How Masculine Men Protect Women’s Feminine Energy

Masculine energy is all about breaking free from constraints, overcoming, closing the deal, protecting, providing, leading…. all absolutely necessary components for a woman to experience from a man so she feels safe and flourishes in her femininity, and feels like a woman.
A woman’s level of desire (sexual and otherwise) increases dramatically when she feels like her man is stepping up by pursuing her and protecting her. When this happens, she’s allowed to be the cherished and protected woman who can relax, feel safe, and trust her man.
So at the risk of being politically incorrect here, I am going to share with you what I’ve distilled from thousands of vulnerable conversations with women.
This obviously doesn’t represent all women, although in my experience, it represents a large majority.

Why Do Women Want You to Pay for Meals?

For a woman who wants to be primarily feminine in her energy in the relationship — during the courtship process — a man shows his masculinity by paying for meals. It sends the woman a strong subconscious message that says: “I am a strong provider. If you bear children and become vulnerable, I will protect you.”
A man shows his masculinity to a woman by hunting more efficiently than other men when he shows up as the initiator, the strategist in conquering her heart, and the leader that beats out other opponents. He shows that he can protect and provide should a threat to her family’s safety appear.
A man shows his masculinity when he plans the dates and has it figured out allowing her to relax and connect.
A man creates masculine safety for a woman when he has vision and drive for his life, sending a woman the message that he is a man with direction and deep purpose, which makes him stable and capable of deeply loving her as his woman.
This happens in nature as well….let’s talk physiology: there is an egg in the woman’s womb ready to be claimed and impregnated by the sperm that beats out all the others.
Almost every female client of mine deeply longs for a man to show up like this for her, to pursue her, protect her, provide and show up with strong masculine energy.
This desire is something very primal, and yet countless women often share — in hushed tones because it can seem like it goes against the “progressive” cultural narrative of the moment.
If women are out on a date, whether they are aware of this or not, they are seriously gaging a man’s masculinity.
Whenever women feel unsafe, and unprotected by masculine energy around them, nature has it that they adapt and become more like men…and this can often leave men feeling like a woman was physically beautiful but her energy made her seem like a man or like one of the guys.
This can also mean that men experience women who are hardened, masculine, and in competition with them to see who is the “real man” in the relationship. This may not show up at first, but it usually eventually does over the course of the relationship.
Polarity disappears — and with it very often attraction, connection and desire.
A woman needs to feel safe with her man to allow herself back into her feminine energy. Masculine energy is more about power. Feminine energy is ALL about vulnerability to create deep connection and attraction for you as a man. If a woman doesn’t feel safe, her feminine energy takes a back seat to survival and protecting herself.
There are many, many ways of expressing relationships, but understanding the attraction created by Masculine and Feminine Dynamics is often key in creating sustaining passion over the long haul.
Giordana Toccaceli is an International Dating, Relationship and Intimacy Expert having worked with thousands of women and men around the world to become their most attractive and magnetic selves and attract incredible partners into their lives in record time.
Giordana has worked with a wide range of clients from Top CEOs, Billionaires, successful entrepreneurs, professional athletes, actors, models and every day men and women. She is a regular contributor to Univision TV’s morning show “Despierta Austin” and the Founder of Woman’s Allure and the Co-Founder of Embody Love Project.
Book a free Discovery Session today and find out what’s holding your back from feeling deep freedom, vibrant health, and alignment in your life. Access your free gift today: Get Giordana’s Heal Your Heart” 10 Minute Meditation.

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