Archives for August 28, 2023

Men’s Work Session – Recovering And Healing Old Grief, Part One

Talking points: grief, loss, anxiety, helplessness

Every so often, I’ll have an anonymous guest on the show to give listeners a glimpse into what men’s work at ManTalks is really like. This is going to be a three-parter, so stay tuned for more.

This man is someone I’ve known for a while through his participation in ManTalks, and he’s come to me looking wanting to feel more in charge of his life, and more able to handle when life, business, or relationships take a hit. Behind much of it is ungrieved childhood loss.

This is a great episode to dig into if you feel like you manage fine when life is good, but fall apart when it doesn’t. There’s insight on some of the consequences of not having the chance to properly grieve.

(00:00:00) – Intro and what our guest would like to work on
(00:10:07) – A pervasive feeling of inadequacy, and how it relates to making money
(00:14:02) – How the loss of a mother led to feeling helpless and inattentive 
(00:21:40) – Feeling sorry for dad, and feeling like it’s “too late”
(00:31:00) – Connecting with the loss of a mother on a deeper level
(00:40:37) – Next steps

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Men, join me for an intense, depth-oriented training regimen called the Men’s Self-Leadership Program. Customized curriculum, direct work with me, and limited to just 8 men:

Pick up my book, Men’s Work: A Practical Guide To Face Your Darkness, End Self-Sabotage, And Find Freedom:

Check out some free resources: How To Quit Porn | Anger Meditation | How To Lead In Your Relationship

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