Dating & Relationships

What Does Relational Leadership Look Like?

I recently released some content all about how important it is for men to lead in the context of a relationship. It got a ton of traction, lots of questions, and requests to clarify/dig deeper.

So let’s truly dig into it! This is the first of four mini-episodes focused entirely on “relational leadership”: the way you guide, support, and lead your relationship (and your partner) as necessary.

Did you enjoy the podcast? If so, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or Podchaser. It helps us get into the ears of new listeners, expand the ManTalks Community, and help others find the self-leadership they’re looking for.

Are you looking to find purpose, navigate transition, or fix your relationships, all with a powerful group of men from around the world? Check out The Alliance and join me today. 

Check out our Facebook Page or the Men’s community.

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Stop Trying To Figure Her Out

If you scroll around in the manosphere long enough, you’ll come across the idea that all women are understandable in the exact same way, and if you just follow some specific modality (that usually costs an arm and a leg) you’ll understand women better than they understand themselves…

Uh, that’s not how any of this works, so listen in for a different approach and stop doing both women and yourself a disservice. Let me know what you think; hit me up @mantalks on Instagram.

Did you enjoy the podcast? If so, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or Podchaser. It helps us get into the ears of new listeners, expand the ManTalks Community, and help others find the self-leadership they’re looking for.

Are you looking to find purpose, navigate transition, or fix your relationships, all with a powerful group of men from around the world? Check out The Alliance and join me today. 

Check out our Facebook Page or the Men’s community.

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GS Youngblood – The Art Of Embodiment

I’ve recently had a lot of men ask me about embodiment. What does it mean? Why does that term get thrown around so much? Hot on the heels of last week’s episode with John Wineland (another embodiment coach) comes GS Youngblood, a friend of mine who’s been working and coaching embodiment practices for years.

This is a great episode if you want to truly get a feel for what embodiment means, how it’s practiced, and why it’s so effective. GS even takes me through a short, two minute “sample” practice. We also dig into how embodiment can help with sex, desire discrepancy, overwhelm, and more.

GS Youngblood coaches men in relationship and how to live, love, and lead from their masculine core. He has been a student and creator in the fields of men’s work for over a decade. Through this lens of masculine leadership, he also pulls in principles from a variety of fields: psychology, martial arts, tango, meditation, and BDSM. All of his writings are filtered through the laboratory of his and his clients’ real-world, long-term relationships (including both the successes and spectacular failures) to see what actually works and what doesn’t.

Connect with GS



-NEW book, The Art of Embodiment:

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Are you looking to find purpose, navigate transition, or fix your relationships, all with a powerful group of men from around the world? Check out The Alliance and join me today.

Check out our Facebook Page or the Men’s community.

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What To Do When She Pulls Away

I get it. It’s hard not to go into some kind of crisis mode when your partner starts distancing. Doesn’t matter if it’s someone you just started dating or it’s been years. This week, some simple steps to take that don’t make things worse.

Did you enjoy the podcast? If so, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or Podchaser. It helps us get into the ears of new listeners, expand the ManTalks Community, and help others find the self-leadership they’re looking for.

Are you looking to find purpose, navigate transition, or fix your relationships, all with a powerful group of men from around the world? Check out The Alliance and join me today. 

Check out our Facebook Page or the Men’s community.

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Rules For Friends

Wait, huh? Rules? For friends? Yes.

This was inspired by a recent talk in the Alliance, ManTalks’ private online group. I think it’s important to cultivate meaningful, depth-oriented friendships as men, and craft that kind of brotherhood or elevate your current friendships requires a few ground rules. Here are five I’ve put together that have helped me maintain meaningful, fulfilling friendships.

Did you enjoy the podcast? If so, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or Podchaser. It helps us get into the ears of new listeners, expand the ManTalks Community, and help others find the self-leadership they’re looking for.

Are you looking to find purpose, navigate transition, or fix your relationships, all with a powerful group of men from around the world? Check out The Alliance and join me today. 

Check out our Facebook Page or the Men’s community.

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Happy Wife, Happy Life?

You’ve probably heard this one, but is it really a good way of maintaining your marriage? Don’t get me wrong, the wellbeing and happiness of your partner should of course be a priority—but there’s more to relationships than that.

Did you enjoy the podcast? If so, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or Podchaser. It helps us get into the ears of new listeners, expand the ManTalks Community, and help others find the self-leadership they’re looking for.

Are you looking to find purpose, navigate transition, or fix your relationships, all with a powerful group of men from around the world? Check out The Alliance and join me today. 

Check out our Facebook Page or the Men’s community.

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Figs O’Sullivan – Breaking Free Of Repeat Conflict In Relationships

Preaching the obvious here, but romantic relationships are complex, and WHY something becomes a conflict can be incredibly hard to map—unless you’re Figs O’Sullivan. This was such an enjoyable interview. Figs brings a sense of playfulness and humor to the tough stuff, and helps open up new ways of looking at conflict in relationships, why it happens, why reoccurring arguments happen, how to move through those arguments differently. Have a listen to this alongside your partner!

Figs O’Sullivan was bred and emboldened in Dublin, Ireland and immigrated to the Marin County and San Francisco area in 1994. He was drawn to psychotherapy and self-exploration to better open to, move through, and heal his own emotional pain and suffering, and the last of his family to do so. Figs’ father is an experiential therapist in Ireland, his mother a social worker/probation officer, and his sister is also a psychotherapist in the Bay Area.

He received a BA and MA in Economics from Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland before moving to the States and working as a stockbroker, employee stock options specialist, and executive. He quit the corporate world and attended Esalen in Big Sur, immersing himself in the study of existential psychotherapies, spirituality, body-oriented/somatic modalities, and the therapeutic expressive arts such as drama and dance as ways to uncage life, access inner wisdom, and build capacities for growth and transformation. Figs went on to receive an MA in Counseling Psychology from Meridian University in Petaluma.

He is also extensively studied  Gestalt Awareness Practice, Emotionally Focused Therapy (a highly effective form of marriage counseling), Imago, Collaborative Couples Therapy, Experiential Psychotherapy for Couples, Gottman’s work, and more.

Did you enjoy the podcast? If so, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or Podchaser. It helps us get into the ears of new listeners, expand the ManTalks Community, and help others find the self-leadership they’re looking for.

Are you looking to find purpose, navigate transition, or fix your relationships, all with a powerful group of men from around the world? Check out The Alliance and join me today. 

Check out our Facebook Page or the Men’s community.

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Relationship Green Flags

I get asked this a lot: what are my relationship green flags? What would I consider the biggest go-aheads in a partner? And to be honest, these come after a loooong time of not knowing what to look for or what I really wanted!

So consider this list some hard-earned, but simple and tactical things to look out for when pursuing a serious partnership.

Did you enjoy the podcast? If so, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or Podchaser. It helps us get into the ears of new listeners, expand the ManTalks Community, and help others find the self-leadership they’re looking for.

Are you looking to find purpose, navigate transition, or fix your relationships, all with a powerful group of men from around the world? Check out The Alliance and join me today. 

Check out our Facebook Page or the Men’s community.

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Sheleana Aiyana – Forgiveness, Acceptance, And Becoming The One

Sheleana Aiyana is the founder of Rising Woman, a growing community of more than 3 million readers. Her training and immersion in couples facilitation, inherited family trauma, family systems, conscious relationship, somatic healing, and plant medicines inform her holistic approach to seeing relationship as a spiritual path. More than 30,000 women in 146 countries have taken her flagship program Becoming the One. In her new book, Becoming the One, out April 12, 2022, Sheleana takes you on a transformational inner-work journey to heal life-long relationship patterns and reclaim power over your life. She lives with her husband, Ben, on xʷənen̕əč, the unceded land of the Hul’q’umi’num’ and WSÁNEĆ peoples, now known as Salt Spring Island, BC.

Connect with Sheleana


-Personal Website:

-New Book! “Becoming The One”:



Did you enjoy the podcast? If so, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or Podchaser. It helps us get into the ears of new listeners, expand the ManTalks Community, and help others find the self-leadership they’re looking for.

Are you looking to find purpose, navigate transition, or fix your relationships, all with a powerful group of men from around the world? Check out The Alliance and join me today. 

Check out our Facebook Page or the Men’s community.

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How To Cultivate Direction In Your Life

I’ve found in my work that cultivating direction is one of the most simple-yet-complex things in a man’s life. Without it, most men fall into hopelessness, despair, anger, or worse, a kind of stagnant acceptance that’s ultimately harmful to themselves and the world around them. So this week, some straightforward steps in how to first find direction, and then how to cultivate it. As always, let me know what you think! DM me on Instagram @mantalks. 

PS. Men! There are only 5 spots left for the IN-PERSON men’s weekend. Join us on May 22 in Austin, Texas for guided, hands-on training in mindfulness, breathwork, relationship building, and somatic techniques. Want in? Click for more info.

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Michaela Boehm – Grief, Growth, And Staying Grounded

I’m in the thick of editing my book, so I wanted to reconnect with one of our most popular episodes ever. This was such a good conversation! Michaela and I covered a TON of ground; everything from grief’s role in relationships to anal sex (yup). This was originally recorded around May 2020, so it’s also an interesting sort of time capsule.

Michaela Boehm teaches and counsels internationally as an expert in intimacy and sexuality. Born and raised in Austria, Michaela combines her background in psychology and extensive clinical experience with her in-depth training in the yogic arts as a classical Kashmiri Tantric lineage holder into a unique offering of experiential learning. She is passionate about teaching skills that enhance deep intimacy, lasting attraction and give each participant the tools for full embodiment and capacity. Michaela also traveled and co-taught with David Deida for 13 years. Michaela teaches women’s workshops, intimacy intensives for men and women as well as offers mentorships and relationship counseling. She lives and teaches on a small organic farm in Ojai, California where her land and animals inspire her clients to reconnect intimately with themselves and others.

Connect with Michaela




-The Wild Woman’s Way book:

-The Relationship Discovery Toolkit:

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7 Skills Every Man Should Master

You’re damn right it’s a clickbait title! And for good reason. I put this list together after years of working with men, observing what most of them struggle with, and where their greatest potential lies. However, it’s also influenced by what we’re going through socially and politically.

Listen in, and if it resonates with you, DM me. Let me know what skill you’re working on! Or if you think I missed an important one, tell me that too. Would love to hear your thoughts.

Did you enjoy the podcast? If so, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or Podchaser. It helps us get into the ears of new listeners, expand the ManTalks Community, and help others find the self-leadership they’re looking for.

Are you looking to find purpose, navigate transition, or fix your relationships, all with a powerful group of men from around the world? Check out The Alliance and join me today. 

Check out our Facebook Page or the Men’s community.

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