Malina Parmar

Epigenetics, Understanding Your DNA, and the Future of Health – with Dr. Tracy Gapin

Dr. Tracy Gapin

Dr. Tracy Gapin is a board-certified urologist and mens health expert focused on optimizing male performance and genetic potential. Dr. Gapin offers a personalized path to helping men maximize sexual health, testosterone levels and vitality. He provides advanced epigenetic evaluation and coaching, nutrition and lifestyle intervention, individualized supplement programs and a personalized approach to helping men optimize their potential.

“to think that one gene equals one trait is a mistake… you don’t realize the ramifications that one change can make on everything else around it – Tracy Gapin 

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Show Highlights

  • What I learnt from being overweight
  • What is epigenetics
  • How your lifestyle effects your genes and body performance
  • What DNA sequencing made possible in the health industry
  • The danger of  epigenetics
  • What is DNA
  • How food effects our DNA
  • What is the importance of testosterone for men
  • The epidemic of low testosterone levels in men
  • How you can build back up your testosterone
  • What are telomeres and the importance of them

“When you’re eating processed food you’re no where close to optimizing your potential – Tracy Gapin 

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Facebook: @drtracygapin
Instagram: @drtacygapin

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Ken Page – Gender Roles, Dating and Deepening Intimacy

Ken Page

Ken Page, LCSW, is a renowned psychotherapist, and a leading voice of hope and wisdom for everyone seeking to find and cultivate healthy, lasting love. He is the host of the Deeper Dating Podcast and author of the bestseller Deeper Dating: How to Drop the Games of Seduction and Discover the Power of Intimacy, host of the upcoming Deeper Dating Podcast, popular Psychology Today blogger, and Huffington Post blogger. He has been featured in O, The Oprah Magazine, The New York Times, Cosmopolitan, The Advocate, WPIX-TV News,, ChristianMingle, JDate and more. Page has led hundreds of workshops on intimacy and spirituality for thousands of participants. His work has been highly acclaimed by numerous top thought leaders, including Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt, Arielle Ford, Edward Hallowell, MD, Chip Conley, Judith Orloff, MD. and Katherine Woodward Thomas. Ken lives in Long Beach, NY with his husband and children.
Deeper Dating: How to Drop the Games of Seduction and Discover the Power of Intimacy –

Connect with Ken

Instagram: @Deeper.Dating
Facebook: @kenpagelcsw
Twitter: @kenpagelcsw

Bryan Stacy – The Penis, Sexual Health, And De-Shaming Sex

Bryan Stacy

On his quest for deep truth, Bryan explores the elements that create massive change. During his 13 years at Accenture he led change initiatives with Fortune 100 companies in regulated industries like law enforcement, finance and healthcare. There he uncovered the beliefs, needs, fears, and constraints that drive behavior, and the tools to change them. After being diagnosed with testicular cancer and chlamydia on the same day in 2011, he set out to change sexual health culture and launched Biem, the world’s first sexual health app to facilitate STI testing and partner discussions. Looking to further drive this cultural shift Bryan cofounded “Man Amongst Men” a podcast and monthly live event in NYC where he leads workshops to identify how men’s patterns and purpose can create the environments which they and others thrive. He currently works with clients on identifying and aligning personal and organizational visions.

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Dr. NerdLove – Pick Up Artists, Navigating Modern Dating, And Rekindling Romance

Harris O’Malley

Harris O’Malley (AKA Dr. NerdLove) is an Austin-based, syndicated advice columnist and dating coach who provides geek dating advice at Paging Dr. NerdLove and his bi-weekly advice column “Ask Dr. NerdLove” on Kotaku.
He and his work has been featured on Nightline, Fusion TV, The Guardian, New York Magazine, The Huffington Post, Wired, Sex Nerd Sandra, Daily Life, Slate, The Austin-American Statesman, Austin Monthly, Geek and Sundry, Boing Boing, Everyday Feminism, Buzzfeed, The Daily Dot, The Washington Post, Kotaku, Lifehacker,, The Good Man Project, MTV’s Guy Code, The Harvard Business Journal, and many others.
New Game Plus: The Geek’s Guide To Love, Sex and Dating

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Why Being A Shit Disturber Will Make You More Successful

As a kid, my dad used to always tell me that I was a shit disturber (and I was).
I was always getting into trouble.
Sometimes I wanted attention, other times I wanted to see what I could get away with, but more often than not, I was just insatiably curious. And because of this, I was constantly pushing boundaries, edges, and rules.
I had a deep thirst for knowledge, understanding, and wanted to know how & why everything was the way it was. And maybe you’re the same way. Or you know someone who fits this description and you’re constantly wondering what make them tick.
Maybe you are like me – you want to know it all.
I wanted to know…
Why people get divorced?
Why some people cry at the sound of a violin concerto while others can’t stand the sound of it.
What the hell is the difference between dark matter and dark energy?
But most of all, I wanted to know why some people are successful while others struggle relentlessly to achieve their dreams.
I became obsessed with how people work.
People fascinate me.
And without sounding like a cocky jerk, I fascinated myself.
As my consciousness came online as a child, I started to realize that there were pieces of my behaviour which were largely automatic and somewhat unknown. Sometimes I would say and do things only to look back at them and think: “why the hell did I just do that?”
I began to witness aspects of my subconscious and unconscious at play. They were, in a way, guiding me towards understanding. They were seeking to know, to learn, to be accepted, to win.
And the more I disturbed my inner and outer world, the more I became curious about the other people shaking things up.
Being a shit disturber as a child was like throwing a rock into the pond to study how it impacted the water, what kind of waves it created, and how it impacted the fish.
So after years of being acting like a shit disturber, I started to study them. I started to see that there were two types of shit disturbers: the change makers, and the trouble makers.
Now, I’m going to go out on a limb and assume you’re not here to learn about how to become a better bank robber, Ponzi scheme organizer, or con artist, so I’m going to focus solely on the change maker.
Here’s what I learned.

1. They are successful because they challenge the status quo

“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them… Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” ― Rob Siltanen
The status quo is another word for accepted mediocrity.
It’s another way of saying “here are the things we all accept, usually without question.”
When we sit in the status quo for too long, we get bored, and start to stagnate. Stagnation is a form of death and when we stay stagnant for too long, we cannot help but feel the weight of the status quo crushing down upon us.
This isn’t about good and bad, right and wrong; it’s about what we blindly accept and don’t bother to question or understand.
Take water as an example.
Water is one of the most fundamental components for the existence and creation of life.
Water is the thing which breeds life of all kinds.
It feeds the plants and animals that walk the earth,
it gives us life and makes up most of our biological composition,
and it is the womb for an abundance of creatures who cannot live outside of it.
It is the birthplace of life…
But it is also the birthplace of death.
When water becomes stagnant and stops moving, it is responsible for the creation of some of the worlds most deadly diseases (like malaria).
It can become toxic, and so hazardous that practically nothing can survive within it.
But when movement is re-introduced to it, it comes back to life and can create again.
This is why people who challenge the status quo are so valued in our culture.
It’s why in an age of heightened sensitivity and politically correct communication, people who aren’t afraid to break those rules are highly coveted, respected, and equally attacked.
Political correctness, in its extreme iterations, is an incubator of stagnation.
It can stunt and overly protect those from experiencing many aspects of life which are valuable to the growth and development of more life.
This is why being a shit disturber can be so powerful, because you embody someone who isn’t afraid to say what is true, but highly unpopular.
You aren’t afraid to ask the uncomfortable questions,
Say the uncomfortable truth,
build the product and services that people might dislike
because it creates progress, or threatens “the way it’s always been done.”
This is why people like Steve Jobs and Elon Musk have been so wildly popular and successful, they disturb and challenge the norm.
So find a status quo, within yourself, or outside yourself, and challenge it.

2. They bring what’s unconscious into the conscious

Shit disturbers are essential because they say what no one else wants to say.
They talk about the ideas, movements, concepts, and obstacles that most people would rather avoid.
Shit disturbers master the art of turning towards the unknown.
This is valuable because the amount that we don’t know as human beings FAR exceeds what we do know.
Much like the psyche, or the solar system, the amount of information we know or can observe is dwarfed by the things we can’t comprehend.
It’s estimated that 97% of the brains activity happens in the subconscious, or unconscious processing. That means that the majority of our daily activity is largely out of sight.
So when someone comes along and turns a flightlighn on in the direction of the unconscious or unknown, it can be incredibly valuable on so many levels.
Einsteins General Theory Of Relativity is much like this. It took an astrophysicist with an insatiable imagination to solve one of the most mysterious aspects of the universe.
And it was all possible because he was willing to gaze curiously into the unknown.

3. They see what’s needed before others

In 2008, two friends, Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp, were attending the LeWeb tech conference in Paris which the Economist described as “where revolutionaries gather to plot the future”
One winter night during the conference the pair was unable to get a cab. They were stuck out in the cold, frustrated, freezing, and a little helpless.
It was in this place that an idea was born which would revolutionize the world.
Initially, the idea was for a timeshare limo service that could be ordered via an app. After the conference, the entrepreneurs went their separate ways, but when Camp returned to San Francisco, he continued to be fixated on the idea and bought the domain name And Uber as we know it was born.
This one moment spawned an idea that would provide hundreds of thousands of jobs globally and distrust an industry, all because these two men knew that people needed something different, something more efficient, than the masses even knew themselves.
This is what shit disturbers do.
They see things not as they are, but as they could be.
They are able to see a future where things have shifted. A future where things are different (and hopefully better).
They can take the mundane, the social norm, and stir it up to create convenience, capital, and connection.

4. They are willing to be wrong, and are comfortable outcasts.

Failure is how you learn to play and win any game.
Literally any game in the world, if it’s worth playing, requires that you first must be unskilled and unsuccessful. It requires you to learn from failure.
You must be curious about failure, open to it, and humbled by its arrival.
And this is what shit disturbers do.
They meet failure head on and learn from it.
But it’s not only about risking failure, it’s also about risking looking like a fool.
Shit disturbers can at first look like complete fools.
I remember when I started my company, ManTalks, and went to a close friend for business advice. I looked up to him because he had built an insanely successful, profitable, and impactful business.
I told him about my plan for ManTalks, the concept, and the name…
His exact words were “Dude, I love you, but if you call it ManTalks, it’ll never be successful.”
Two years later we were standing on his rooftop patio overlooking Vancouver, laughing about how he thought I was insane, only to watch the idea come to fruition in ways he never thought possible.
But he was partially right, because for the first few years, I faced an immense amount of ridicule, doubt, and outrage because of the controversial conversation I had sparked.

5. They are ok being the first guinea pig

Shit disturbers, when successful, are the ones who put their own reputation on the line.
They test, experiment, and evaluate their results based on what they’ve observed to be true (within themselves and outside themselves).
Take Elon Musk for example. The guy was so committed to disrupting the car industry that he took all the money he had made from PayPal and invested it into Tesla… then worked 100 hours a week to build the company and hasn’t stopped.
For a long time I thought it was a bad thing to be a shit disturber, but the more I read, learned, and reflected, the more I realized that greatness is on the other side of stirring some shit up.
This is how change happens, and it’s why people who create change are often leading the charge of humanity.
You have to be wiling to let curiosity lead you where your gut, heart, and mind want to go.
So in the words of Captain Kirk, be willing to “Boldly go where no man has gone before.”

Mark Greene – #MeToo And Masculinity

Mark Greene

Mark Greene is an author, speaker, and Senior Editor at The Good Men Project. He is the founder of Remaking Manhood, a Facebook community for those interested in the evolving conversation about masculinity. Mark’s articles on men’s issues have been shared half a million times on social media with 20 million page views. He has written and spoken about men’s issues at Salon, Shriver Report, Huffington Post, HLN, BBC, and the New York Times.
Mark is the author of The Little #MeToo Book for Men and Remaking Manhood. Mark is co-author, along with Dr. Saliha Bava, of The Relational Book for Parenting.
For more information on Mark’s work, join his Remaking Manhood community on Facebook.

Little MeToo Book –
Remaking Manhood –

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Editing & Mixing by: Aaron The Tech

Todd Herman – The Alter Ego Effect and The High Performers Secret

Todd Herman

Todd Herman is an author, performance advisor, and entrepreneur. For 22 years, his training company, Herman Performance Systems, has focused on helping achievers and ambitious people in sport & business, achieve wildly outrageous goals while enjoying the process. Originally from Alberta, Canada where he grew up on a large farm and ranch, where he developed a healthy dislike of chicken coops.
His company has a suite of programs serving Olympic athletes, Entrepreneurs and Leaders, and is the author of, ‘The Alter Ego Effect: The Power of Secret Identities to Transform Your Life’, and creator of the 90 Day Year a performance system designed to create remarkable results for business owners, fast. Which has won the ‘Global Leadership & Skill Development Program of the Year’—twice. He’s also the recipient of the Inc. 500 fastest growing company award. He’s been featured on the Today Show, Sky Business News, Inc Magazine and CBC National News.
The Alter Ego Effect –

Connect with Todd

Instagram: @todd_herman
Facebook: @toddhermanconnect
Twitter: @todd_herman

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Andrew Horn – Rights of passage and the future of men

Andrew Horn is a Brooklyn based social entrepreneur, writer and speaker.

He is the Co-Founder and CEO The company helps you celebrate the people you love with a video of their friends and family telling them why they’re awesome. They have delivered more than 150,000 videos and were recently called Hallmark 2.0 by the New Yorker.
He is also the founder of a community for men called The Junto. The Junto hosts their own weekend experiences and curates events and resources that are available for men who are curious about personal transformation and modern masculinity.
In his spare time, Andrew is working on his first book “Social Flow – A practical framework to reclaim your power with people.” Forbes recently called him “Dale Carnegie for the Digital Age” and he is passionate about giving people the tools they need to communicate with confidence and connect with anyone.
Connect with Andrew:
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Facebook – @andrewreedhorn
Instagram – @itsandrewhorn
Twitter – @itsandrewhorn
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Isaac Lidsky – What Reality Are You Creating for Yourself? How to Change Your Thoughts and Improve Your Life.

Isaac Lidsky

As Inc. Magazine reported, “Isaac Lidsky may possess the most eclectic resume in business. Over the years, he has been a child television star (he played series regular “Weasel” on NBC’s “Saved By The Bell: The New Class”), a Supreme Court clerk (for Justices Sandra Day O’Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg), and the co-founder of an internet startup.” The full list of his accomplishments is far longer:
Lidsky graduated from Harvard at 19 with an honors degree in mathematics and computer science. He then founded [x+1] with MediaMath’s Joe Zawadzki, which was later acquired for $230 million. Fascinated by the burgeoning field of “cyberlaw,” Lidsky left [x+1] and returned to Harvard to attend law school and graduated magna cum laude in 2004. As a U.S. Justice Department lawyer, Lidsky argued more than a dozen appeals in federal court on behalf of the United States and never lost a case. Along the way, he founded Hope For Vision, a nonprofit organization to fund the development of treatments for blinding diseases and within 5 years grew it to a dozen cities nationwide and more than $5 million.
In 2011 Lidsky returned to his entrepreneurial roots. He purchased a small, struggling residential construction subcontractor and led the development of a proprietary suite of logistics and ERM software to transform it. His reinvented construction services company grew more than tenfold in its first five years, and today it boasts annual revenues in excess of $250 million.
In 2016 Lidsky set out to share with others his empowering approach to living and leading, and he was promptly recognized as a visionary thought leader. His first book, Eyes Wide Open, hit the shelves as a New York Times best seller in March 2017. TED invited Lidsky to present a mainstage TED Talk at TEDSUMMIT 2016 in Banff, Canada, and it was viewed more than a million times in its first 20 days. Lidsky now consults and speaks to organizations around the world on issues including leadership, accountability and self-empowerment.
In 2018 Lidsky returned to his adtech roots, founding Underscore CLT and taking the helm as its President. Lidsky is determined to lead the development of a new technology infrastructure for digital marketing, using blockchain and related technologies to mitigate the industry’s longstanding structural challenges and to deliver on its untapped promise.
Perhaps most striking, Lidsky is only 39, and he is blind. Born with Retinitis Pigmentosa, a rare degenerative disease of the retina, from age 12 to 25 he slowly lost his sight. As his bio makes clear, however, neither his youth nor his blindness have limited him.
Eyes Wide Open –

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Vienna Pharaon – Relationships and the Holiday. How to Deal with Family, Partners, and In Laws During the Holidays


Vienna Pharaon (my fiancé) and I dive into everything we need to know to get the most from of our relationship during the holidays.
This episode is for the people who want to get the most from the holidays and really be present.
It’s for the people who sometimes struggle to connect with family & friends,
for the people who have challenging family relationships,
and for the people who sometimes struggle to connect with in-laws.
We talk about:

  • How to maintain & deepens intimacy over the holidays
  • How to get the most from family time
  • How to have the tough conversations with family
  • Where the boundaries are with in-laws
  • How to navigate political conversations
  • When and how to set boundaries
  • Why some people are more stressed during this time of the year (and what to do about it)
  • And how to be present and grounded for all the good, the bad, and the ugly of the holidays!

Vienna Pharaon

Vienna Pharaon is the founder of Mindful Marriage and Family Therapy and is one of the most sought after Licensed Therapists in New York City. She is the relationship expert for Motherly, and has been featured in The Economist, Fatherly, The New York Post, and Vogue to name a few. With nearly 160k followers on Instagram, Vienna is recognized as one of the great relationship influencers of our time. In under 4 years, she has grown her business by 600% and has disrupted the therapy world by merging entrepreneurship into it and inviting others to do the same.

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Dr. Stephen De Witt – Creating the Sex Life of Your Dreams. Understanding the Challenges, Obstacles, and Tools of Sex

Dr. Stephen de Wit

Dr. Stephen de Wit is a Board Certified Sexologist through the American College of Sexologists. He holds a Master of Public Health in Human Sexuality and a Doctorate of Human Sexuality. Toronto’s Hassle Free Clinic is where Stephen started as a sexual health counselor and now travels both nationally and internationally speaking about sexual empowerment. As a sexuality educator, therapist and consultant he is committed that people live a sexually empowered life free from guilt, shame and fear and have relationships that work.
Stephen is regularly featured in national newspapers and television shows providing relevant, thought provoking sex education and information. He is a master at creating a fun, safe, comfortable environment for people to take an honest look at their sex lives and transform what is not working. Buckle up because things are about to get really interesting.
Stephen’s online program –

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Andrew Holecek – The Three Steps To Meditation, Lucid Dreaming, And Everyday Mindfulness

Andrew Holecek

Andrew Holecek has completed the traditional three-year Buddhist meditation retreat and offers seminars internationally on meditation, dream yoga, and the art of dying. He is the author of Dream Yoga: Illuminating Your Life Through Lucid Dreaming and the Tibetan Yogas of Sleep; The Power and the Pain; Preparing to Die; Meditation in the iGeneration; and the audio learning course Dream Yoga; The Tibetan Path of Awakening Through Lucid Dreaming. Andrew’s work joins the knowledge of the West with the wisdom of the East in providing a full-spectrum approach to help us realize our human potential. He holds degrees in classical music, biology, and a doctorate in dental surgery. Andrew lives in Boulder, Colorado. See for more.

The Alliance

Are you looking to find your purpose, navigate transition or fix your relationships, all with a powerful group of men from around the world.
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