A Life of Freedom and
Empowerment Requires Work

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ManTalks By The Numbers

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Will you break your patterns…
or let your patterns break you?

Can you relate?

Will you break your patterns…
or let your patterns break you?

Men. Can you relate? You want to live a life of freedom and empowerment, with deeply fulfilling relationships and KNOW that you’re inspiring the people around you.

The thing is you just can’t quite achieve that.

This doesn’t have to be your reality. All of this stuckness impacts your mental, physical, and spiritual health.

enough of the BS

You deserve better.

That’s what ManTalks is here for. There are ZERO
magic pills or instant fixes. It’s hard fucking work.

What you want are the right tools for the job and
the training to use them. We can get you both.

My name is Connor Beaton

I’ve been where you are. I watched my entire life collapse around me because I didn’t have the skills, discipline or training I needed to do any better.

When I climbed out from the rubble, it became my personal mission to help men call out the bullshit, take back control of their lives, without hitting rock bottom and watching their lives collapse around them.

Men Talk About Mantalks

Success Stories

“Through Connor’s mentorship and guidance I have much more direction.”

“Connor has a gift for asking questions that get to your core, and help you to recognize and uncover what it is that you really need. He pushes you and holds you accountable to make the positive changes, […]

Luke Marek

“I’ve enjoyed your mantalks podcast for the last year or so. Keep giving your gift, it’s inspiring.”

Thank you man, I really appreciated watching the playback of last week’s session, I especially enjoyed the variation on the Wim Hof breathwork, both the in[…]

Oxfordshire, England

“I’ve learnt how to talk to other men about the problems I face and learnt that I’m not alone.”

The Alliance has reconnected me to men in a way that I never really had. It has allowed me to see what a man to man relationship can be without all the booze and football. I’ve learned how to talk to other […]

Shawn Moen

“The initiation process into manhood that I never properly went through”

“Connor guided me through a process to accept, rediscover and love myself. In many ways, it felt like the initiation process into manhood that I never properly went through. I use the term “guided” because […]

Brandon G

“Through Connor’s mentorship and guidance I have much more direction.”

“Connor has a gift for asking questions that get to your core, and help you to recognize and uncover what it is that you really need. He pushes you and holds you accountable to make the positive changes, […]

Luke Marek

“I’ve enjoyed your mantalks podcast for the last year or so. Keep giving your gift, it’s inspiring.”

Thank you man, I really appreciated watching the playback of last week’s session, I especially enjoyed the variation on the Wim Hof breathwork, both the in[…]

Oxfordshire, England

“I’ve learnt how to talk to other men about the problems I face and learnt that I’m not alone.”

The Alliance has reconnected me to men in a way that I never really had. It has allowed me to see what a man to man relationship can be without all the booze and football. I’ve learned how to talk to other […]

Shawn Moen

“The initiation process into manhood that I never properly went through”

“Connor guided me through a process to accept, rediscover and love myself. In many ways, it felt like the initiation process into manhood that I never properly went through. I use the term “guided” because […]

Brandon G

Tailored Tools For Your Greatest Challenges

Get the resources you need to start building the life you want.

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Ways to Train With Us


The Alliance

Our private online men’s community. Talk about the real 
shit in your life with other men dedicated to unlocking 
their fullest potential in life, relationships and purpose.

The Alliance

Shadow Course

Shadow Course

Turn your greatest foe into your greatest ally. 
An online, on-demand training program to help you 
deepen your connections to yourself and others, 
understand your emotions, and recognize your potential.

Relationship Mastery

8-modules to go from stuck, frustrated, and unhappy in
your relationship to confident, satisfied and fulfilled. An online course for men looking to improve their relationships.

Relationship Mastery

Men’s Self-Leadership Program

Men’s Self-Leadership Program

Break free of your insecurities and lead your life 
with direction and confidence in this live 12-week 
online small group training program.

Men's Weekends

Our private online men’s community. Talk about the real
shit in your life with other men dedicated to unlocking
their fullest potential in life, relationships and purpose.

Men's Weekends