
Why Men Set Goals (And Why That Might Not Be Serving You)

Every Friday morning ManTalks superstars Connor Beaton and Roger Nairn appear on Roundhouse radio to talk men’s issues. This week they talked goal setting and New Year’s Resolutions.

Have you struggled with your goals in the past? Have you made New Year’s Resolutions only to realize a day, week, or month later that you weren’t actually committed to the goal?

This short radio segment will help you understand why.

Click here to listen.

For additional listening on this topic, download the ManTalks podcast episode 23 with Roger Nairn and Connor Beaton, where they discuss the most effective way to reflect on a year past and create intentions and goals for a new year.

Check out the episode here.

Subscribe and download the ManTalks podcast on iTunes or Stitcher. Remember to rate the show and leave us a review. Let’s redefine what it means to be a man.

Join our private Facebook community for open, honest, and impactful conversations about the issues that matter most to men.


Recapping An Incredible Night! – ManTalks Pursuit Of Purpose

Well, we did it again…another epic, inspiring and sold out ManTalks Monday at our new event space at HOOTSUITE HQ!
First off BIG thanks and appreciation to the team at Hootsuite, who opened up their space, helped us set up/take down and stayed off the clock to help make this all happen for our community!
If you missed the evening, read on for a quick recap of the night and if you were there, we’ve highlighted our favourite moments and would love to hear yours.
Connor BeatonManTalks Pursuit Of Purpose kicked off with a wonderful introduction by our founder Connor Beaton.
This month we brought three local speakers to our stage to share their pursuit and journey of discovering and living their purpose.
It was a night filled with expansion, insight and major inspiration from each speaker and a brilliant vibrancy from the community who attended.
Mike MuscariThe first speaker to take our stage on Monday was Mike Muscari.
Our four biggest takeaways from Mike:

  • Without purpose life tends to lack significant meaning.
  • Purpose is something bigger than you that you may or may not accomplish in your lifetime but gets you up and out of bed and causes you to develop a strong willingness to show up for life to the best of your abilities every day.
  • The discovery of purpose is a process of trying-doing-retrying.
  • There are days along the journey that aren’t always easy and every day we have the free will to choose to live in accordance with our purpose or not. Some days we will choose not to live in alignment with our purpose, and that is ok because inevitably the inner compass called purpose will eventually steer us back on course.

Darren JacklinOur second speaker was Darren Jacklin
Our four biggest takeaways from Darren:

  • A key to connecting to your purpose and living on purpose is connecting with the right people who are willing to give you an honest perspective and inspect your life to help you see what is in the way of your potential and purpose emerging.
  • Don’t get stuck in analysis paralysis (aka overthinking things and never taking action). Instead take one small action step to get the momentum in motion again.
  • Nothing is ever in your way it is only on your way.
  • There will be days where you don’t know what to do, days that are hard. It is when you have attracted a new problem you are in the process of levelling up. In attracting a bigger problem, you must expand yourself to come up with a new idea for how to figure it out. In facing these challenges, you are forced to step out of what is familiar and out of your comfort zone into the world of the unknown where all things become possible.

Brock TullyOur third speaker of the night was Brock Tully.
Our four biggest takeaways from Brock:

  • Changing our thinking is our access to experiencing the only true goal- being happy, for it is the simplest things that bring us the most joy and fulfillment.
  • It is only when we aren’t happy with ourselves do we put others down, and when we are unhappy with ourselves, we have another option available to us. Instead of picking on others or putting them down we can grow ourselves, we can get in touch with our hearts, we can connect to what is the for the highest good of all involved and act from there.
  • Kindness begins with being kind towards ourselves, being of service to others and connected to the true gift of giving unconditionally.
  • “I would rather be seen for who I am and be alone than accepted for what I’m not and feel alone.” We don’t need to go out and find our purpose, it is something that is a part of us and who we have always been, we just need to remember who we are and be willing to remain connected to our hearts even in the toughest and darkest of times to access this purpose within.

Our final takeaway of the night was an invitation posed to the audience from our founder:

“Go out of your way to say hello to someone you don’t know tomorrow, you never know, you might change their life and your life will forever be changed because of it.”

We want to hear from YOU!
Share your insights, takeaways and breakthroughs with us! Using the hashtag #mantalks on all social media forums will help us find you and keep the inspired conversations going!
We are taking a break for the summer!! We’ll be back in action for August and until then we’ll keep you up to date with all things ManTalks in our weekly newsletter. Thank you for being a part of our growing and thriving community and we look forward to seeing all your familiar faces soon!
Team ManTalks

Why Mentoring is Important for Life and Business Success

Paul Ratsoy, Corey Porter, & Gary Bizzo…
Those names might not mean anything to you, however, to me, these three individuals have changed my life. Why…you ask? Because Paul, Corey, and Gary are my mentors. They have given me guidance in life, in marriage, in fatherhood, and in business.
We all NEED mentors to succeed.
Growing up, I didn’t have a healthy family foundation. My parents were always fighting, we never ate dinner around the dining table together as a family and we never went on camping or road trips. Eventually, my parents had a divorce. Not having a strong father figure, I would look up to Hockey Players as my mentors and role models. I would send them Hockey Cards in the mail asking for autographs, I would line-up for hours outside the Pacific Coliseum to meet my Canucks Mentors, and I would seek guidance from these sports heroes.
However, they weren’t really mentors…they were more like idols. What I needed was not someone distant to look up to but someone close who would look into me, guide and shape me, and help me form my core identity.
It was only in my early 20s that I got my first mentor: Paul Ratsoy. For the first time in my life, someone believe in me, someone invested time in me, someone loved and cared for me in a way that I never found with my parents, my dad, or my hockey heroes.
Week after week after week for several years, Paul Ratsoy invested quality time with me at Bread Garden at Park and Tilford Mall in North Vancouver to make me the man I am today. He listened as I shared my personal struggles regarding my faith, my family, my school, my career, and my life. He never judged, never questioned, never doubted…he just listened, just guided, just shared his insights, experiences, and inner wisdom.
After Paul, it was Corey Porter who spend lunch hour after lunch hour guiding me and forming me while I was an undergrad at UBC. Corey helped me form my spiritual identity and my passion for people. Corey sincerely loved and cared for people, and he imparted this love for people in me too. And now, it’s Gary Bizzo who invests one hour of his time each week on the phone giving me Business Mentorship through the Futurepreneur Program. After years of running multiple successful businesses, Gary is willing and able to invest the time needed to make my businesses a success.
I am eternally grateful for Paul, Corey, and Gary. Thank you.
I can’t really pay them back. However, I can pay it forward…by mentoring others. So, that’s what I have done. I have mentored a little brother Stuart through the Big Brothers Program. I have mentored new immigrants Phil and Ali through the Mosaic Immigrant Services. I have mentored disabled people through the Kudos Experience. And, most importantly, of all, I now am able to mentor my two young kids Rianne and Ryan by giving them a strong family foundation, by eating meals around the dining table, and by taking them on road trips and being the father I never had.
Mentorship is important for many reasons:
1) Guidance – having an experienced friend to learn from and to guide you
2) Accountability – being fully accountable to someone to reach your goals
3) Support – knowing that there is someone who deeply loves and cares for you
This Monday, April 13, 2015 join myself and other dads who will share the importance of having and being mentors and role models at ManTalks!
Ricky Shetty - Photobin PhotographyRicky Shetty is the owner and operator of the family-friendly website which gives a father’s perspective into parenting! In addition, Ricky runs several events, workshops, and conferences in Vancouver. His next big conference is
Ricky’s greatest passion is fatherhood and his two wonderful kids Rianne and Ryan.You can find out more about Ricky on his Daddy Blogger website:

Kicking It Off…

Welcome to ManTalks!
I’m Connor Beaton the Founder and CEO of ManTalks, and I’m super excited to kick off the launch of our blog, which is going to host amazing conversations with extraordinary people. My intention is to provide some insight into who we are, why we are here, what you can expect from us and why you’ll want to stick around and check out what happens next.

First off, why ManTalks? Why does an organization for men even exist?
Our mission is to redefine what it means to be a self-aware, high performing and influential man in the world; the type of man who others look up to as a role model. We, like most men, love to win, grow, thrive, be inspired and kick ass! ManTalks is as much about growth as it is about openness, honesty, vulnerability and shifting the conversation around masculinity. We are here to smash through some of the negative stereotypes surrounding the men in our societies and replace those ideas with new expanded possibilities. We intend to continue creating the space for men to thrive, learn from one another and learn from some of the most inspiring men on the planet. ManTalks is a space for men to share their greatest challenges, greatest wins and biggest insights on success, parenting, spirituality, business, sexuality…. you name it, we are going to tackle it.

Who is ManTalks for?
Anyone with a pulse, really. But mostly:
Men who want to succeed.
Men who are willing to do the work to grow.
Men who are open to being a part of a growing community of inspiring, kick ass mentors and willing to contribute and share their unique perspectives and insights for the greater good of the community.
Men who are strong enough to process their emotions and who wish to deepen their understanding and expand their ability to express themselves constructively.
Men wanting to be better fathers.
Men wanting to be better husbands.
Men wanting to be better leaders.
Men wanting to be better partners.
Men wanting to be better lovers.
Men wanting to be better men.

Are women welcome?
Hell ya! One of our goals is to enhance the perception of men in the eyes of women. That is why we welcome them into ManTalks Monday — a community of men, who continue to show up and do the inner work needed for them to become the men the world needs. ManTalks is a space for both genders to unite and understand the masculine in all of its forms. This is a human conversation, from the masculine perspective. We believe that in order for women to be truly liberated, to have true equality, we as men need to liberate ourselves first from any shame, guilt or negativity surrounding masculinity in our global communities.

That said, our ManTalks Monday events are open to everyone. We also host additional events and workshops just for men, so they can dig deep, learn through each other’s humanity and grow together. To be completely upfront and honest, ManTalks isn’t for everyone. It’s NOT for: those who are closed and unwilling to learn, transform or grow. 
People who are outrageously judgmental or want to shame others for their life choices. Individuals who are not willing to look at themselves or claim responsibility for their lives. Those unwilling to make the internal and external shifts required for a healthy and vibrant life.

What We Believe
We believe in unlimited potential, growth and in contributing to the people around us. Contribution and community are two of the main core values that make up ManTalks and influence everything we intend to accomplish.

We believe every man can make this world great through the expression of his greatness. We believe that at the core of men’s ability to be exceptional fathers, partners, and leaders, resides a positive relationship with themselves and the unique expression of their masculinity.

We believe in the transformative power of honesty, vulnerability and authenticity. We believe in reinforcing the courage and strength it takes for men to do the work, break free of stereotypes and beliefs that keep them stuck, and redefine what masculinity means to them.

We believe in aligning words with action. We believe every man can leave an exceptional legacy, and we are here to ensure the men in our community leave this world a better place through their unique contribution.

The Possibility We See
Imagine a world where men understand the difference between anger and aggression. A world where men have the tools to communicate and process emotions, compassionately raise their children, foster greater collaboration across borders, religions, genders and races.

Imagine a world filled with men who inspire greatness through their example. These might sound like lofty goals, but we aren’t here to fuck around. We are here to create a world of men who aspire to live by the values of community, authenticity, purpose, honesty, courage, accountability and strength. A global community of men who are truly free to be examples of authentic masculine presence. We mean business.

We intend to accomplish our vision by creating spaces where men feel inspired to share the deepest, most authentic aspects of their lives. Our vision comes to life through our live events, online community, our ManTalks Mastermind, and some additional events we have yet to announce,

If ManTalks sounds like the community you are looking for, and you see great value within what we stand for, join us. Join the conversation. Join the movement.
Oh and one more thing;
Welcome to the tribe.


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