Katherine Ann Cantrell – Is Healing Decades Of Trauma Even Possible?

Talking points: trauma, sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, trauma culture, therapy

I was connected to Katherine Ann through my own mentor, the incredible gestalt therapist Duey Freeman. Her story is intense, powerful, and most importantly, it’s shows the importance and possibilities inherent in trauma work and group work. I applaud Katherine Ann for coming forward and sharing her story.

[00:01:12] – Katherine Ann’s defining moment

[00:08:50] – the role Katherine Ann’s father played in her life

[00:15:12] – Were you believed about what was happening, and how did your trauma start manifesting?

[00:26:44] – How did what happened shape your perception of men, and how has that evolved since doing trauma excavation?

[00:40:16] – What would you say to people who struggle with forgiving what’s happened?

[00:45:27] – What is trauma excavation?

[00:54:44] – Do you get the sense that trauma work has become so mainstream it’s been watered down?

Katherine Ann is a mother of five grown children – 2 daughters and 3 stepsons. She resides in Boulder, CO with her beloved husband. After years of abuse and trauma, followed by 30 years (thus far) of healing, she recently released her website – see KatherineAnn.com – and is sharing her life story and experiences in hopes of helping others heal from trauma and abuse, and transform from a place of just surviving to thriving in life. The connection Katherine Ann has with (Connor) is through Duey Freeman, who has been a therapist for almost 50 years with about 80,000 contact hours with clients. Katherine Ann has worked with Duey individually and collectively with her siblings. Recently, Duey stated on Traver Boehm’s podcast that, Katherine Ann, and her brother and her sister, “were involved in probably the most bizarre and intense situation of abuse – both physical and sexual – that I’ve seen.” In 2008, in a letter of promotion for the three siblings when they planned to write a book together, Duey wrote about the abuse as, “the most intense, insidious, and malicious case of abuse and incest I have ever known. It is a story of love and hate, of physical and sexual abuse, of incredible humiliation and manipulation. A story that makes you cry and then pray for both forgiveness and healing.” Katherine Ann’s book will be published later this year.

Connect with Katherine Ann

-Website: https://katherineann.com/intro/introduction/

-Facebook: https://bit.ly/3NbKOyF

-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katherineannhealing/

Pick up my brand-new book, Men’s Work: A Practical Guide To Face Your Darkness, End Self-Sabotage, And Find Freedom: https://mantalks.com/mens-work-book/

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