Dating & Relationships

Why Sexually Disciplined Men Are Attractive To Women

Talking points: discipline, mindset, attraction, relationships

Title says it all, team. A lot of men simply aren’t that disciplined when it comes to their sexual energy, despite the fact that being disciplined has some pretty immense benefits. Here’s a look at why that is.

(00:00:00) – Intro
(00:01:12) – A potential major cause of insecurity in a partner
(00:02:41) – Why women are attracted to sexual discipline
(00:04:33) – It creates security and safety
(00:06:12) – Do this for YOU because a) it’s hard, and b) most men aren’t disciplined—at all
(00:08:13) – Your sexual body can be THE training ground for discipline

Pick up my book, Men’s Work: A Practical Guide To Face Your Darkness, End Self-Sabotage, And Find Freedom:

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Adam Lane Smith – What Every Man Should Know About Attachment—And What Redpill Gets Wrong

Talking points: redpill, dating, relationships, mindset, culture, attachment

Adam’s been making waves recently with his no-nonsense yet deeply considerate approach to the insanity that is modern relationships. This convo was centered around Adam’s expertise in attachment theory—aka the way you as a child learn to get safety and love. You can probably guess that it’s kind of a big deal. Dig in, team.

(00:00:00) – Intro and Adam’s defining moment
(00:03:07) – What drew Adam to attachment theory
(00:06:16) – Adam’s definition of attachment, and why it’s important for individuals
(00:10:10) – The signs of secure attachment in men and women 
(00:16:34) – More insight on anxious and avoidant attachment styles
(00:19:42) – Where do Nice Guys fit on the attachment spectrum, and how do they move towards secure attachment?
(00:29:47) – The sad and dysfunctional truth about how some men get out of anxious attachment
(00:36:33) – The mess that is modern dating, seen through the attachment lens
(00:44:19) – MGTOW and avoidant attachment, and “clear pill” 
(00:52:11) – The loss of mature masculinity goes way, way back
(00:59:38) – The contributing factors to mature masculinity 

Adam Lane Smith is a transformative force in the field of personal development and relationships. Leveraging years of professional experience as a licensed psychotherapist, he has honed his craft as a highly sought-after Attachment Specialist and personal coach. From hardworking blue-collar families seeking to mend marital discord, to high-power executives striving for harmony in parenting, to millionaire CEOs navigating the intricate world of dating, Adam’s profound insights and advice have proven invaluable time and again.

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Get Used To Her Being Disappointed

Talking points: boundaries, independence, relationships, nice guys

Yeah, it’s a somewhat controversial title. It’s also a challenge. Many, many men bend over backwards to prevent a partner from ever feeling disappointed, and when they inevitably do feel disappointed (because that’s life sometimes), they spiral. Listen in.

(01:15) – Intro and why I’m talking about this
(03:05) – Caveats
(04:42) – Why this is important
(07:09) – I’m not saying don’t have wiggle room!


Get used to your woman’s disappointment. Get used to a woman’s disappointment. Being disappointed in you. Being disappointed in your behavior. Being disappointed in you forgetting to do something. Getting disappointed in you saying no. I said this in a session with a couple that I’m working with the other day. I said, “Can you take on the challenge?” I said this to the man, “Can you take on the challenge of getting used to her being disappointed in you?”

Because the reality is that there are so many men, and this is a lot of nice guy stuff, right? There are so many men in relationships who are trying to avoid their woman’s disappointment. So they don’t say no to watching this, TV show that they’re not interested in: Love Island or The Bachelorette or whatever it is that she’s trying to get you to watch. They don’t say no to going out to the dinner with the girlfriends; or to the event that they have no interest in. They don’t say no and set a boundary to the things that they know are going to build resentment within them. And any time that they get something wrong or their partner’s upset, it’s like, “Oh, I didn’t want to go to this restaurant,” Or you booked a date, and I’m like, “I’m not really interested in that.”

Anytime that she becomes disappointed, there are men who start to just get so worked up. And I was one of these guys, right? So if you’re tuning into this and you’re like, “Man, I feel like he’s just calling me out.” No, I was one of these guys. I was one of these guys who anytime the women that I would date would get disappointed, it would screw me all up because, in some ways, part of being the nice guy is buying into this story that you have to get it right with women all the time and that’s just garbage.

Now, is wanting your partner to be happy a bad thing? No. Is wanting the woman that you’re with to be happy and to feel taken care of and to feel provided for and protected a bad thing. No, absolutely not. Taking responsibility for her sense of well-being and needing her to feel okay all the time is the opposite of what the majority of women are looking for from men.

The majority of women want to know that they can feel not okay, that they can be upset, that they can be disappointed with you, that they can feel frustrated with you and bring that grievance to you and know that you’re not going to spiral, know that you’re not going to spiral out of control, and shut down, and close off, or become reactive or become defensive and try and put it back on them. They want to know that they can have a complaint and oftentimes behind that complaint – “oh, you didn’t book the right place for dinner. You forgot to, whatever, yada, yada, yada, bring home the almond milk from Whole Foods.” Those complaints oftentimes hold an emotional need behind them. There’s an emotional connection that is trying to be made there.

Now, I’m not saying that you should put up with complaints and criticisms all day, every day, right? This has to be within reason. I’m not advocating for you to become an emotional pin cushion or punching bag for the women that you’re with. That’s not it at all. I am simply saying that a lot of men lack the internal tolerance, lack any kind of tolerance with a woman’s disappointment.

And here’s the kicker. Why is this important? It’s very simple.

Because women want to know that they can be disappointed in you and that you will be okay. That they can ask for something unreasonable and that you will say no and that they might be disappointed. And that you will be okay, that you’ll still hold your ground, right? They’ll ask you to watch The Bachelorette, they’ll ask you to go do something that you’re just not going to do, or to go out to an event that she knows that you just have zero interest in and do not want to do whatsoever.

They want to know that you will hold firm on your values, on your virtues, on your morals, on what is important to you, on your principles, even if she’s disappointed.

Because here’s the thing: if you don’t, and when you don’t, and if you do that for long enough, what it teaches that woman is that she has total control in the relationship. She has the power. Absolutely. In the relationship, she begins to know I can tell you what to do and when to do it and you will; and for the majority of women, that is not what they want in a relationship.

They want a man who has a sense of strength, a man who has a sense of values, of virtue, of integrity, of morals, and who will set those morals and values and virtues up in such a way where he sticks to them, he lives them, he embodies them, even if it causes her frustration, even if it causes her to be disappointed sometimes. And the cherry on top of all of that is that when she brings her disappointment to you and you say: “yeah, I get it. No worries. I still love you. Yeah. All good. Thanks for telling me. Like you’re frustrated that I don’t want to watch The Bachelorette. No worries. I’m still not going to watch it, but it’s okay that you’re disappointed. It’s okay that you’re disappointed.”

This is incredibly attractive to a woman because what it signals Is that you have your own identity, you have your own values, you have your own morals, you have your own ethics, you have your own boundaries, and you can assert them. You can assert them, you can hold them, even if, and because the ultimate test is you set a boundary, she becomes disappointed, she gets upset.

Now, I’m not saying that we don’t have any wiggle room sometimes, I’m not saying that there’s no compromise in these things, that we need to be hyper rigid, I’m not saying that. What I’m really talking about is for the men who lack tolerance to their partners, to the women that they date and are married with, to their woman’s disappointment.

So practice this. Practice saying no and being okay with her being disappointed. practice when she asks you to do something that she knows you don’t want to do, and you’re not interested in, setting a boundary and saying, “it’s okay that you’re disappointed. That’s all right. I get it. I still love you. Me saying no doesn’t mean I don’t love you.” Practice when you screw up, because this is the big one for a lot of guys. This was the big one for me. I needed to be perfect in the relationship for a long time. Practice when you screw up causing her to be upset, causing her to be disappointed. And she starts to bring that disappointment to you to say, “yeah, I screwed up. I forgot that. And it’s okay that you’re upset. I get it. I understand.”

So if you can start to build a tolerance and you can start to build a calmness and a presence with your woman, when she’s disappointed, the relationship will dramatically change because she will feel safer. She will feel like she can trust you more. You will feel like you can trust you more. You will feel like you can lead yourself more. And what will start to happen is that your sense of value and worth and being okay in the relationship will uncouple from the need to have her feel okay and great all the damn. Time that you need to be perfect and doing it right all the time. So get used to her disappointment, get used to her being disappointed.

And again, this isn’t advocating, just one last time for you intentionally disappointing her all the time, for her living in a state of disappointment. That is not the aim, obviously, but I just want to make that clear.

And let me know what your thoughts are until next week, this is Connor Beaton signing off.

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Is There Really A Decline In Viable Mates?

Talking points: dating, relationships

This one is quick and to the point, friends. Is there REALLY a decline in great partners, mates, dating prospects, whatever you want to call them?

Or…is the issue more complex than we think? Listen in.

(00:00) Introduction and perceived decline of viable mates
(02:12) The choice paradox and expanded dating pool
(04:34) The consequences of the choice paradox
(05:53) Is there still a decline? Other ways the dating world is impacted

Men, join me in an intense, depth-oriented training regimen called the Men’s Self Leadership Program. Customized curriculum, direct work with me, and limited to just 8 men:

Pick up my book, Men’s Work: A Practical Guide To Face Your Darkness, End Self-Sabotage, And Find Freedom:

Check out some free resources: How To Quit Porn | Anger Meditation | How To Lead In Your Relationship

Build brotherhood with a powerful group of like-minded men from around the world. Check out The Alliance and join me today. 

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7 Things That Stop You From Quitting Porn

A solid chunk of my job is helping men get free from porn addiction. It was also something I struggled with for years. Lately, there’s been a slew of questions coming at me surrounding porn usage and addiction, so here are seven reasons why it’s so damn hard to quit.

If this resonates and you’re looking for some free extra resources, DM me on Instagram with the word “QUIT” for a free guide.

(00:00:00) Intro and reason #1: dopamine
(00:02:51) Reason #2: nervous system conditioning 
(00:05:00) Reason #3: porn’s accessibility and availability
(00:05:49) Reason #4: not fully understanding your triggers 
(00:07:46) Reason #5: no replacement ritual or routine
(00:09:21) Reason #6: last time-its
(00:11:06) Reason #7: lack of external support

Pick up my book, Men’s Work: A Practical Guide To Face Your Darkness, End Self-Sabotage, And Find Freedom:

Check out some free resources: How To Quit Porn | Anger Meditation | How To Lead In Your Relationship

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Dr. Robert Glover and Tony Endelman – Dissecting The New Roles, Needs, And Expectations Of Men

Talking points: masculinity, dating, relationships, patriarchy, balance

This is a hefty one, folks. The legendary Dr. Glover and acclaimed coach and writer Tony Endelman sat down with me to analyze the shifting roles, needs, expectations, and environments that men find themselves in.

This is a great episode to listen to if you’d like a frank but broad-minded lens to look at the male experience with. A lot of what Dr. Glover, Tony, and I talk about are things we’ve seen again and again in clients, friends, and our own research.

(0:00:00) – Intro
(0:03:19) – What’s happening to boys and men and why?
(0:16:33) – Tony’s perspective, and masculinity in the digital age
(0:24:23) – Male relationships in dating and in general life
(0:37:22) – Is modern dating a s***show?
(0:49:13) – Conscious dating, emotional tension, and the friend zone

Dr. Robert Glover, therapist, coach, speaker, and educator is a relationship expert with over 40 years of professional experience. The author of the groundbreaking, No More Mr. Nice Guy, the best-selling Dating Essentials for Men, and the recently released, Dating Essentials for Men: Frequently Asked Questions, Dr. Glover has helped thousands of men world-wide transform their lives and get what they want in relationship, sex, and career.

Tony Endelman is an author, blogger, entrepreneur, and certified transformational life coach. He is also certified in the Psychology of Happiness. His website has been named one of the top 100 personal development blogs. Tony was born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska, and graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a degree in communications. Tony currently lives in New Orleans.

Pick up my book, Men’s Work: A Practical Guide To Face Your Darkness, End Self-Sabotage, And Find Freedom:

Check out some free resources: How To Quit Porn | Anger Meditation | How To Lead In Your Relationship

Build brotherhood with a powerful group of like-minded men from around the world. Check out The Alliance and join me today. 

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Women Would Understand Men Better If…

Talking points: isolation, masculinity, rationality, validation

A woman on Instagram DM’d me a great question a while ago: what do I need to know about men that I might not understand? Well, I came up with five ways to understand the average guy’s lived experience. Enjoy!

(00:55) – Imagine having few or no close friends
(03:27) – Imagine overindexing rationality and logic
(05:37) – Link your sense of self-worth to productivity
(07:36) – Imagine getting 1/10th the validation you normally do
(11:59) – Imagine getting condemned and praised for dominance

Pick up my brand-new book, Men’s Work: A Practical Guide To Face Your Darkness, End Self-Sabotage, And Find Freedom:

Check out some free resources: How To Quit Porn | Anger Meditation | How To Lead In Your Relationship

Build brotherhood with a powerful group of like-minded men from around the world. Check out The Alliance and join me today. 

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Should You Even Bother Having Kids?

I get asked this question a lot, so here’s an honest, off-the-cuff response. I get why a lot of people choose not to, but I think there are also some powerful reasons in the other direction. Listen in.

Pick up my brand-new book, Men’s Work: A Practical Guide To Face Your Darkness, End Self-Sabotage, And Find Freedom:

Check out some free resources: How To Quit Porn | Anger Meditation | How To Lead In Your Relationship

Build brotherhood with a powerful group of like-minded men from around the world. Check out The Alliance and join me today. 

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Dr. Doug Weiss – Porn And Sex Addiction Are More Complex Than You Think

Talking points: addiction, sex, porn, narcissism, relationships, therapy

I’ve yet to meet a man who hasn’t struggled at some point in his life with porn addiction. I was one of them. But is sex addiction any different, and is it more or less complex? I sat down with Dr. Doug Weiss, himself a recovered sex addict (37 years and counting!) to get some insight.

This is an ep to listen to if you’re looking for more insight on a pervasive problem for many, many people. One that can heavily impact relationships, work ethic, and even overall success.

[00:01:11] – Dougs defining moment
[00:03:27] – Defining sexual addiction
[00:19:41] – What is intimacy anorexia, and what’s contributing to it?
[00:30:37] – Reinforcing yours AND your partner’s experiences, and matching types of expression in sex
[00:39:28] – Partner betrayal trauma
[00:44:08] – What makes intimate relationships unique
[00:46:19] – More on sex and porn addiction
[00:50:45] – Sex addiction and ADHD
[00:54:11] – Can you be addicted to validation? 
[00:57:58] – Can sex addiction escalate into something darker?
[01:00:51] – On narcissism

Dr. Doug Weiss is the Executive Director of Heart to Heart Counseling Center and has been helping couples and individuals for over thirty years. He is the President of the American Association for Sexual Addiction Therapy where his treatment model for sex addiction, partner betrayal trauma, and intimacy anorexia is used in counseling practices all over the world. 

His direct and charismatic approach to handling tough issues has made him sought after for professional appearances on television shows such as The Oprah Winfrey show, Dr. Phil, Good Morning America, 20/20, The Doctors, Daystar, FoxNews, CNN, Montel, and more.

Dr. Doug Weiss has written and filmed over 40 books and therapeutic teachings that directly address specific issues in relationships regarding intimacy, sex, partner betrayal trauma, sex addiction, parenting, and more. He has had more than one Lifetime movie made about his counseling practice (Heart to Heart Counseling Center) in Colorado Springs. 

Connect with Doug


-Intimacy Anorexia:




Pick up my brand-new book, Men’s Work: A Practical Guide To Face Your Darkness, End Self-Sabotage, And Find Freedom:

Check out some free resources: How To Quit Porn | Anger Meditation | How To Lead In Your Relationship

Build brotherhood with a powerful group of like-minded men from around the world. Check out The Alliance and join me today. 

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Maintaining Relationship Through Disagreement

It’s not easy. It’s not simple. It’s not comfortable. It’s definitely not fun. But it’s good for you, and in times like these may be one of the most important skills to cultivate.


All right, team. Welcome back to the ManTalks Show. Connor Beaton here, and today we’re gonna be talking about one of the most important skills that you should develop – just as a human being. This is an incredibly important skill far too few people have been able to develop in their life. And I’m gonna share with you why I’m talking about this.

So recently, I have had a couple guests on my show that are a little bit more controversial, and it has been very fascinating to watch, observe, receive the responses of having those guests on my show. Everything from, “I can’t believe that you would platform this person, and how could you believe what they believe,” making wild assumptions, to questioning why I had them on the show, to thanking me for having them on the show to saying that they were somebody’s favorite guests on the show. So this massive gamut, having these controversial guests on the show.

But one of the interesting things that really stood out to me was how many people threatened to unfollow me, or threatened to never tune into my show again, or made some type of threat saying: “Oh, you’re going off the rails by having this person on your show, or having these people on your show,” and never throughout any of that questioning whether or not I agreed with them, whether or not my belief system and my value system is the same as theirs. Never inquiring as to why I actually had these people on the show.

And so I’m going to give you what I think every single man especially needs to develop in our modern time. This very skill, I think, is incredibly important, and I’m just gonna tie it in, and this will be probably pretty brief, but one of the biggest skills I think that we can develop as a man is the capacity to be relational with people that we disagree with.

I’m gonna say that again: be relational with people that we disagree with.

I have been running my podcast for seven years. I’ve had hundreds of people on the show, and I haven’t always agreed with them. I wouldn’t always agree with their perspective. I haven’t always agreed with their religion. I haven’t always agreed with their politics. But the point of me being a good moderator and host isn’t to always agree with everybody that I’m communicating with. That’s not the point.

The point is: can I better understand their worldview?

Can I be curious enough and inquisitive enough and impartial enough to understand their perspective that maybe has value to a large subset of people? Even if those people are different in their belief structures and systems than me?

I remember working at Apple for a number of years, and I tell you why this is so important, both within your intimate relationships and out in the world.

I worked at Apple for a number of years, and eventually, one of my roles, one of my positions was a market leader for the company. And part of my role within that company was to deal with some of the most unsavory, disgruntled customers that had come into the ecosystem, right? They were pissed off, they were entitled. They thought that they deserve something that was just nonsensical sometimes. They’re super angry, they’re super upset with you, and so automatically, there’s a massive disagreement, right? They want something. They believe they’re entitled to something that is just false. It’s just not possible.

So there’s automatically this discrepancy of agreement between you and this person. That’s how the conversation is starting. And over the years of doing this job, I got very good at being able to de-escalate people, at being able to understand their perspective, at being able to set more realistic expectations, and at being able to maintain, and this is the important part, a relationship with somebody who was coming in armed to the teeth right, ready to destroy, pissed off with the company who I happen to represent in that moment.

And the reason why this is so important is that when you look at our culture today, when you look at the political landscape, when you look at the media landscape, it is awash in the just dumbfounding incapacity of people who are able to maintain some type of relational conversation with other human beings that they happen to disagree with.

You can go online, and as soon as people, as soon as you see people disagree with one another, the communication and the conversation and the relationship dissolves instantaneously. It evaporates. And the problem with this is that this has turned people into very fragile, very psychologically weak people who can’t have proper disagreements.

And so if you are somebody who is so wildly susceptible to getting so reactive with somebody that you disagree with online or you tune into a podcast, or your favorite show, or news station, and they have somebody on the show that you disagree with, and your immediate response is, “I’m never tuning into this show again,” that is going to filter in to your life. That’s gonna filter into how you have conflict with your wife or your girlfriend. That’s gonna filter in to how you show up at work. It’s gonna filter into how you raise your kids. It’s gonna filter into how you deal with your friends. And this notion that we should just ban people and exile people from our lives because we disagree with them, or because they maybe believe something that’s different from us is a very damaging notion – both on a community and social level, but also on an individual level.

Because here’s the thing about human beings: we thrive off of a sense of resiliency and being robust. And the more that you are able to be in relationship with people, and again, I’m not saying surround yourself with people that you just disagree with and hang out with them constantly and go out to the bar and do that kind of stuff.

But the more that you’re actually able to converse and be around people that you disagree with and have meaningful conversations with them and say, “I don’t think I agree with you, but that doesn’t make you a bad person. I don’t think I agree with what you belief is around this political thing, or whatever it might be. But I can see your point. I can see why you believe that, because I’ve done the legwork to understand why you came to that belief, why you came to that value, why you came to that decision.”

And when we lack that capacity, we actually begin to operate in such a way in our relationships, not even in society or culture or in the world, but in our relationships, we begin to operate in a very fragile way that says, “you can’t disagree with me because otherwise I can’t be in relationship with you. You can’t disagree with what I’m saying or my beliefs or what I want or what I desire, or what I want things to look like. Otherwise, I won’t be in relationship with you.”

And so this impending and background threat of I’m going to unperson you, I’m going to cancel you out of my life in some capacity becomes the sort of guillotine that we use to get people to conform to what we want. And this does not create psychologically, emotionally, physically, spiritually, robust and resilient human beings.

And so one of the best things that you can do, and I wish I had done this sooner, I wish that somebody told me in my twenties, “look, If you really want to be a resilient man, go and talk to people that you just fundamentally disagree with. Go and have some type of relational conversation with them where you’re not attacking their character.”

You’re not trying to dismantle them. You’re not, trying to take them down a peg or change their mind. You’re actually just being in a relational conversation with them where you’re saying, “I don’t understand your perspective. I don’t get your opinion. I actually don’t understand your belief. Tell me more. Why do you believe that? Tell me how you came to this conclusion. Give me some information about your worldview and what formed that.”

I’ll just wrap this up with one final piece, which is, I just interviewed this gentleman named Sterling Cooper, who is a former porn star, and I got some heat for having him on the show because of some of his beliefs and some of his views; but one of the things that I found very interesting was I asked him very openly: what got you into this in the first place? What was your defining moment?

And he opened up and told me about a story that I don’t think he’s told on any other show, about losing his mother, about his mom. I think she had some form of cancer and then she passed away and it dramatically altered his life in a way where he began to question – life is short, and so what do I want to do? What do I wanna experience? How do I want to live?

Now you might not agree with what he came up with in terms of the life that he’s chosen and the life that he’s built, but it’s wildly fascinating to see how somebody losing a parent, how that’s going to alter their life, because I’ve interviewed a number of guests where that has been the case and it’s pushed them into all kinds of trajectories, all kinds of decisions, all kinds of experiences and adventures.

And so take the time in your life to develop some type of capacity to have deeper conversations with people that you disagree with. Listen to perspectives that you disagree with. Engage with people that you disagree with.

Stay grounded, stay rooted, stay curious, ask better questions. Try and see if you can build some type of understanding of what led them to that decision, to that choice, to that perspective in the first place. And probably what you’ll find is one that will help you maintain the relationship, which is an incredibly valuable skill in trade.

If you are a man who can maintain relationship through disagreement, you are going to have a kind of superpower at work and at home that is just invaluable because so many men do not know how to be in disagreement with somebody and maintain the relationship because we move into this “I gotta be right. I gotta prove you that you’re wrong. I gotta fix this problem. I gotta solve this solution.”

And the relationship goes out the window and then everything breaks down. So if you are a man who can be in disagreement with somebody and maintain the relationship, you have developed something so foundationally important, not just to us as human beings, not just to maybe your marriage or your relationship, not just to your work and your colleagues and your friends, but to culture and humanity itself, because when you look at out the world right now, when I look out at the world right now, what I see are a whole bunch of people that cannot disagree with somebody and still maintain a relational, ethical, and moral way of interacting with that other person. And that, to me is wildly dangerous. It’s brutally terrifying because I think it’s going to lead to a lot of tremendous – a lot of horrible stuff. It already is, right? The way that we interact and treat with – treat each other online is despicable. Often, it’s really not a moral thing. It’s not a moral way that we’re interacting with one another.

Let me know what you thought about this. Do you agree? Do you disagree? What would you add to it?

Please don’t forget to Man It Forward. Share this. This is how we’ve grown. We’ve never done any marketing. I’ve never marketed this show. This is all through word of mouth, so share it, Man It Forward, and until next week, this is Connor Beaton signing off.

Pick up my brand-new book, Men’s Work: A Practical Guide To Face Your Darkness, End Self-Sabotage, And Find Freedom:

Check out some free resources: How To Quit Porn | Anger Meditation | How To Lead In Your Relationship

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Christine Hassler – Anger, The Feminine, And Successful Relationships

Talking points: anger, relationships, finances, birth, mental health, masculine/feminine dynamics

Delighted to have the frank yet eloquent honesty of Christine Hassler on the show. This episode is a top choice to listen to with your partner if you’re looking for some relationship advice that combines practicality, spirituality, and much more.

[01:02] – Christine’s defining moment.

[07:59] – Christine on women and anger

[12:23] – How Connor and Christine define ego.

[15:25] – Women and anger.

[28:14] – How can men effectively address a woman’s anger?

[36:57] – How modern relationships have changed for men and women.

[48:59] – What conversations should people be having about money?

Christine Hassler is a master coach, spiritual psychologist, facilitator, and speaker with 20 years of experience. She is the best-selling author of three books, most recently Expectation Hangover: Free Yourself From Your Past, Change Your Present and Get What you Really Want and is the host of top-rated podcast “Over it and On With It” where she coaches people live on the show. Christine is the co-founder of Elementum Coaching Institute, a premier coaching certification program. She also holds in-person retreats and teaches online courses on relationships, calling in love, healing your inner child, and personal mastery.

Connect with Christine







Pick up my brand-new book, Men’s Work: A Practical Guide To Face Your Darkness, End Self-Sabotage, And Find Freedom:

Check out some free resources: How To Quit Porn | Anger Meditation | How To Lead In Your Relationship

Build brotherhood with a powerful group of like-minded men from around the world. Check out The Alliance and join me today. 

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Don’t Fall Into This Relationship Trap

There are a LOT of relationship tips and tricks on social media. Lots of traps too, and this one is possibly the worst. Dig in, dear listener.

What’s your take? Would love to hear your thoughts on Instagram (or check the YouTube video)!


So today, we’re gonna be talking about one hypocritical thing that you should never allow in your relationship. Doesn’t matter what type of dynamic you’re in.

There is this notion that circulates online that I see a lot within certain relationship circles and content that essentially says that it’s okay for a woman to leave a man if she’s not getting her emotional needs met. It’s okay for a woman to be very upset with a man if he’s not doing his part in understanding the emotional landscape, in prioritizing what she needs emotionally, in making that front and center.

But it’s somehow not okay for a man to leave the relationship if he’s not getting his sexual needs met. And it’s not okay for a man to be very upset in a relationship if a woman isn’t prioritizing or putting the effort in to maintain sexual connection.

So there’s this hypercritical sense, and I think one of the rules that I’ve generally had within the context of relationships is my partners don’t get to decide if and when I’m celibate.

My partners don’t get to decide if and when I’m celibate.

I think what happens – and this doesn’t mean that they, in the past or in the present, that my partners have had to have sex with me or any of those things. It’s just more of an agreement between you and your partner that sex isn’t going to be a power tool.

It’s not going to become a bargaining chip. It’s not gonna become something that’s I’m gonna take this off the table if you’re not giving me what I want. If you’re not acting the way that I want, if you’re not checking with me emotionally, that’s gonna be the thing that I take away from you.

That is a recipe for disaster. And I think one of the things that has become interesting in a lot of the conversations in modern-day relationships is that has almost become an okay standard within relationships. That it’s almost – it’s completely unacceptable for a man to not have emotional intelligence, for a man to not be prioritizing emotional connection.

There’s a lot of women that would say it’s not okay, it would not be okay if a man was relegating emotional connection to 30 minutes a week, right? It would not be okay for a man to be relegating any type of emotional connection to a certain time of the week, or relegating emotional connection dependent on certain criteria, right? “I’ll give you emotional connection, if you X, Y, and Z.” That man would be called a narcissist. That man would be called unhealthy, toxic, et cetera, et cetera. And the woman in that situation would be told, “you should leave him immediately.”

And yet, if we replace emotional connection with sexual intimacy, it has almost become the norm for sex to be a bargaining chip within a relationship for sex to be something that a woman gives and a man is lucky to receive. That a woman gives and a man has to jump through all these hoops and do all the checklists and all these things have to be prioritized first and take precedence before any type of sexual connection happens.

And one of the things that I have found in relationships is that is a recipe for disaster. Especially if one person in the relationship really has sexual intimacy as a top priority, or really has emotional intimacy as a top priority.

If two people aren’t willing to give equal weight and equal prioritization to these elements and these aspects of the relationship, to seek to understand. What does it look like for sexual prioritization to happen? How? What do you need in order to feel sexually prioritized? What do you need in order to feel emotionally prioritized?

These things go hand in hand. And for a lot of people, for a lot of women, there’s a lot of data and a lot of research out there that says that, I think it’s something like 70% of women have what’s called responsive desire. And so they respond to their partners sexual advances, and they respond to their partner’s emotional openness and connection and intimacy being present beforehand.

All of those things are true, but the problem happens when sex is deprioritized in the relationship to a degree where emotional intimacy is this maze that you have to traverse before sexual intimacy is even possible. And what I really want to drive home is that sexual intimacy is not the dog treat or the reward at the end of the emotional maze. That’s set up within a relationship is destined to fail. That setup in a relationship is destined to fail because what happens is that one partner, traditionally the man, will then have to go through a whole maze of things that his partner thinks that he should do or say, or experience, or prioritize in order for sexual intimacy to be possible.

When that’s the case, what generally is going to happen is one of the people or both, likely both, are going to become resentful because the emotional intimacy and the sexual intimacy are not on the same playing field. They’re not given equal weight within the relationship. And I think this is the really important piece. It’s not that sex and emotional intimacy are the same, that they’re equal in that way. They’re very different pieces of a relationship, but they should have equal weight within the relationship. So being able to have a discussion as a couple to say, “look, we’re not going to do this. We’re not going to…let’s create an agreement where sex is not something that we only prioritize after this laundry list of emotional connection and emotional relating has happened.”

Yes, of course those things are important. Yes, of course those things matter. But we also have to give equal weight to sex and intimacy and make it a priority because what do we know about relationships? Within two years of being in an intimate relationship, 30% of couples will be in a sexless relationship.

30%. Why? Why?

Because for a lot of couples, sex is the thing that gets deprioritized the quickest. It’s the thing that gets deprioritized when you have kids, when life gets busy, when you’re having to work that second job to try and pay off the mortgage, when your family’s visiting, when you’re on vacation, and people get sick, and whatever happens, right? Life happens. Sex is usually the thing that gets deprioritized within a lot of people’s relationships. And the expectation that a lot of people have that’s very much pushed into the modern narrative of Instagram and TikTok and all these social media accounts, is that you have to maintain emotional intimacy a hundred percent. It’s unacceptable to not have that be prioritized, but it’s okay to let sexual intimacy wane.

I would say that is a losing strategy and that the winning strategy for any relationship is that emotional and sexual intimacy have equal prioritization within the relationship and that part of your work.

As an individual in the couple, and part of your work as a couple, is to talk about what it looks like to have sex and emotional intimacy be equally prioritized. How are you going to do that? What would it look like? What would each of you need? What do you need in order to feel emotionally prioritized? What do you need in order to feel sexually prioritized? And to have that conversation happen, because what will happen, I guarantee you, if that is not discussed or agreed on, is that at some point in the relationship, the emotional connection will take priority. And this is what I see a lot in couples work, in couples therapy, is that people go into some type of couples work or couples therapy because, generally speaking, there’s some emotional disconnect that’s happened. But the sexual disconnect has happened far before that. Usually what’s happened is that there’s been sexual disconnection and then over time emotional disconnection has grown and grown and grown. Now, maybe the emotional disconnection has contributed to the sexual disconnection, for sure.

But do not fall into this trap. Do not fall into it. Talk to your partner about it if you’re in it right now and your relationship is okay, I would say that the majority of relationships fall into this trap of deprioritizing sexual connection and sexual intimacy, which is a huge – hugely important part of an intimate relationship because it’s one of the primary things that creates a demarcation between a regular relationship, a regular friendship, and an intimate relationship.

Sex, and then the depth of emotional connection, the depth of transparency, the depth of belonging, the depth of understanding, are also the important pieces. So have a conversation with your partner. Ask them and ask yourself, do I feel like sex and 📍 emotional intimacy have equal prioritization, equal weight in our relationship?

And if not, what might it look like for us to create that?

And until next week, this is Connor Beaton signing off.

Pick up my brand-new book, Men’s Work: A Practical Guide To Face Your Darkness, End Self-Sabotage, And Find Freedom:

Check out some free resources: How To Quit Porn | Anger Meditation | How To Lead In Your Relationship

Build brotherhood with a powerful group of like-minded men from around the world. Check out The Alliance and join me today.

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