
Man Of The Week – Zeeshan Hayat

Our newest Man Of The Week is someone who’s faced his fair share of hardships growing up, from seeing his mother pass away right before his eyes at the age of six, to moving from Pakistan to Canada at the age of nine, Zeeshan Hayat never let his determination to succeed in life dampen. Zeeshan has never known any other career than entrepreneurship, and from the young age of 22 he took the bold step to launch his first company without any prior work experience or funding. A man that doesn’t shy away form the tough decisions in life, Zeeshan’s perseverance and determination, along with support from an incredible wife Karina, have helped grow his business into a multimillion dollar organization that medically serves millions across North America. Today, Zeeshan is the CEO of Prizm Health, which he co-founded with his wife Karina. A man driven by passion, Zeeshan’s desire to leave a legacy that inspires future generation is well-balanced with quality family time and exercise. As many serial entrepreneurs, his desire to give back to the community is ever-present, since 2007 the initiatives he has led with Prizm Health, they have successfully donated over 40,000 meals and supplies to those in need in Vancouver and the Downtown East Side.

Age – 36

What do you do? (Work)
I am the CEO and Co-founder of Prizm Health. My drive and vision has taken the company from a small college venture to a multimillion dollar business that serves some of the largest mail order durable medical equipment and pharmacies across US and Canada.
Prizm Health started as a lead generation firm, called Prizm Media that connects consumers suffering from chronic conditions with healthcare companies at their point of need. While building Prizm with my co-founder and wife Karina Hayat, we looked for a solution to further help people with pre-diabetes and diabetes which led us to develop our E-Health Ecosystem. Now we are transforming people’s health outcome and ultimately their quality of life through personalized interventions.
Before becoming a serial entrepreneur, I competed at a national level for Taekwondo. Learning Taekwondo gave me the discipline, ethics, and integrity needed to lead Prizm Health.
I also blog for the Huffington Post where I share my expertise in how technology is changing the healthcare industry and what the future will bring.

Why do you do it?
Because I love it. If I didn’t love my job and what I do than I would look to build a company that reflected my passion.

How do you make a difference in the world? (Work, business, life, family, self)
For Business– I help make a difference in the health industry. At Prizm, we are making a change in people’s lives by connecting people with healthcare providers they desperately need to achieve their optimal health. Through our app Kudolife, we are personalizing people’s health.
Health, nutrition, and fitness should not be categorized. There is no one size fits all when it comes to people’s health. Our bodies are all different and through Kudolife, we hope to give people the personalization they need to reach their health and fitness goals. Kudolife uses machine learning and AI to give users personalized meal plans that will help optimize their health for the long term.
Personal side– For me I enjoy giving back to the community. I do this by giving back to the people closest to us and who need help- the Vancouver downtown eastside. It is important to give back to those in need and doing what is necessary to help them get back on their feet. Wether it is by giving them food, basic toiletries or by having a conversation.
Family- Giving back to my family by being present and not always being away or distracted by technology is vital. When you are around family or friends, it is important always to be present, or else life could just pass you by.
Self- Taking the time out of my day to go on a bike ride is important. By taking care of my physical, I can continue to stay fresh and be motivated to lead Prizm Health.

What are 3 defining moments in your life?
– When I saw my mother pass away infront of my eyes at the age of 6
– Moving to Canada at the age of 9 with my grandparents from Pakistan
– Starting my own family and company

What is your life purpose?
There have always been three main things I focus on. Number one and the most important one is to to provide a good life for my family. The second is to build a legacy that provides a service to help improve and individualize health. The third one is to continue to support the community around me and to help people who are in need.

How did you tap into it?
For me, it was about prioritizing and understanding what is important for me personally. My family felt the most important since I have no siblings. I receive that satisfaction of what I missed in my childhood by seeing my children grow.
I have never had any other career in my life besides being an entrepreneur, and I want to see it grow where we make a real difference in a person’s life. Building your own company and seeing it take off is the real legacy of an entrepreneur. When I first started Prizm 15 years ago, I would have never foreseen where I would be today. Now looking forward and seeing us become a global leader might be hard to imagine but I know if can become a reality. Being able to grow Prizm Health into the success it is today is proof that we can achieve the future.

Who is your Role-Model or Mentor?
It would be prophet, Muhammad. As a Muslim, we are supposed to look up to him and care for the people around us. In that sense, I would say he is my role model.

Do you have any daily habits? If so, what are they?
Staying on schedule and being organized is my daily habit. Also, no matter how busy I am I make sure that I spend time with my children every single day. As a family, we all get together to have breakfast with each other every morning. Another important daily habit that I try to be consistent with is stretching every morning. I struggle with this, but after a morning stretch, I noticed that I started to become more flexible and felt more energized and ready for the day ahead.

When do you know your work/life balance is off?
I like to exercise at least 4-5 times a week. If I don’t workout, I begin to feel frustrated and over worked.  Taking the time to exercise helps me relax and gives me time to feel fresh again. As for family, if I had to choose between a bike ride or to spend time with kids. My kids are always the first choice. It is all about prioritizing and understand what will make you happier.

Vulnerability is a challenge for most men – share a vulnerable moment from your life with us.
Going all in and taking the leap to start my own business at 22 years old with no experience or funding.

What did you learn from it?
The biggest lesson learned is that you can do anything if you put all of your energy and minds into it. My motivation was that I saw others starting successful businesses. I thought “If they can do it then we can too.” We had to give it our 100% and learn how to make the best possible decisions in the process.

If you are or were going to be a mentor for another man, what is one piece of advice you would give him?
Never Give up. Once you set your mind to something do whatever you can to get there.

How do you be the best partner (Boyfriend/Husband- past or present)
Having a good understanding of each other and being supportive is one way.
My co-founder/wife and I share a family together and for us, it is important to know how to support each other when things don’t go as planned.  When we come across a problem, we can apply our entrepreneurial skills to find the solutions. We never just talk about the problem we both actively work hard together to seek its solution.

Do you support any Charities or Not-for-profits? (Which one(s) and why?)
In addition to pledging 2.5% of Prizm Media’s after-tax profits to charity, I also spearhead several initiatives and donate to causes close to my heart. The charitable campaign “100 Meals a Week” is a weekly initiative led by myself and Karina that supports the less fortunate on “Skid Row” in the Vancouver Downtown Eastside. We have motivated friends, family, and the Prizm Health team to provide over 40,000 meals and necessities since 2007.
More recently, my wife and I are sponsoring a Syrian refugee family. We are currently preparing to help the family assimilate to life in Canada.
Other activities we are a part of include partnering up with Homeless on Hastings organization to help give out meals to homeless youth. We have also recently started going to local high schools to teach courses on entrepreneurship and help students develop their leadership skills.

If your life had a theme song, what would it be
I don’t think I could think of just one.

Where do you see yourself in 3 years?
Professionally I see myself as a market leader in healthcare digital and marketing and innovation.

What legacy do you want to leave for future generations?
I would want to be looked at as someone who was helpful to its community, as well as someone who worked hard to grow wiser. I would want my children to look at me as a role model.
For my company, I want to grow it into a huge cooperation that is driven towards making a difference in people’s health. In the end, I want to be looked upon as a leader in the MHealth field.

What One book would you recommend for any Man?
The autobiography of Steve Jobs. I look at him as a leader. As a business man, I look up to him as a role model, but I do not look up to him for his personal life. He couldn’t support his family, but I admire his ability to give it all to his company.

If you know a Man that is making a positive impact on the world, we would love to hear from you! Contact us at [email protected]

Man Of The Week – Louka Parry

Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Our newest Man Of The Week is Louka Parry and he couldn’t agree more! Louka is a Director of Programs for Education Changemakers, and he saw an opportunity in leveraging education as a tool to combat societal issues, scarcities and inequalities. Louka noticed the importance of education and the positive impact it can have in empowering somebody to live a fulfilled life of purpose and passion. His dedication to impacting the education of every young person in the world, regardless of their location, is both admirable yet necessary. To get involved, be sure to check out Education Changemakers and some of the other noble causes Louka supports.
Age: 31
What do you do?
I’m now an adult educator, working to unleash teacher-led innovation and leadership. As the Director of Programs for Education Changemakers, a BCorp, we work to enable teachers to lead positive change in their schools to make sure young people have an education worth having.
Why do you do it?
I teach because I want to see a better world, one where every person can achieve their own sense of greatness. It’s clear that we need to move from a world of scarcity to one of abundance and I see education as the key lever for social change. I’m also lucky to spend time with amazing people everyday, be they passionate teachers and leaders or my wonderful colleagues. It’s hard to underplay the importance of a great team culture to do great work.
How do you make a difference in the world? (Work, business, life, family, self)
I try to live deliberately and inspire others to lead positive, fulfilling lives where they find their purpose and use their passion to follow it. I’m incredibly lucky to support teachers from a diverse range of settings to be innovative and to use their leadership gifts to serve others. In life, I try to be the best version of myself as a positive energiser and an optimist.
What are 3 defining moments in your life?
– Firstly, the day my Papou (my Greek Grandfather) died in 2001. I was 16 and it was the first significant grief I had experienced and I realized I didn’t truly know him or much about my ancestry as the first Australian born from two immigrant families. He was too proud to speak broken English and I spoke no Greek. That moment unleashed a passion for history and linguistics and five languages later, I’m still on a relentless quest to be a hyperpolyglot.
– Second, was a lecture at university that spoke about teaching in remote communities in Central Australia. That lecture forever changed my life trajectory and 12 months later, I found myself being my teaching career in the great Australian outback. It’s also where I met Jess, a fellow teacher, who is now my long-term partner.
– Third, was the day I became a school principal. I was 27 and it was to be a test of my leadership nous, but it was rewarding work and having a committed, positive team of both Aboriginal and non-aboriginal educators made all the difference to both me and the students.
What is your life purpose?
It is said in life that you make a living by what you get, but you make a life by what you give. I hope to give my best, most authentic self to the world and know with satisfaction that I’ve made a difference. I hope to collect as many profound learning experiences as possible, which is one reason I love to travel, and make a positive dent on this planet while I’m fortunate enough to be here.
How did you tap into it?
I chose teaching because I wanted to help others. Education is a social leveller and anyone can experience success if given the right support. I’m a strong believer in egalitarian ideals and meritocracy and wanted to work in service of them. After all, teaching is the profession that creates all others.
Who is your Role-Model or Mentor?
I take my inspiration from many people around me and try to use their passion to spark my own. My role-model is my Yaiyai (Greek Grandma) who died a year ago. She had incredible resilience, strength, selflessness and so much love for others. I learnt so much from her and am grateful for the sacrifice she and others made so that I could have the opportunities I’ve had in Australia. Family is really important to me and I do my best to make them proud.
Do you have any daily habits? If so, what are they?
I meditate for 20 minutes, take a run or do yoga, read, listen to Spotify and connect with friends and ideas online. I also try do at least one thing that scares me and one random act of kindness, no matter how small. If the world need more of something, it’s kindness.
When do you know your work/life balance is off?
I’m incredibly privileged to do what I love so I like to think of this balance more as life/work integration. But when I find my normal positive self becoming cynical, impatient and frustrated, I know it’s time for rebalance, especially a bit of a digital detox (I’m as addicted to technology as most people nowadays).
Vulnerability is a challenge for most men – share a vulnerable moment from your life with us. 
The moment my parents separated. It was late in my life as I was 27 but it was completely unexpected, it totally challenged my concept of marriage as a life-long commitment, something I’m still working through. Thankfully, both my parents are happier now with partners who truly fulfil them.
What did you learn from it?
That life is never linear, ignoring authenticity is never promising and honesty is always the best position. If you are not happy, you need to change something. Life is too short for anything else.
If you are or were going to be a mentor for another man, what is one piece of advice you would give him?
I know it sounds morbid but I would ask him about his death. How would he like to have impacted the world? What would he want the eulogy to be about? And how close is he from achieving these things now? I personally find this strategy helps me to realise that my day-to-day worries don’t actually amount to much, and this forces me to make sure that I’m taking advantage of every opportunity to learn, grow and be my authentic self. Our energy is precious and we need to stick with the things that really matter.
How do you be the best partner (Boyfriend/Husband- past or present)
Be kind, forgiving and a clear communicator. My partner and I live between two states, so we connect daily and see each other every other week. She’s very driven running a preschool and I’m immensely proud of her. I also try to practice self-care and mediation to be the best version of myself I can be when we are spending time together. In this information saturated world, it’s as important to tend the mind as hit the gym.
Do you support any Charities or Not-for-profits? (Which one(s) and why?)
Amnesty International, Oxfam and YGAP. I find work of Y-GAP and Spark* particularly extraordinary as they support early stage social entrepreneurs in Africa, Asia and Australia. To date their program has helped improve the lives of over 100,000 people living in extreme poverty. I routinely get involved in their campaigns, like Polishedman. Definitely check them out.
If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
During the day: Watching You Breathe by Jacoo (mainly for the epic Alan Watts sample)
After dark: Daft Punk by Pentatonix (love a good acapella medley)
Where do you see yourself in 3 years?
A wiser yet relentlessly inquisitive man, still teaching and supporting others to make positive impact. Possibly undertaking a Ph.D, in great shape, beginning a family and enjoying the challenges of this crazy life.
What legacy do you want to leave for future generations?
I’d like to have inspired the people I’ve come across to live more fulfilled lives, and ultimately to work toward a world where everyone can flourish. To have contributed to the creation of a meaningful, relevant and inspiring education for every young person, no matter their location or background.
What One book would you recommend for any Man?
Linchpin by Seth Godin. Epic read.
If you know a Man that is making a positive impact on the world, we would love to hear from you! Contact us at [email protected]
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