
Man Of The Week – Anthony Trucks

Our newest Man Of The Week is Anthony Trucks, an author, speaker and former NFL player, for his ass-kicking story that has served as inspiration to people worldwide already. Life has been tough from the young age of three when Anthony was dropped off at a foster home where for the next few years he suffered abuse, starvation and repeatedly being told he was worthless. The roller-coaster that is Anthony’s life didn’t stop there with a terrible injury that ended his football career coupled with an unfaithful wife and the loss of his family and almost committed suicide. It’s fair to say life kicked Anthony’s ass!

How Anthony responded to his circumstances is the most incredible part of his story. J.K Rowling once said “Rock bottom is the foundation on which I rebuilt my life” and it is fair to say Anthony did the exact same thing. Hitting bottom made him realize his way of life was not working and in accepting that reality he was able to let go of the ego and limiting beliefs that held him back from truly living and enjoying life. Anthony learned mistakes are part of life and forgiving yourself creates the space for you to try again and truly enjoy life’s beauty. By stepping out of his comfort zone and being more open and vulnerable, Anthony was able to authentically connect with those around him, and also feel protected by self-depricating thoughts and by removing the world’s firepower against you. This is definitely a story you’ll want to read about, check out the full feature below!

Age – 32

What do you do? (Work)
I teach business owners, aspiring business owners, and those who just want freedom how to get out of their own way so they can finally get that freedom and enjoy their business and their life.

Why do you do it?
Because I am selfish. I grew up in foster care where I was beaten and starved, among other things, and I pretty much didn’t matter. I just want to matter to people and get the feeling that I receive when I help someone improve their life. I selfishly want to know that I mattered. The ONLY way I can get that feeling is to GENUINELY help someone. So I fully give of myself in every way to help so I can receive the feeling of knowing I made an impact.

How do you make a difference in the world? (Work, business, life, family, self)
For me it’s many ways. I’m a father, a brother, a friend, a coach, and in time a husband.

What are 3 defining moments in your life?
– The memory of my mum giving me away at 3 years old into foster care. It left me in a whirlwind that took many years to overcome. It’s a tough thing to endure a feeling of total worthlessness when not even your own mother loves you enough to keep you. I felt like I didn’t belong on this planet.
– The moment I heard a girl say “the reason I’m so bad is because I’m in foster care.” Those words shifted my soul because I never wanted that to be an excuse for why I wasn’t great in life. Those words were the catalyst to me growing into the man I am today because I wanted to be everything OPPOSITE of what someone who came from my past would become statistically.
– The moment I was holding the right hand of my adoptive and watching her take her last breath as she lost her 17-year battle with MS. That moment was the moment that I fully realized how much impact one human can have on another when they unconditionally love and support. I am who I am, and doing what I do now, because of that woman. Watching her leave this earth centered me to the knowing that I cannot bury my casket full of potential.

What is your life purpose?
I am meant to impact people who impact the world. I’m a vessel that is carrying tools to prepare other vessels to go out into the world.

How did you tap into it?
Life kicked my a** and I got tired of it. I lost my marriage and my family and it led me down a dark path that almost ended in me taking my life. It was then that I awoke. When I did, I started living more alive and more vibrantly than ever because I understood life more as I dropped my egoic barrier and gave myself permission to learn and grow more as a man and a human.

Who is your Role-Model or Mentor?
Right. Simply doing right. In my life I didn’t have many people I could trust to lead me positively. So for me doing what is right led me. Mostly because doing wrong is easier in most cases, whereas doing right is hard. I just do the hard work, and make the hard decisions, that are right. Even if it “feels” wrong, or difficult. I MUST be able to respect the man I see in the mirror every night before I lay my head down.

Do you have any daily habits? If so, what are they?
I take time to meditate daily and put my mind at ease before I start the day. If not I enter a world unprepared to handle what may be thrown at me.

When do you know your work/life balance is off?
At this point in my life I can literally feel it. Ill notice if I feel off for some reason and I’ll slow down and start being more cognoscente of what I’m feeling and what is going on in my world to make me feel that way. Then I address it and move forward.

Vulnerability is a challenge for most men – share a vulnerable moment from your life with us.
My ex wife had an affair and, after having grown up in foster care, it took from me the most important thing in my life. My family. I had an ego having been in the NFL and owning a gym at the time and it led me to a dark place. I felt I had nothing to live for. It wasn’t until the police found me through GPS and brought me home that I had to visit some deep truths within myself. I realized how much of my experiences were from my involvement, as much as I didn’t want to accept at first that they were. Although my ex wife had made a decision, I was part of the problem that led her to a place to even HAVE to make a decision. I am at fault for the failure of marriage and ensuing life consequences.

What did you learn from it?
We’re all imperfect. We all make mistakes. When you learn to own them you learn to make peace with yourself and life and you start to experience the world in a beautiful way. Being open and vulnerable also protects you from yourself and the world. Yourself because now you don’t beat yourself up and go dark, and the world because you take away the world’s firepower to use against you.

If you are or were going to be a mentor for another man, what is one piece of advice you would give him?
You’re human, not just a man. Everyone on this planet matters. Men, women, animals, everything. You don’t have to be an overpowering brute to be strong and gain respect. Be human and you’ll find that humanity will see a strength in you that will be more powerful than anything you could comprehend. Graceful strength.

How do you be the best partner (Boyfriend/Husband- past or present)
Communicate EVERYTHING. Be open about your fears, desires, frustrations, problems, etc. If not then you don’t give the other person the opportunity to truly support and connect to you. When you don’t connect you literally become your own roadblock to beautifully connected relationships.

Do you support any Charities or Not-for-profits? (Which one(s) and why?)
I support any at risk youth and foster organizations I can find. Royal family kids camp, foster a dream, hope and home, etc. I was a foster kid and I only WISH I had something like these organizations when I was in the system.

If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
Great question that I have yet to figure out. Something along the lines or “Trust Your Hustle” ……. I should get someone to write that song for me lol.

Where do you see yourself in 3 years?
Father of three amazing kids, and an owner of a thriving business that holds online courses and live events that transform people’s lives and businesses all over the world.

What legacy do you want to leave for future generations?
The legacy of finding the strength to live your life EXACTLY how you want it. I want my legacy to be proof that a good man who truly cared and gave existed when few thought one did.

What One book would you recommend for any Man?
The 7 habits of highly effective people

If you know a Man that is making a positive impact on the world, we would love to hear from you! Contact us at [email protected]

10 Life Lessons Every Man Should Learn In Their 20s

In this article, I feel really privileged to share with you some key insights and “aha” moments that I learned before I say goodbye to my twenties in August 27, 2015.
You and I live in a world of cause and effect. Every action has an equal reaction. The choices we make today, especially in our 20s, will determine what happens later on in our lives.
Whether you’re on your own and moving forward with your career or still with your parents and figuring out what to do, I want you to realize something. If you’re not mindful of how you spend your time, it’ll be gone before you know it. It’s easy to get lost in the transition from not having any significant responsibilities to facing the “real world.”
You may not see it immediately but at some point, you’ll have to face the consequences the decisions you’re making today. Your 20s, also knowns as your “defining decade,” matters and you should make the most out of it.
Here are some of the most important lessons every man should be aware of in order to become successful later on in their lives.
10 Life Lessons Every Man Should Know In Their 20s
Don’t Stay In A Job That You Hate
With the amount of time you have to invest in building a career, make sure it should be something you’re really interested in. You’re in a perfect time in your life right now to figure that out because you’re still young.
Trust me when I say this: the pursuit of more money doesn’t satisfy any longer once your basic needs are met. I encourage you to go ahead and take more risk while you don’t have a lot to lose.
If you’re working a job you hate, it’s your responsibility to do something about it. Until you find what you love to do, keep looking.
Life is too short to settle.
You Don’t Have To Go To School
We live in a time where there’s nothing you can’t find online. Education has changed and the way we process information is significantly different from before.
Unless you’ve chosen a profession that needs formal credentials, like Law, Medicine or Engineering, you don’t really need to pursue higher education to have a successful career.
If you feel like you’re sitting in class, twiddling your thumbs and bored out of your mind, that setting may not be right for you.
Figure out what kind of work energizes you and find resources to study about it. Go to conferences and connect with other people who already have results that you want.
If you’re learning something you enjoy, you’re much more likely to put all in. People pay for results, they don’t care about your credentials.
Pursuit knowledge rather money.
Choose Your Friends Wisely
Here’s the greatest life hack of all time: the quickest way to change is to surround yourself with the kind of people you aspire to be like. Who you’re around with all the time will have a significant impact on how you turn out to be.
When you act in integrity with the vision of who you want to become, not everybody is going to like you. As hard as it may be, let go of relationships that are not supportive of your goals. Find new ones that will.
Your environment is stronger than your will power. Constantly put yourself in situations where you’re around people who will celebrate your successes, no matter how small.
It’s Okay To Stay Single
I’m going to make an important distinction right here so pay attention. There’s a big difference between being alone and feeling lonely.
Being alone is a choice that you make to do what you want. It’s about learning how to and be in good company with yourself. The feeling of loneliness stems from a place of lack where you feel incomplete. When you come from this place, you’ll seek out acceptance from others to validate your self-worth.
Your 20s should be spent on figuring out your identity and defining your core values. Focus on activities that will increase your self-esteem. Know who you are and what you really want. Other people can’t do that for you.
Gain Wisdom From Travelling
You’d be surprised how much you’ll learn a lot about yourself when you’re taken away from your daily routine. When you travel, there’s a feeling of anonymity that you experience when you’re in a new environment.
You can show up as whoever you want. There’s no one to tell you otherwise. Travelling is a great way to reinvent yourself.
Go ahead and give yourself permission to become who you aspire to be. Travel to places you’ve always wanted to see, connect with people who you look up to and lead your life in a direction that’s right for you.
Define Your Own Purpose
What you’re meant to do in your life isn’t something that you find behind a bush or underneath a rock. It’s something you decide for yourself. Take more risk, especially while you don’t have a lot of obligations.
If money wasn’t an issue, what’s something you would love to do? What’s a topic you would enjoy learning more about?
The moment you’re in alignment with your purpose, you’ll do remarkable things as a by-product. You’ll feel so immersed in what you do that sleeping becomes the worst part of your day.
When you’re leaping out of bed because you can’t wait to get to work, that’s when people begin to take notice.
It’s hard not to because passion is very contagious.
Avoid Comparing Yourself To Others
The best way to feel like you’re not good enough is to keep looking at what other people have. Success in life is very subjective. Everyone has their own definition of what makes them happy.
What’s the point of being alive if you just want to be like everybody else?
Learn to play your own game. Set your goals and work hard at achieving them. Spend your days in a way that inspires your future self.
Self-worth comes from being thankful for what you already have. Whatever you appreciate, appreciates
Invest In Yourself, Not On Things
Nothing in life is permanent. Material assets can be easily taken away.
When you focus on the internal, you’ll get external abundance as a by-product and more. Wealth is a mindset. It’s a shift in your perspective that will cause you to do things differently.
Invest in your personal development rather than things that are temporary. Knowledge and experience can never be stolen.
Make Mistakes Often
There’s something transformational that happens when you go through experiences in your life that push you out of your comfort zone.
When you get close to the edge, you have two choices: you can either take a leap of faith and step into your higher potential or you can step back and make room for others who are going to.
Integrity is a habit that you have to consciously decide on a daily basis. It’s a choice that you make to honour the truth of what you think is right for yourself.
But first, you have to sit through the discomfort of uncertainty for a period of time and trust in the process. Wisdom only comes from circumstances that challenge you.
Character is forged through pressure and hardships. When you’re going through tough moments, be thankful! View challenging situations in your life as an opportunity to grow.
Broke And Poor Are Not The Same
Being broke is a temporary state that people go through in their journey. It’s when they pay their dues to get the skills and experience to become successful.
Being poor is a permanent state of mind. It’s a way of thinking that limits people from achieving abundance because they don’t think there’s enough for everyone.
The path to success is never linear. As you embark on your journey to self-discovery and self-fulfillment, you’ll go through tough moments inevitably.
Never wish for things to be easy because it won’t be. Instead, ask for strength to be able to endure and persevere. Those who come out on the other side are rewarded with more.
Being broke for a while is not a bad thing. As long as you have a plan and are taking massive action to create value for other people, success is inevitable.
Myke MacapinlacAbout Myke Macapinlac 
Myke Macapinlac is the Program Director of Social Man Project. His mission is to help shy men become socially confident so they can create the dating life they deserve.
If you would like to learn a proven strategy to meet quality women even if you feel like you’re not good enough, save your seat by visiting www.socialmanproject.com
Connect with Myke on: Facebook or Twitter


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