Shai Tubali – Is Enlightenment Worth It?

Talking points: mindset, psychology, meditation, spirituality

Meditation and mindfulness get a lot of air time these days, especially on the more “crunchy” side of wellness spectrum. But is it all it’s cracked up to be? I sat down with Shai to really dig into this, from the wildly esoteric and spiritual side of the question to the more practical, tactical side. Because what’s the point of enlightenment if it doesn’t make things, well, a little lighter?

(00:00:00) – Shai’s feeling of being “outside” the usual human experience, the difference between detachment and dissociation, and using things like meditation to avoid life

(00:09:52) – What IS consciousness, and the West’s obsession with enlightenment

(00:25:45) – Why are humans even capable of self-reference? What’s the point? 

(00:34:16) – Do these complex, philosophical ideas help with our day-to-day lives?

(00:43:20) – How can men develop greater mental flexibility and combat closed-mindedness?

(00:56:55) – What to do to get your calm back in a conflict

(01:02:07) – The ultimate test of mental flexibility: putting yourself in a loved one’s shoes

(01:09:41) – On reigniting imagination and using it for good

Shai Tubali is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Leeds, UK. He has a doctorate in philosophy of religion from the School of Philosophy, Religion, and History of Science at the University of Leeds. He’s the author of the monograph Cosmos and Camus: Science Fiction Film and the Absurd (Peter Lang) and a contributor to the Routledge Companion to Absurdist Literature, as well as a prolific published author, having written over twenty books, including award-winning and bestselling titles. Among his diverse publications, one can find prose, poetry, practical books on meditation and self-development, and philosophical treatises on South-Asian philosophy and classical Greek philosophy. 

Connect with Shai



-Flexible Mind:



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