Archives for October 2015

Be Reasonable At Your Own Peril

This morning I got on the bus and couldn’t find a seat, so I ended up standing. Not exactly a pleasant experience, and not only because sitting is more comfortable. Sitting is the only way I can get my laptop open so I can write my daily blog.

Being on the bus is a great way to keep me on track. It’s limited to 25-35 minutes and I get to put on my music and write.

But this time there was a good reason why I couldn’t write, a valid reason, one that if I say to anyone of you, you would probably agree that ‘Yes, you’re right, you can’t write in this condition.’ But “Action Hussein” was not having it – I wasn’t OK with not writing.

I became aware of my conflicting thoughts, and how easily I was slipping into not doing anything out of the ordinary. I had a deep urge, natural and familiar, to just stand there and do nothing, other than listening to music. I was disgusted at myself, that after two months of focused self-improvement efforts, I still was not transformed!

Although this intense debate was happening inside of me, I quickly noticed, what was not happening – I wasn’t doing anything at all, and was just lost in my own thoughts about something as silly as standing in a bus.

What would happen if I was faced with a real choice, something that was hard, or more real? I soon got lost in my own thoughts again.

I decided it was time to act. I told myself, ‘I’m going to write my daily blog post no matter what, and for no real reason, other than simply because I can.’

I had my iPhone, so I started writing, er, pecking with an oversized thumb.

Meanwhile in my head I had all the reasons why this was so hard, I was writing with one thumb, I was barely holding on with my other hand, it was uncomfortable, and people were staring… the reasons kept coming… if only I could get off and onto the other bus where there might be seats… I kept on writing though, I wrote the first few lines of this post. [YAY }

A seat soon opened up and I sat down, but I had to have my backpack in my lap. I couldn’t get the laptop out, so I kept on writing on my phone, now with two thumbs.

A seat opened up beside me, and as I placed my backpack on the floor, getting ready to pull out my laptop, a large man sat down next to me, effectively crushing me and thwarting the use of my entire left side.  I managed to wedge my laptop out from beneath his bulk and started writing. It was uncomfortable, and my arm went numb, but I kept on writing, and the result is this post.

I kept my word to myself. I wrote my daily blog. I knew I was unreasonable. I had all the reasons why I couldn’t do it, and I still did. I was crushed, I was uncomfortable, it was hard and weird, and I did it anyway.

Because my promise to myself was worth more than all the reasons in the world.

Where in life are you reasonable, and stuck in your thoughts?


Finding your authentic voice with Todd Henry

Episode: 016

Todd Henry of The Accidental Creative talks on how you can achieve personal freedom.

Todd Henry is the host of The Accidental Creative podcast and the author of three books, The Accidental Creative, Die Empty, and Louder Than Words. Todd’s mission is to help others discover their authentic voice. Todd talks on how to find your true identity, define the kind of freedom you
want, and to disrupt your patterns.
ManTalks Podcast on iTunes
Listen to it on iTunes
Mantalks Stitcher podcast
Listen to it on Stitcher
Key Takeaways:
[0:45] Connor talks about their exciting new partner/sponsor.
[2:30] What does Todd do?
[3:20] Why does Todd do what he does?
[5:50] What does an authentic voice really mean?
[8:00] What does freedom look like for you?
[9:50] Don’t just drift through your days, stop and notice the patterns.
[10:20] Todd describes why you should write your manifesto.
[12:50] Pay close attention to your patterns.
[15:50] Todd talks about vulnerability.
[19:15] It’s almost easier to do it alone, but that doesn’t scale.
[20:15] ManTalks will be hosting a one day event on Nov 7th.
[24:10] We depend on others.
[26:40] Why is Donald Trump resonating with the crowd?
[30:35] We can tell when someone is being authentic or not.
[32:00] What’s Todd most excited about right now?

Mentioned In This Episode:

Music Credit:
J Parlange & Latenite Automatic ( –
“Define what freedom actually means to you.”
“We often don’t stop to pay attention to the patterns and so we just drift.”
“It’s easier to do everything yourself, it’s easy to rely on your own genius, but that doesn’t scale overtime.”

I don't believe in Crazy, I only believe in Extraordinary

Countless times in my life someone would tell me ‘You’re crazy! Why on Earth would you think that‘s logical?  Don’t you ever think like a normal person?’

The short answer is NO.

The other day I was talking with my best friend on the phone. (Yes, we actually talk like ’crazy’ people on the good ol’ fashion telephone!)  Anyways, she was describing some ideas she had and how she felt inspired by them. These were very unconventional as far as most would consider. 

She asked, ‘Don’t you think I’m crazy?’

Being ‘crazy’ myself, and encouraging of nothing but that, I immediately said to my friend, ‘What’re you talking about? There’s nothing crazy about it… I only believe in extraordinary!’

Here’s the thing – we are meant to be on this planet for a reason; it’s not like life is just handed to each of us. There’s a purpose and intention behind who we are, and your goal should be to discover the true potential that resides in us all.

Each of us has a gift; you need to discover your own.

There are people in life who are going to beat you down and try to rob you of that gift. Some people simply can’t recognize that you are an individual who thinks outside the box with a fresh clarity that is waiting to be utilized. 

Ever since childhood, I never saw things the way other people did. I had speech delays and was unable to communicate verbally until the age of five. I had to go through speech pathology and specialized preschool programs. I eventually learned speech and language from watching TV shows and hearing adults converse. I didn’t read, and still only read if it’s required.

I was a quiet and introspective child, with huge abstract ideas. I couldn’t connect to others with ‘ordinary’ minds. I immersed myself in alternate realities and social communities that truly felt more vibrant and real than my ’real’ life. The amount of stimulation and creativity that flooded my brain was exactly what I needed.

Eventually, I translated my concepts through abstract art (mixed media and photography) where I was finally able to express my ideas and feelings. The way I verbalized my ideas with my friends made no sense to strangers around me, and I only felt heard and respected by my mother and father, as they knew I’m not ordinary.

Had it not been for my creativity and way of thinking, I wouldn’t be able to achieve the successes I have today.  I used all the doubts and insecurities from others as fuel to drive the desire to prove them wrong and persevere. 

Consider all the different kinds of people out there – the geniuses, the leaders, the innovators – they were all considered odd, eccentric, or simply ‘crazy’ for doing some of the things they do. But they inspire change and make an extraordinary difference in the lives of millions around them.

So, the next time someone calls you crazy, tell them ‘I don’t believe in crazy, I only believe in extraordinary.’

Now go on and fully experience how extraordinary you really are.

IMG_9887Hiiro Sigal Prince

Hiiro is the creator of The True Identity Project + Project Z: (Yoga | Resources for Adolescent Cancer Patients).
He currently offers public Therapeutic/Classical Restorative, Yin, Hatha and Vinyasa classes in the Lower Mainland through YYoga, Chopra Yoga Centre, and YMCA Robert Lee. Hiiro also is completing his SCHWINN Indoor Cycling training to teach Spin and completing level 1 and 2 of his Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy Training with Shivani Wells in May 2015. In August 2015, Hiiro will be a presenter for the 2015 Yogathon.
Outside of his yoga practice and teaching, Hiiro enjoys his spare time pursuing his passion for photography, creative writing and visual/performing arts, enjoying float sessions, spin classes, guzzling cold-pressed green juices, wearing an awesome pair of Fluevog boots and indulging in reality TV and the occasional childhood video game session. He cares deeply for his community and is always wearing a smile on his face and arms wide-open to give the universe a hug.
Connect with Hirro through his Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn

Build a Healthy Work Environment by Hiring the Right People with Brian Scudamore

Episode: 015

How do you go from small business to a franchise? Brian Scudamore credits his success by hiring the right people who care.

Brian Scudamore is the founder of 1-800-Got-Junk?, a franchise that operates in 180 locations in Canada, the United States, and Australia. Brian talks to Connor on why he dropped out of college and how he went from a small business to a large franchise. Brian tells the audience that he has a very slow hiring process, because he really wants to know he’s got the right people for his company on staff.
ManTalks Podcast on iTunes
Listen to it on iTunes
Mantalks Stitcher podcast
Listen to it on Stitcher
Key Takeaways:
[0:25] Connor introduces Brian.
[2:20] How did 1-800-Got-Junk? started?
[5:20] What kind of challenges did Brian face?
[6:30] What was Brian like as a kid?
[9:00] How did Brian go from a small business to a big franchise?
[12:00] Brian was slow to hire and quick to fire to make sure he really had the best person.
[16:15] You have a socially responsibility to give back.
[17:40] What’s Brian’s definition of success?

Mentioned In This Episode:

Music Credit:
J Parlange & Latenite Automatic ( –
͋It’s all about people.͌
͋Business is personal.͌
“In order for the business to thrive and be successful, the people really are the heart and soul of that.͌

Man Of The Week – Elliot Costello

From a very young age Elliot Costello’s life was influenced by his exposure to marginalized people, as his father was a lawyer and baptist, and his mother was heavily involved in not-for-profits. Being around those less fortunate was something of a norm. Seeing the values of his parents in action on a daily basis further cemented Elliot’s belief of community and how vital of a role they play in moving society forward. It seems only natural that Elliot sought volunteer experiences in developing nations while studying for his Bachelors and Masters. In 2008, Elliot and his friends wanted to volunteer in Africa but were asked to cough up over $5000 each to volunteer, which seemed wasteful. Not satisfied with the system in place, Elliot and his friends decided to cut out the intermediary, and thus ‘Y Generation Against Poverty’ (YGAP) was born. Their vision and approach are as simple as they are empowering, a world without poverty and the importance of empowering local people to solve local problems. Their main projects all focus on youth education and today they are active in six countries across Asia, Africa & Australia.
Elliot and YGAP’s most recent campaign, titled ‘Polished Man’, is centred around creating awareness and raise funds for the 1 in 5 children globally who will suffer physical and sexual violence before the age of 18. The campaign stems from Elliot’s visit to a village in Cambodia, where he met a little girl named Thea who was sexually abused. During their meeting, Elliot felt a love and playfulness in Thea’s eyes, little did he know that her tragic yet hopeful story would be the start of a global movement. For more information and to donate, head over to
Age: Just turned 31.
What do you do? (Work)
I am the CEO of YGAP; a movement of entrepreneurs that changes lives. We find and enable impact entrepreneurs in some of the world’s most disadvantage communities. We fund our work by running creative fundraising Campaigns and by owning and operating a range of social enterprises.
Why do you do it?
I strong believe we can live in a world without extreme poverty but achieving this requires bold and innovative approaches. Our work is changing the approach of traditional international development by dropping colonial, post WWII, methodologies to instead focus on supporting the local impact entrepreneurs with their ideas to tackle poverty on the frontline.
How do you make a difference in the world? (Work, business, life, family, self)
Predominately work
What are 3 defining moments in your life?
– First trip to India in 2004 with my best friend working and living in some of India’s most challenging areas
– Starting YGAP in 2008 with a group of friends
– Quitting my job in the corporate world in 2013 to go into full-time work with the non-profit I helped start; YGAP.
What is your life purpose?
Support my family and friends on their journey of philanthropy. I believe every single person has the capacity – in some way – to help change the world.
How did you tap into it?
There was no moment or life changing experience, it was just an evolved passion. I was always working on socially motivated causes and soon realised how many people around me were keen to do the same. YGAP has become a vehicle for others to share their skills and passion, motivated by the outcomes we have.
Who is your Role-Model or Mentor?
My strongest role model would be William Wilberforce. As a British MP, at the age of just 23 years old, he led the abolition movement to end Britain’s dependence on the Trans-Atlantic slave trade.
Do you have any daily habits? If so, what are they?
A cup of tea (English Breakfast) after every meal I eat. I can’t live without one!
When do you know your work/life balance is off?
When I hit an absolute wall. I am not too good at picking up the signs that my work/life balance is out of whack; instead I notice when it’s too late. Something I need to change.
Vulnerability is a challenge for most men – share a vulnerable moment from your life with us.
Vulnerability is such an important trait to recognise for all men. A YGAP Board Member once said to me: “Elliot, you are super capable, super confident, but you are not prepared to be vulnerable.” This really struck me. Because he is right.
What did you learn from it?
I had to change my leadership approach and style. Given this, I have tried to show my staff and key volunteers that I am not perfect and I am capable of being vulnerable too.
If you are or were going to be a mentor for another man, what is one piece of advice you would give him?
Displaying and expressing vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness. I learnt this the hard way.
How do you be the best partner (Boyfriend/Husband- past or present)
Be prepared to have tough conversations about emotions. Women – as partners – are biologically more open to discussions around feelings and emotions. It is important to park the rationale explanation from time to time and connect on an emotional level where you can meet your partner.
Do you support any Charities or Not-for-profits? (Which one(s) and why?)
Well, I work full-time for one! Outside of YGAP, I do personally fund a range of not-for-profits; both with my money and with my time (advice and an active Board Member)
If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
I asked two female staff members this question. On my behalf they were quick to reply: “Your body is a wonderland” by John Mayer and “Wannabe” by the Spice Girls… I don’t agree, so I will run with “Hakuna Matata” by The Lion King.
Where do you see yourself in 3 years?
As an organisation, we have set an objective to significantly and measurably impact the lives of one million people by mid-2018. I want to remain the leader who drives this powerful impact.
What legacy do you want to leave for future generations?
A simple belief that we all have the capacity to change the world. Be bold, be brave and be vocal in your approach to achieve this.
What One book would you recommend for any Man?
The Reluctant Fundamentalist; it’s brilliant
If you know a Man that is making a positive impact on the world, we would love to hear from you! Contact us at [email protected]

Wake Up and Chase After What You Want with Adam Nagy and Julian DeSchutter

Episode: 014

Anything is Possible, so Why Not Try?

Adam Nagy and Julian DeSchutter are the co-founders of Chasing Sunrise, a community designed to empower members to chase after what they want and to break out of the unconscious routine. Adam and Julian speak on their failures, their mentors, core lessons they try to teach in the Chasing Sunrise community, and what kind of legacy they’d both like to leave behind.
ManTalks Podcast on iTunes
Listen to it on iTunes
Mantalks Stitcher podcast
Listen to it on Stitcher
Key Takeaways:
[1:30] Who is Adam?
[2:35] Who is Julian?
[5:40] How did Chasing Sunrise start?
[9:50] Make conscious choices that aligns with who you are.
[11:30] What has the response been like for Chasing Sunrise?
[14:55] How do you build a thriving and self-sustainable community?
[20:00] Who are Adam’s and Julian’s mentors?
[24:35] What core lessons has the Chasing Sunrise community learned?
[29:15] ManTalks will be hosting a one day event. Save the date! Nov 7th.
[35:00] What kind of challenges have Adam and Julian seen people overcome?
[39:30] Favourite part of being a man? Brotherhood and leadership.
[42:15] Brotherhood is an integral part of being a man.
[43:35] The guys talk about failure.
[49:40] Connor shares one of his failures.
[52:30] Take a step back from your failure and ask yourself, “What’s the bigger picture?”
[55:15] What kind of legacy would the guys like to leave?
[57:30] We’re afraid to say ‘I don’t know’.
[58:55] What are the guys excited about today?

Mentioned In This Episode:

Music Credit:
J Parlange & Latenite Automatic ( –
“Anything is possible and why not try?”
“Humans are inherently awesome. If you give them the opportunity to be awesome, they’ll prove you right.”
“I would say my favorite part of being a man is the comradery that comes with brotherhood.”
“When you talk about brotherhood, a big piece of that is being accountable and responsible to other people.”
“Most people fail right before they cross the finish line.”
“Life is a product of your choices.”

Man Of The Week – JuVan Langford

Here at ManTalks Man Of The Week, we are constantly looking for Men who are challenging the status quo, pushing the boundaries and sparking conversations that are sensitive, but necessary. This week’s Man Of The Week ticks all of those boxes! JuVan Langford is a masterful storyteller, speaker and YouTube influencer. Since discovering his purpose, JuVan has made it his goal to spark conversations for men that help them redefine masculinity, breakthrough limits and help realize potential. JuVan’s legacy is to create a multigenerational cycle of inspiring mentors for young men and with his YouTube Vlog called ‘Thought Life’, which is a digital brotherhood that creates a space for vulnerable, powerful and authentic men to learn and grow from one another, he is well on his way to doing just that!
Age – 27
What do you do?
YouTube Influencer, Digital Storyteller, Speaker
Why do you do it?
Our boys have become broken men.
How do you make a difference in the world? (Work, business, life, family, self)
I create content, conversations and community for men to breakthrough the stories that are holding them back from realizing their potential, passion and purpose.
What are 3 defining moments in your life?
– Accepting my fathers death.
– Being fired for the first time.
– Writing my first book.
What is your life purpose?
To make vulnerability a second language for men. To redefine both manhood and masculinity.
How did you tap into it?
Ownership. The hardest lesson to learn is the one you were born to teach others.
Who is your Role-Model or Mentor?
Maya Angelou. She taught me the power of words and by the same token the impact and influence of my own story.
Do you have any daily habits? If so, what are they?
Prayer, and lots of it.
When do you know your work/life balance is off?
There is an overwhleming and declining shift in momentum.
Vulnerability is a challenge for most men – share a vulnerable moment from your life with us.
A conversation of forgiveness with my mother for giving me for adoption.
What did you learn from it?
We are all a constant work in progress, but it is through that work that we progress.
If you are or were going to be a mentor for another man, what is one piece of advice you would give him?
You don’t need the limelight, you are already well lit.
How do you be the best partner (Boyfriend/Husband- past or present)
By following a very simple personal philosophy, “I take care of me for you and you take care of you for me.”
Do you support any Charities or Not-for-profits? (Which one(s) and why?)
A four year mentor of the Earl Woods Foundation
If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
Bob Marley – Don’t Worry
Where do you see yourself in 3 years?
Traveling the world speaking, writing and facilitating transformative experiences for boys and men.
What legacy do you want to leave for future generations?
A digital brotherhood that creates a multigenerational and virtuous cycle of mentors for young men.
What one book would you recommend for any Man?
The Book of Proverbs, The Bible.

If you know a Man that is making a positive impact on the world, we would love to hear from you! Contact us at [email protected]

Outstanding Devotion to A Fresh Cup of Coffee with Brian Turko.

Episode: 013

Brian Turko talks on his passion for coffee.

Brian Turko is the son of Ukrainian immigrants and the owner of Milano coffee. Milano has three stores in Vancouver and one in Toronto. Brian talks on what it was like growing up with immigrant parents, how he keeps a good relationship with his wife of 20 years, and the lessons he’s learned as a young child. Come sit down, listen in, and join us at the top of the mountain with this week’s episode.
ManTalks Podcast on iTunes
Listen to it on iTunes
Mantalks Stitcher podcast
Listen to it on Stitcher
Key Takeaways:
[0:40] What’s Brian’s background?
[5:55] Why did Brian get into the coffee business?
[20:00] Your curiosity can help you find your passion.
[21:00] Coffee was created out of poverty.
[26:00] What’s Brian’s definition of success?
[35:20] Recognize that you have fear, but take action anyway.
[36:00] Brian talks about a lesson he learned when he was younger.
[44:20] It sometimes takes reckless abandonment to believe.
[51:20] ManTalks will be hosting a full one day event Nov 7th.
[57:35] What’s it like to be a man today?
[1:09:05] What kind of mark on the world does Brian want to leave?
[1:15:45] It doesn’t always work out. Live everyday as if it’s your first and your last day.
[1:20:05] Stop by Brian’s shop and say hi.

Mentioned In This Episode:

Music Credit:
J Parlange & Latenite Automatic ( –
“So often passion and creativity just sort of unfold from a sense of curiosity.”
“Coffee is the people’s drink.”
“It’s not all about money. It’s about experiences.”

Man Of The Week – Tyson Moultrie

Tyson is the Co-Owner and Chief Communications Officer at Why Blue Matters; an agency and publication that specialist in strategic branding, marketing innovations, public relations, social media and creative consulting. A Man of many talents, Tyson is also involved with numerous projects and organizations aside from his own. In addition to running Why Blue Matters, Tyson is a GQ Insider, a contributing blogger and writer for,,, and a Brand Ambassador for various brands. Tyson strongly believes in giving back and does this through speaking engagements on topics ranging from Youth Development to self-awareness with his non-profit, Freedom of Life Society. A strong desire to connect with people and to help them become more self-aware has fuelled Tyson to help create a legacy where people think differently about themselves and problems, and using their creative talents for progress of a collective.
Age? 27 year old – 9 Oct 1987
What do you do? (Work)
I’m the Co-Owner and Chief Communications Officer of Why Blue Matters?® Hybrid Creative Agency + Publication
Why do you do it?
I do it because I genuinely love finding new ways to connect with different audiences
How do you make a difference in the world? (Work, business, life, family, self)
I did start a non-profit Freedom of Life Society, Inc. which we had business owners and entrepreneurs mentoring youth, starting in a local detention center in MA, in order to lead them down a path of not just working, but building for yourself. Since that I continue to do speaking engagements, speaking to anyone about self-improvement and awareness in their given vertical. 
What are 3 defining moments in your life?
Having kids, starting businesses and joining the military.
What is your life purpose?
I honestly want to focus on helping people become more self-aware, a strong development for knowledge of self and self-worth. As for my plans to contribute to change in this problem, I want to continue to lead people to a more cognitive way of looking at themselves through the world’s eyes to discover what makes them unique and capable through identifying their strengths.
How did you tap into it?
I think what let me tap into discovering my purpose was really assessing what my value was and is, and realizing more people struggle with finding their strengths which therefore slows the progress of us as a human race.
Who is your Role-Model or Mentor?
My father, Richard Moultrie, Jr. of course, he was my first teacher in life. I credit Kellen Coleman, with being a mentor to me which is ironic because we met working and developing our own mentoring program. Also, my partner A.L. Roberts who I have the opportunity to learn from daily as we spend so much time together whether it’s in person, phone or video conferencing.
Do you have any daily habits? If so, what are they?
I think my number 1 daily habit, more like an obsession is never leaving a business related email unanswered. I actually attribute a lot of my successes to that, that minor adjustment allows opportunity to enter into your life that much sooner.
When do you know your work/life balance is off?
I personally know when my time management isn’t followed, for me I typically tend to overwork myself and under live…so just remembering to take time out to smell the roses or sleep and eat lol.
Vulnerability is a challenge for most men – share a vulnerable moment from your life with us.
Well, I’m a father and I love kids, I have 2, but I’m not able to be as involved and constant in my oldest’s life solely based on his mother. Now that is a challenge and realizing that as capable, able and intelligent as one can be creating a life with someone else open’s you up to a level of vulnerability and hurt that you have very little direct control over.
What did you learn from it?
I learned to make mutually beneficial agreements in the good times to be followed still during the not so good times, and do it in writing
If you are or were going to be a mentor for another man, what is one piece of advice you would give him?
Interesting, I do mentor others and the one piece of advice I give is acceptance. Whether it’s accepting the results of something outside of your control and accepting what’s in your control. Accepting what you are or aren’t capable of and how good you are at it. Accepting consequences of actions when you’re not accountable for something. Accepting someone’s differences. The chance to exercise this spirit of acceptance presents itself and it is a simple, not always easy, way to workout that muscle of self-awareness.
How do you be the best partner? (Boyfriend/Husband- past or present)
I think the most important thing is support, just having incredible belief in that other human being’s abilities to evolve.
Do you support any Charities or Not-for-profits? (Which one(s) and why?)
I know they may sound super ambiguous, but I support a bunch of different ones and it really depends on the season of need that I feel a section of society is in. Whether it’s Make-A-Wish, Yellow Ribbon, natural disasters, education, equality or sometimes a good cause on GoFundMe.
If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
Tough one, but I suppose I would say Kanye West “Dream Killers”, but realistically I’d have to do a master mash up of a bunch lol.
Where do you see yourself in 3 years?
I see myself exactly where I deserve to be after 3 years of my faith and work have brought me in business, life, relationships and more.
What legacy do you want to leave for future generations?
I’d like to leave legacy of forward creative thinking and utilizing your individual talents for the progress of a collective. That spirit would be great to have perpetuate.
What One book would you recommend for any Man?
Another tough one…Dale Carnegie ‘How To Win Friends & Influence People’, although WBM is built heavily on the philosophy of ‘Think & Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill.
Who is one Man you think our readers would love to read about in future ‘Man Of The Week’ features?
I know you said one, but I tend to be a rebel and do what I believe is right I’d have to say A.L. Roberts, Kellen Coleman and Gary Vaynerchuk.
If you know a Man that is making a positive impact on the world, we would love to hear from you! Contact us at [email protected]


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