Figs O’Sullivan – On Diagnosing Your Partner, Blame Games, And Emotional Pursuers

Talking points: couples therapy, emotions, modern culture, empathy

Delighted to have the wit and wisdom of Figs O’Sullivan to content with once again. It’s been too long! We cover a lot of ground, specifically around couples therapy, so I encourage you to check the timestamps and listen in.

(00:00:00) – As people learn more “therapy-speak” and watch more TikTok “experts”, how is that filtering down into relationships?

(00:06:50) – Why do some people default to blaming their partner when things don’t go well?

(00:12:57) – Why talk about diagnosing partners yourself is so difficult, and how competency can actually, sometimes, make you IN-competent

(00:18:24) – What’s your opinion on modern therapy infiltrating culture the way it has?

(00:22:49) – Is modern therapy set up well enough to truly help men?

(00:30:25) – Why do couples fight over and over—and what do they fight about?

(00:30:25) – The emotional pursuer and emotional withdrawer dynamic

(00:41:25) – What are some ways out of that dynamic?

(00:46:17) – What gets in the way of empathy, and how can that be overcome?

(00:50:37) – What does good couples therapy entail, and how do you know it’s working?

(00:55:25) – It’s important to pay attention to the ease of things as well as hard stuff

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-Podcast: Come Here To Me:



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