Tom Nash – Redefining Problems, Post-Traumatic Growth, And Exploiting Adversity

Talking points: adversity, disability, resiliency vs anti-fragility, growth, mindset

Everything about this convo was enjoyable, but I think what I appreciate most is how pragmatic and straight-up grounded Tom’s insights are. It makes for highly effective advice you can work on right away. Bonus: he’s a great storyteller.

This is a great episode to dig into if you’re looking for inspiration towards a different approach to things, especially hardship.

(00:00:00) – Intro, and the importance of living in a place you don’t always like
(00:07:00) – Tom’s defining moment
(00:09:43) – What Tom gained from intense physical hardship
(00:15:52) – Reorienting yourself instead of the problem, and post-traumatic growth
(00:20:05) – Is resiliency born or revealed by hardship, and have people treated you differently?
(00:23:25) – How do you approach problem-solving itself, and how Tom became a DJ
(00:34:10) – Tom’s definition of anti-fragile and resiliency
(00:50:06) – Did therapy help?

Quadruple amputee and DJ, Tom Nash exercises his unique knack for storytelling alongside his often dark and dry sense of humour, to lead audiences down a path of self-discovery, encouraging them to inspect their lives from a different angle. Tom’s grounded approach to working out what’s important and setting aside the noise of life, resonates with listeners.

Tom explains how harnessing the power of adversity helped him to build a more pragmatic, productive and self-reflective mindset. Applying the lateral thinking methods imbued upon him to circumnavigate physical issues into his vocational endeavours carved out a new line of thinking.

Connect with Tom


-TED Talk:

-Book: Hook, Line & Sinner:




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