Archives for October 2, 2023

Jillian Turecki – What’s Truly Important In Your Relationship?

Talking points: relationships, money, dominance, death, marriage, sex, culture

You know by now wide-ranging conversations are the norm for ManTalks, but this one? Extraordinary. Jillian Turecki and I get into all things relationships, from power dynamics to death and dying to how money matters have shifted relationship culture.

Strongly encourage you to listen to this with a friend or your partner and dig around in it. There is NO shortage of things to mull on here. See where your conversation goes!

(00:00:00) – Intro and Jillian’s defining moment
(00:05:59) – How did being with your mom in her final moments change you?
(00:11:09) – On death in Western culture
(00:17:51) – How do you support a partner through the grief of losing a parent or friend?
(00:23:58) – What actually goes into us choosing our partners, and the importance of being self-aware
(00:41:12) – Do you think that marriage is dying in American culture?
(00:44:29) – Do women still want to get married, and the difficulty of the dating market
(00:49:36) – On how 50 Shades of Grey was helpful, but also screwed women over
(01:07:23) – On women out-earning men, and what people should question
(01:24:37) – On sex, power, and dominance in the bedroom

Jillian Turecki is a certified relationship coach, teacher and writer who for 20 years has taught others how to transform their relationships with themselves.

Under the tutelage of Tony Robbins and world-renowned family therapist Cloe Madanes, Jillian is certified by the Robbins Madanes Center for Strategic Intervention, a renowned coaching program known for its innovative strategic solutions to the most difficult relationship problems. Fueled by an insatiable curiosity about what makes a relationship thrive, Jillian has helped thousands through her teaching and writing revolutionize their relationship with themselves so that they transform their relationships with others. Jillian is sought out for her compassionate, direct, and very authentic style of coaching and teaching.”

Connect with Jillian:
-Conscious Women Membership:
-Podcast: Jillian On Love:

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