that women that are very much in their masculine will use conflict inadvertently and unconsciously as a means to stay in a position of superiority and as a means of staying in a dynamic where they never have to be open, where they don’t actually have to be vulnerable, where they don’t have to share their emotions. And they can continue to perpetuate this belief or this narrative that you’re not safe or the relationship’s not safe or it’s not okay for her to open up or you never understand her or you never actually hear her or some variation of that. So when you step out of this incessant need within you to be right or to win, you stop being adversarial with her and you stop pushing her into her masculine orientation.

Because this is what a lot of guys do unintentionally. They engage in this conflict from a place of, I’m going to be right. I’m going to win this argument.

And it becomes this very adversarial thing where you push the woman that you’re with more into her masculine orientation. So step out of those power battles. The second thing is, and this is the only way I can frame it, stop fighting for the masculine seat or the masculine role in the relationship.

It’s very common that when men enter into a relationship with a woman who has a good amount of masculine characteristics or masculine energy, for some men, it ends up becoming like an intimidation thing where they feel like they need to go into this kind of battle in order to claim the masculine role or seat in the relationship. And you see this in conflict between the two of them. You see this in how the man is engaging with her.

He stops operating from a place of trying to woo her and trying to express desire for her, and he starts trying to win her. He starts trying to conquer her. And it’s a very different energy that, again, will push that woman more into battle, more into resistance, more into, I don’t trust you.

It feels like you’re trying to control me. It feels like you’re trying to manipulate me. And she will go more into this very rigid, protective orientation that, to you as a man, is going to feel more like a masculine orientation.

And it’s kind of like if you’ve ever played sports against somebody and you’re trying to win against them and you’re kind of battling for positioning of who’s the more, quote-unquote, dominant one, who’s going to win, who’s going to take the seat. That’s what ends up happening for a lot of couples where a woman is more in her masculine orientation. The man pushes her more into that by trying to battle for this position or this role of I’m going to be in this position.

Rather than battling her, stepping outside of that battle, being able to identify, here are the ways that I’m actually competing with her for the masculine role in the relationship. I see this happen all the time with guys. They’ll deploy complaints and criticisms and they’ll try and criticize their girlfriend or their wife out of this masculine energy.

They’ll try and dominate her into it. They’ll try and use avoidance. It’s like, F it, I’m just not going to deal with you at all.

And then that creates a lack of trust. So instead of battling with her for the role in the relationship, try out grounding her. The real competition, if there was one, because we all, not all, but many of us like the tactical things that we can do.

The real quote-unquote competition is can you out-ground her? Can you stay grounded? Not unfazed or emotionally shut off or completely disconnected, but can you be less reactive? Can you actually learn to breathe and ground your nervous system? Can you stay calm, cool, and collected even when she moves into the space of maybe being harsh or coming at you a little bit and having a fierce edge? I think a lot of men end up dating a woman who has a good amount of fire in her and they don’t know how to be the water that’s unfazed by the fire, that’s unburned by the fire and actually help the fire start to diminish a little bit and turn down. What they end up doing is they meet the fire with more fire and so they meet that hostility or that aggression or that assertiveness or that directness or the criticism. It causes them to be reactive and then they fight back and they try and fight fire with fire.

You’re not going to put out or reduce your woman’s fire by meeting it with more fire. So the game is to out-ground her. The game is to out-ground her.

That means using your breath, down-regulating your nervous system, having practices on a daily basis where you aren’t going to be so reactive. And the beautiful thing about this, because I can hear some of the comments being like, that’s so much work. It’s like, well, your relationship is meant to be a training ground for you to step into the highest and best version of yourself.

That’s what it is for me. Maybe for you, a relationship is there to serve as a vehicle for your ultimate level of complacency and mediocrity. I don’t know.

Maybe that is what your relationship is for. But for me, a really solid relationship is meant to support me in my journey of stepping into my highest and best self, growing myself in many, many ways. And part of that is being able to ground.

So that’s the third thing. The fourth thing, the last thing, is evoke her emotions. Women who are more in their masculine have a whole slew of unconscious tools and responses that are meant to deflect away from their emotional body.

Again, because that’s been seen as weak. They’ve been told that that’s dangerous to share with a man. They haven’t seen an example of what that looks like growing up.

They’ve done it in the past and they’ve been used or abused or betrayed because of those things. They just generally don’t trust that a man can hear or understand what they’re feeling emotionally. So your work, part of what you can do as you step out of this battle for the masculinity as a relationship, is to occupy the masculine territory of presence and the presence to evoke her emotions out.

And so what a lot of men do is they get caught in the details of what their girlfriend or wife is saying. She starts complaining about a work situation and he says, well, how do you think you should fix that? And so a lot of men continue to push their girlfriend or wife up into their head, which is where they are in their masculine versus helping them to drop down into their body. So instead of saying, what do you think you should do? Or why do you think that happened? You can ask simple questions like, what did it feel like when that happened? Or what happened inside of you when she said that? Or when your mom called you and was complaining about the same thing, how did you respond? How did you feel? And you start to redirect and hold presence for her to express herself.

Express herself, not explain herself. Explaining is a very masculine-oriented thing. And what a lot of men do is they ask their partners to explain themselves.

Explain why you felt that way. Explain why you thought that. Explain why you made that decision versus express what was happening inside of you.

And that is a natural feminine orientation. So when you start to evoke emotions and you start to encourage expression within your partner, you are supporting them in moving back into this more feminine-oriented space. And over time, this will build a deep trust between you and her.

This will build a very deep bond between the two of you. And you will naturally occupy a more masculine-oriented role of being present, being grounded, being the person that’s evoking and witnessing the emotions versus the one that is constantly being emotional. Because this is the last thing that gets caught in this relational dynamic.

A lot of men that attract more masculine women are very out of control with their own emotions and emotional expression. And they end up occupying a lot of the territory because they are the emotionally volatile one. They’re emotionally expressing themselves constantly.

They don’t have a good level. They don’t have a good relationship with their own emotions. And so they’re either completely shut off and disconnected or they are up and down and all over the place emotionally.

And for their partner, it feels like I can’t move out of this grounded state because he’s never in a solid emotional place. So part of your work, and this is where it can be a great dynamic for some men, is that you can really work on moving yourself into an emotionally stable place where you develop that type of emotional stability and robustness that is genuine and real and not a result of suppression or repressing how you feel, but actually having a good relationship with your own emotions and being able to regulate your nervous system under conflict, under duress. So don’t forget to man it forward.

Maybe share this with your partner. Talk about what you liked, disliked, what you’d like to implement and share with somebody that you know will enjoy it. Till next week, Connor Beaton signing off.

Is Attachment Genetic Or Environmental? The Latest Research

Talking points: attachment, genetics, psychology

Attachment as a framework for working on and healing your relationships is powerful stuff. But it’s also complex. I wanted to nerd out a bit this week with all of you over this fascinating study on attachment, genetics, and environment—with a PSA at the end.

Dig in and let me know what you think!

You can find the abstract of the study and request a full PDF here:

(00:00:00) – Intro

(00:04:28) – Why it’s interesting and a potential game changer, and why heritability doesn’t mean it’s game over

Why You’re Afraid Of Women

Talking points: relationships, masculinity, psychology, culture

I touched on this topic in a previous episode and hoo boy, the comments. So let’s talk about it, because there are a lot of historical, psychological, and mythic examples to look at. What’s more, there are ways of working on this if it rings true.

(00:00:00) – What I mean by being afraid of women, and theories from evolutionary psychology

(00:06:41) – The perspective of analytical psychology, and the “anima and animus”

(00:15:29) – Lastly, the perspective of existential psychology, and how a man creates identity

(00:19:22) – So what do you do with this info?

The Ugly Stepsister Problem: The Issue With Entitled Women

Talking points: relationships, mythology, archetypes, culture

The title might ruffle some feathers, but sometimes, the best way to look at an issue is through a story. The symbolism has a way of highlighting many complex things at once. This week, I want to talk about an almost common trope in modern dating, but through the lens of a classic story: Cinderella.

(00:00:00) – Intro, using the story as a lens, and the effect of the “wicked stepmother”

(00:04:13) – The shadow of the feminine and masculine, and the archetype of Prince Charming

(00:10:15) – The value of Cinderella as an archetype and symbol


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A Man’s Guide To Helping Your Anxious Partner

talking points: anxiety, psychology, relationships

If you’ve ever been with someone who struggles with anxiety, this one’s for you. A lot of men lean heavily into trying to fix things, even making it their entire mission. Here are some alternative steps that respect responsibility, autonomy, and help strengthen the relationship.

(00:00:00) – Intro, my working definition of anxiety, and the many places it comes from

(00:05:42) – Signs of anxiety in your partner

(00:10:47) – So what do you do? On reinforcement and co-regulation

(00:14:59) – Attune to her signs, and physical touch

(00:17:36) – How to balance leaning into discomfort with backing off


Pick up my book, Men’s Work: A Practical Guide To Face Your Darkness, End Self-Sabotage, And Find Freedom:

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All right team, welcome back to the ManTalks Show, Connor Beaton here. And today, I’m going to be talking to you about how to help your partner when they are anxious. So if your girlfriend or your wife is somebody that struggles with anxiety and you’re not really too sure what to do, whether they have an anxious attachment, whether they just struggle with anxiety in general, we are going to be talking about what anxiety is, the signs that your partner might be anxious, and the signs that oftentimes we miss, and then what to do specifically.

Now what I want you to know up front is that just because she’s anxious, just because your partner is anxious, it doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with her or you or the relationship. And it doesn’t mean that there is something for you specifically to fix. What happens for a lot of men, especially the nice guys or the guys that find their worth and their value in sort of providing solutions within a relationship, is that they can get caught in this loop that every single time that your partner gets anxious or has some anxiety, that your rational brain turns on and is like, okay, let me figure out how to solve this problem.

And that can create more anxiousness in your partner. It can cause them to feel like there’s something wrong with them, perpetuate the anxiety. It can frustrate the crap out of you because you are very likely not able to solve their anxiety or fix it indefinitely, and so it can create all types of challenges.

So what is anxiety? Well, the anxiety that I’m talking about and the way they’re going to be talking about is an excess of energy in the body, right? So neurologically, when you look at the brain and you look at the different centers of the brain and the neurons that are firing in different centers of the brain when you are having anxiety is very similar to the parts of the brain that are firing when you are having excitement. So the anxiety that I’m talking about is an elevated state within the body, an elevated energetic state and an elevated alarm state in the body. So it might be an excess of thoughts, might be an excess of unwanted physical sensations, it might be an excess of emotions that feel a little wild or uncontrollable, and it’s generally an excess of future-based realities, future-based worrying.

Now that worrying–just to sort of hone in on that one piece for a moment–very common for people with anxiety to be experiencing something in the present that they are worried is not going to go away, right? It’s like, oh no, I feel anxious. Is this ever going to go away? Am I going to have to deal with this all day now? Is this going to be around until I go to bed? And that can spiral up the anxiety. So that’s the anxiousness that I’m talking about.

Generally speaking, when people have anxiety, depending on the severity of it, and this is all to contextualize it for you because maybe you and your partner have never really talked about how they experience their anxiety, which I would encourage you to do if they are comfortable with it. But generally speaking, you can think about anxiety as the sensation that things are starting to move very quickly, and move very quickly energetically either within, so your emotions are starting to go fast, your thoughts are starting to go fast. For a lot of people, their breath and their heart rate start to elevate when they have more anxiousness and more anxiety in their body.

And so that state, that physiological state or the mental state that they can find themselves in often sets off the alarm system in their body and they want to escape from it. It’s like, get me the heck away from this. I don’t want to feel this way. How do I get rid of what I’m feeling right now? So the anxiety can be caused by a number of different things. It can be from past trauma, right? It could be remnants of, like, a PTSD type of situation. It can be because that individual is lacking some self-worth and it manifests in their relationship as anxiousness.

It can be because of past betrayals from you or previous partners and a host of other causes. So there’s many different things that can contribute to anxiety for that person. Knowing some of their triggers can be helpful, but to be honest, anxiety can, you know, set in at strange times.

You know, it’s like when you were a young man, oh boy, this is going to be an analogy. Here we go. It’s like when you were a young guy and you would be in random places when you’re going through puberty and all of a sudden you’d be getting, you’d get a boner and there’d be no reason for it, right? You’re like, you’re on the school bus on your way to school, and all of a sudden you have an erection. You’re like, what is this doing here? Like, why do I have this right now, you know, or just strange situations where you all of a sudden have an erection.

That’s what anxiety is like for a lot of people. That’s a terrible analogy because erections are great and anxiety for a lot of people is not so great, but that’s what it’s like. It can just happen at certain moments when you’re least expecting it with no real prompting, you know, with no real external or internal trigger.

Now, again, it can be helpful for that individual to start to identify what they know some of their triggers are. You know, for some people, it’s going to be certain social situations. For other people, it’s going to be certain conversations within the relationship. I mean, we just go down the rabbit hole, but those can be helpful. I’m going to give you the signs now. Okay, let’s talk about the signs.

I’m going to talk about women specifically. These, some of these are going to cross the border into how men display their anxiety, but let’s talk about how to know when your partner is anxious. A good sign is that she may not want to be social on a regular basis or that there are certain social situations that she does not want to be in because those situations might cause her to feel anxiousness.

I remember I was with a friend recently, one of my wife’s friends, and we were out in a public setting, lots of people around, and we were walking and I noticed immediately that as more and more people started to come around us in this social setting, she, her whole body language started to change, and I just went and put a hand on her shoulder and I said, how are you doing? She’s like, man, I feel so anxious right now. I was like, yeah, I can tell. So certain social environments might cause her to feel anxious.

Different moods and swings, you might notice that she’s easily irritated or constantly overthinking. Those can be a manifestation of anxiousness and anxiety in certain people. Constantly checking in on you and the relationship like, oh, are you okay? Is everything all right? Are you all right? That can be a really, really strong sign of that anxiety that manifests in your relationship where she might just text you and check in on you or constantly checking in on you. Again, it’s not a personal thing. You don’t need to personalize it. It is a manifestation and a byproduct of her anxiety.

Negative self-talk, you might notice that sometimes she self-deprecates or puts herself down and you’re like, where does that come from? That can also be a part of the anxiety. Another big one that I see very common in a lot of professionals is hyper busy and overworked. So some people will, instead of dealing with their anxiety directly, they are constantly busy.

This is the person that’s working super, super hard, comes home, needs to be cleaning, needs to be busy, doing busy work, kind of like doing nothing all the time, but doing something all the time, and can’t seem to sit still and just find calmness and peace. That is a very big sign that they have anxiousness and anxiety in their body, and they don’t really know what to do with it, and so they’re trying to busy it out. Last one is this kind of paranoid, I hear a lot of guys say this, my partner, my girlfriend, my wife, she’s paranoid.

She’s paranoid that I’m going to betray her, I’m going to do something, or I’m not telling the truth, and it’s like, I’m telling her exactly how I feel and what I think, but she just doesn’t believe me. That can be another sign of anxiety. It’s not to excuse any behavior that might ensue from that, like digging through your phone constantly, or invading some of your privacy, or whatever that looks like, but that paranoia sometimes can come from that anxiousness of, is he going to betray me? Is he lying? Am I safe? Because remember, anxiety is an excess of energy that is generally coming from the experience of lacking safety.

I am unsafe in some way, and what that can do is cause your partner to try and over-rely on you, try and over-index on ensuring that there’s safety within the relationship, that it’s solid, looking for different cues. She might also be very hyper-vigilant in noticing any subtle changes in you, so if you’re tired or if you’re stressed out and overwhelmed in a certain way. I’ve seen this a lot in couples that I’ve worked with where the guy’s like, I just can’t catch a break.

She just is so hyper-vigilant and hyper-tuned into what I’m feeling and thinking and going through that if I’m ever off, she’s like lasered in on it, and it’s almost like it’s not okay for me to not be okay. That is a very common theme. I’m going to get into what to do next, but that’s a very common theme that can cause some frustration in a relationship.

Whenever you are not okay, you’re stressed, you’re overwhelmed, you’re maybe a little disconnected or withdrawn, that’s going to activate the crap out of her anxiety, and this is why a lot of anxious-attached people get in relationship with avoidant-attached people and why it’s so hard for that dynamic to end. Oftentimes when an anxious and avoidant come together, it is a recipe for a disaster in the relationship, but it’s also a recipe for a very hard ending because they almost never want to let go because there’s something about it, that dynamic, that activates the avoidance and activates the anxiousness, and it can be intoxicating in some ways and really, really frustrating in other ways. What do you do? What do you do? How do you support your partner when they are anxious? A couple of different things.

If she’s worried about the relationship, asking questions, are we okay? Are you all right? Are you thinking about it? I don’t even know. I don’t want to give some examples and then get in shit for this, but do you think about other women? Are you sure you want to be with me? Do you think about leaving me? Those types of worries and insecurities that can come up from an anxiousness, there’s nothing wrong with reaffirming your commitment, reassuring that you love her, and reinforcing that you want to be in the relationship. Sometimes that is the prescription that’s necessary.

Now, what I want to put as a caveat, an asterisk in here, is it’s not your responsibility to do that all the time in the relationship. So you need to have a conversation with your partner, with your anxious partner, when their anxiousness is not hyperactivated, and say, hey, listen, I love you. I love reinforcing that I want to be with you.

I’m happy to reassure you in moments when maybe worry and concern happens, but I really would love for you to start working on reassuring yourself and looking for the clues and the cues that tell you that I really want to be here. Can you start to do that? So get her buy-in and commitment so that the reassurance and the reaffirmation that you want to be in the relationship, that the relationship is stable and okay, doesn’t rest solely on your shoulders.

And this is what a lot of men do. They see a mission. They’re like, oh, I can reinforce that I want to be with you. And then that becomes all-consuming.

So get her buy-in to have her start to look for the cues and the clues that the relationship’s okay, it’s stable, you love her, you want to be in the dynamic, and that will help her move into a more secure, less anxious space. Number two, begin to help co-regulate. Now there’s a number of different ways that you can do this.

I’m going to give you a couple of them because this is one of the biggest things that you can do with your partner. When she’s not anxious, ask the question, based on what you know about yourself and your anxiety, what do you know or think would help you when you’re anxious? So what can I actually do to support you? She might have some ideas. She might have no idea at all.

Either one is okay, but exploring this as a couple can be incredibly helpful because she might say, you know what, I just need you to put your arm around me, or I just need you to give me some words and remind me that I’m okay. You know, those types of things. The next thing that you can do to help co-regulate is have some code words to lessen the possible embarrassment of when she’s feeling anxious.

So I’m going to use an example. In my marriage, this isn’t about anxiety, but it’s about being hangry. My wife, when we first started dating, she’d get hungry when we were traveling. I remember we were in Paris once and we were exploring the city, and I could just see her getting more and more and more crunchy. And I was like, what is going on? She’s like, I’m so hungry right now. And if we don’t get food, I’m going to tear somebody’s head off.

And I was like, oh, okay. And so we created code words, lemonade, pink lemonade, and Arnold Palmer. And it was like degrees of hanger. And so she would say, I’m lemonade right now. And I was like, oh, okay, we got to find food. So if you put some language to this, it can be very helpful, especially if your partner is somebody that struggles with social anxiety.

They might not want to just come out and say, hey, I’m feeling anxious right now. That might feel overwhelming, confronting, et cetera. And so if you have a little bit of playfulness around it and you have this shared language and she can come to you and say, hey, lemonade.

And that’s the signal of like, oh, she’s got a little bit of anxiety. It’s like, okay, well, here’s what I can do. I can put my arm around you and et cetera. You can have some mechanisms to then co-regulate together during that space. So have code words that can lessen the possible embarrassment. And next, begin to attune to the possible signs that she might be struggling.

Changes in breath, changes in body posture and body language, changes in communication and the way that she’s engaging with you or other people. There are patterns, right? People that have anxiety, they have very specific patterns of expressing that anxiety through their body, through their breath, through their language, how they begin to maybe start to shut down or pull away or close off. And so start to attune yourself to the external signs that you see that she might be experiencing anxiety because then you can check in.

Hey, how are you doing? How are you feeling today? That can be helpful under certain circumstances. But what I will say is please do not over-ask your anxious partner how they are doing. Because what that does is cause them to then self-reflect.

And for some people, they’re going to start to worry like, oh, am I okay? And like, why is he asking? So start to tune into the signs for yourself and you can be preemptive. If you notice like, oh, she’s doing that thing where she’s starting to close off and she seems like a little squirrely and she’s like frantically cleaning something, that’s the sign. Okay, that’s the sign.

I’m going to go in. I’m going to give her a big bear hug and get her to take a couple breaths with me. Next, physical touch, physical co-regulation, okay? For some people, when I’ve worked with couples, they’ve found that helping your partner get some of that energy out, that excess energy, like, hey, I’m going to hold your hands.

Let’s jump up and down. Let’s stomp our feet right now. I’ll shake your shoulders a little bit playfully, right? Not aggressively. We’re not trying to like shake the baby. That’s a very dark joke. But playfully, all of this is playfully. Bear hug, a little bit of a squeeze. What I do with my wife is I’ll wrap my arms around her. I’m not giving her a tight squeeze and hug, but I’ll give her enough of a hug that I’m like, I’ve got you. I could pick you up right now. I’m holding you. And then I’ll say, take a couple breaths with me. And I’ll lead that like deep inhale, nice long exhale. And I’ll just say, soften into me. I got you.

And guiding your partner through that in that way can be very helpful for her, even if she’s not really aware that she’s anxious. And even if she’s not anxious, sometimes it’s just nice to have this baseline that you’ve created in your relationship of regulation, that you are leading the charge of regulation in the dynamic. The last thing I’m going to say is about not going along with the anxiousness, but sometimes with anxiety, people will want to change plans.

They’ll want to cancel things. They’ll want to shift behaviors. They won’t want to engage with things that they have agreed to engage with.

And generally speaking, I like to use the 80-20 rule. So if you are the non-anxious partner, it can be very beneficial to be a stand for moving into the places and spaces that might be anxiousness inducing or that your partner, not actively anxious inducing, not like trying to jump out of an airplane or anything like that, but in the places and spaces, the conversations where that person knows they’re probably going to feel a little bit of anxiousness. And so if you are the stand for moving into that space, that can be very helpful.

The 80-20 rule comes into a lot of the times people with anxiety are going to want to back out. They’re going to want to change plans. They’re not going to want to do, especially if it’s somebody that has social anxiety.

And what you can do is be really grounded and somewhat firm in saying, no, we’re going to go do this. And so 20% of the time, you might need to shift. You might need to alter things.

You might need to stay put and just breathe and support them. 80% of the time, you can support your partner in facing, leaning into the anxiousness, right? As the saying goes, the only way out is through. The only way through the anxiety is to face it and not hate it.

People with anxiety generally hate their anxiety. And they really loathe when it comes up, whether it’s just with you in a sexual encounter, or it’s in a conversation with you, or it’s in a social setting. Generally speaking, when their anxiety comes up, it’s like, oh, here’s this thing.

I hate this part of me. And that can cause them to start to collapse. So if you can support them in facing the anxiety by having some of those hard conversations, engaging in the places and spaces that might be anxious, and support them in a kind of exposure therapy, again, you are not their therapist.

It’s not your responsibility to fix them. It’s not your responsibility to do this for them. But it can be your responsibility to hold the frame that this is where we are going to move.

And usually that is best if it comes from a place of, I trust you, and I see you as somebody that can face this. I see you as somebody that can make it through this experience. Not just your anxiety as a whole, but this maybe anxious-inducing situation.

So those are my rules of engagement, the things that I have found to work really, really well for couples. Let me know which one really landed for you. Definitely man it forward.

Send this to somebody, and probably listen to this if you’re in a relationship with somebody that has anxiousness, if they are comfortable with listening to it. Send it to them and say, hey, what about this really resonated? Maybe there’s a bunch of stuff that I disliked 90% of what he said, but that 10% really hit. Great. Take that 10%. So share this with your partner. And as always, this is Connor Beaton signing off.

See you next week.

The One Skill That Can Save A Relationship

Talking points: relationships

We all know how a couple handles conflict can be the difference between love that’s thriving and resilient and something that is…well, the exact opposite: leading through conflict. Listen in for five aspects of the that don’t get talked about often enough, in my opinion.

(00:00:00) – Intro, and a practical definition of conflict

(00:03:14) – Address your conflict kryptonite

(00:05:59) – Ownership over blame

(00:07:57) – Stop seeing conflict as a path to disconnection, and have conflict “agreements” 

(00:10:44) – Breathe, ground, assess

(00:13:30) – The best question to ask


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Dr. Warren Farrell – What’s Weighing Down Young Men?

Talking points: culture, masculinity, relationships

Warren’s been a consistent and committed voice for men for decades now, an it’s been far too long since we’ve talked, so when I wanted to get some insight on how things have changed—or not—he was the obvious choice! We cover the complexity of what “makes” a man, get into politics, and some solid practical advice for couples. Enjoy and dig in.

(00:00:00) – What’s happening to young men in today’s culture
(00:09:47) – Warren’s take on why there seems to be negation or dismantling of biological underpinnings of maleness 
(00:17:53) – Is there really a difference between men and women, and Warren on listening first, solving second
(00:26:08) – Why do we see a gender divide in politics?
(00:36:06) – What Warren would say to men in their 20s and 30s
(00:41:54) – On Warren’s book Role Mate To Soul Mate, and what makes falling in love easy but sustaining love difficult
(00:52:27) – Advice if you feel like you’re always walking on eggshells with your partner

Warren Farrell, PhD, has been chosen by the Financial Times of London as one of the world’s top 100 thought leaders. His books are published in 19 languages. They include The New York Times bestseller Why Men Are the Way They Are, and the international bestseller The Myth of Male Power. Dr. Farrell presented the findings of The Boy Crisis (2018) worldwide, from the White House to the Norwegian Parliament. It was a catalyst for bipartisan legislation for father involvement in Florida.
Dr. Farrell’s most recent book, Role Mate to Soul Mate: The Seven Secrets to Lifelong Love (2024), is based on his teaching couples’ communication for the past 30 years to more than a thousand couples and psychologists. Warren has been a pioneer in both the women’s movement (elected three times to the Board of the National Organization for Women in NYC) and the men’s movement (called by GQ “The Martin Luther King of the men’s movement”). He advocates for a “Gender Liberation Movement, freeing both sexes from the rigid roles of the past.” His life journey is the subject of a forthcoming documentary.

Pick up my book, Men’s Work: A Practical Guide To Face Your Darkness, End Self-Sabotage, And Find Freedom:
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The Key To Quitting Porn And Weed Is…

Talking points: porn, addiction, mindset, psychology

We all know it’s not easy. We all know it takes time. What you might NOT know is that there’s a simple reframe about quitting things like porn, weed, alcohol, and more that swings the odds in your favor. Listen in.

(00:00:00) – Intro
(00:02:58) – A new perspective on some addictions
(00:04:27) – The real question to ask
(00:07:08) – What to do instead 
(00:09:27) – If you’re like me, this is gonna take time
(00:19:45) – Number five: they create, maintain, and repair connection
(00:25:04) – If you’re not sure which one to start with, start here

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Pick up my book, Men’s Work: A Practical Guide To Face Your Darkness, End Self-Sabotage, And Find Freedom:

Check out some free resources: How To Quit Porn | Anger Meditation | How To Lead In Your Relationship

Build brotherhood with a powerful group of like-minded men from around the world. Check out The Alliance. 

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