Archives for August 7, 2016

What Is It Really About When We Say It's Just About The Sex?

It was a weird relationship from the get-go; her in Sydney (Australia), me in Wellington (New Zealand).
We met on New Year’s Eve, surrounded by a heaving throng of people. We soon separated ourselves from the crowd. What followed was two nights of excitement, passion and lust.
I returned to New Zealand and we stayed in touch. The passion we’d shared on those nights remained at arm’s length, an actual ocean separating us.
Before we knew it, this absence made the heart grow fonder—it kept the light of that whirlwind tryst alive to a point where we were communicating daily via text, even talking over the phone.
What we felt was real, no doubt, but enhanced by the separation. This intensity leaked into our everyday lives. Soon I was talking about her to my mates, as was she to hers.
In sharing this we soon had our first, umm… moment.
Here’s how it played out…
Her: “Seeing as I don’t seem to stop talking about you, my friends are all asking what you’re like”
Me: “Yeah me too. I’m talking about you all the time. What are you saying about me?”
Her: “How great you are and how much I like you. What about you?”
Me: “…Yeah same.”
Her: “Ummm… that was short. Are you really saying how much you like me, or how much you like having sex with me?”
BOOM. Caught. Out.
Me: [Internal monologue] “SHIT”
Me: [Verbally] “What? Yeah of course I’m saying how much I like you.”
Aaaand so it goes for us guys; saying one thing to our mates and another to her. To the boys she was the hot Australian cheerleader who I’d previously enjoyed amazing sex with which had become daily sexting. That was it. That was all I would volunteer. I mean, why would I go anywhere else with it? That’s all the boys were interested in anyway.
Plus if I divulged that I really, genuinely, like really really LIKED her, well, I’d be at risk of ridicule.
Or, if I’m honest, probably thought of as less of a man for sharing my feelings, regardless of whether my mates would have actually expressed so much, it’s the subconscious thought we so easily believe.
I felt strongly for her. Sure the sex was great, but it was the connection, the passion, the desire that made this what it was.
I was aware I felt those things—or some general sense of it—but I wouldn’t dare put them into words and share with the boys. As a result, like many men before me in similar situations, I felt guilty on the phone, caught out, but pushed on through with my lie.
However, this moment stuck with me as a significant difference between men and women.
We love sex. We want sex. It feels good. We think about it a lot. The more the better.
That’s not to say women don’t, not at all. However, there seems to be some evolutionary elements of us men that see us with more desire for it. We won’t go into the science; One—because it can be conflicting, and Two—because we don’t have time.
Let’s just cut to it.
Sex feels good. We love it, we want it. Simple, right?
Maybe not …
Firstly, our ability to get sex has become one of our major measures of success and validation as a man—the hotter the partner the better. We allow our own measure of success and worth to be dictated by others with this as a significant parameter, feeding our ego.
Be honest with yourself, have you ever (or often):

  • Predominantly remarked on her looks and/or the sex?
  • Predominantly asked your mates questions about her looks and/or the sex?
  • Been subject to those questions above other aspects of the connection from your mates/other men?
  • Regularly taken part in conversation that centres on women’s appearance and sex?
  • Favouring the above in place or favour of talking about your feelings and what she means to you?

It can seem innocent; we’re men, we have a high sex drive.
We most certainly do, and it is something to enjoy and engage in when it comes from a healthy balanced place. However, constantly and nonchalantly objectifying women isn’t cool, nor is it a path to true equality. Moreover, it shows our fixation on, and need for, external validation with our sexual prowess as the measure of and vehicle for that.
It’s a viscous cycle that prevents quality connections, but also hands all of our personal power away, into the hands of others depending on what they say or how they react.
Where does this come from?
As boys we are conditioned into presenting a false picture of manhood through constant messages such as “man up/harden up/toughen up”, “don’t cry”, “don’t be a pussy/girl/fag”. At the slightest sign of emotion we learn to shut it away and sort it out ourselves because “boys/men don’t do that”.
As a result we develop this inner narrative “I’ll be right. I have to be”. We’ve fallen into the trap of needing to be liked, fit into the crowd, to prove our manhood; to be tough and handle things ourselves and do the things men do.
Then we become teenagers, and the need to fit in strengthens.
This masculine measure of success via sex hits like an avalanche.
It’s not only this, there are a few others:

  • Athletic ability and/or physicality; how good you are at sports/athletic endeavours and what shape your body is in.
  • Financial success; more money means more security, means more power and/or ‘freedom’.

These often strengthen as we become men. We might pinpoint one or two and focus on them.
Either way it can easily consume our lives.
Soon what we seek is a great body, sex, money and a loose concept of freedom in a culture of more is better; more success and subsequent respect.
However, what these commonly translate to goes much deeper. While these can all be in the chase for sexual success, we’re going to keep it to the physical for this post. Sure getting in physical shape is good for us and we should all seek it out in order to better serve ourselves and those around us.
What we have to do is ask ourselves WHY we seek getting the ‘lean and ripped’ body.
On the surface it’s because looking better means more appeal, means more sex appeal, means more… sex. Ask yourself why.
Using “be attractive”, “meet women”, or “to get sex” to power any physical change may work initially, but it won’t last and isn’t going to lead anywhere meaningful because it’s missing the point of what that sex provides.
The issue with blindly seeking more sex
It’s all wrapped up in external validation for our ego; either from other men, or from the women validating us by wanting us; we’re allowing the judgements of others to determine our sense of worth.
This is where you have to be truly honest with yourself and ask:
Do I want sex purely because it feels good?
Is it also because the kudos I’ll get?
What else do I want beyond this physical gratification and kudos?
Is it something deeper..?
When we honestly dig in, it usually is.
As humans we seek connection, as men this extends to significance.
Beyond the physical, sex provides both connection and significance; a feeling of being desired, accepted and worthy.
This is what we need to own; to be desired, to be significant and accepted. The sex that comes with this is connection is what makes us feel best. It’s a double whammy; the physical satisfaction of sex and the emotional feelings of connection and significance.
Think about it – ever had sex (one night stand or wrong relationship) and immediately afterwards felt something like regret or emptiness?
No connection, no significance.
Clinical psychologist and author of Women Who Stray David J Ley Ph.D. comments on this in a piece for Psychology today:
For men, physical affection and sex is one of the main ways we feel loved, accepted, and regarded. For many men, it is only through physical love that we can voice tenderness and express our desire for togetherness and physical bonding. Only in sex can we let down boundaries and drop our armour enough to be emotionally vulnerable.
Internal validation then external
If you’re ahead of the game here you’ll realize that these things—significance, acceptance, being desired—they’re still external validation; they all speak to being respected, trusted and worthy from others.
We must first internalize this by being happy in our own skin. Knowing what truly drives you will provide self-worth, self-trust and self-respect. Then you can own that sex with someone (beyond the physical) brings you feelings of significance, desirability and acceptance by that person; connection with another human.
That’s some deep shit we don’t get taught in sex-ed. In fact, education around sex can be terrible and often focuses on a lot of negative aspects in the name of preventing its occurrence, instead of teaching boys the emotional benefits as well as the more obvious physical conversation.
It all starts with the relationship you have with yourself.
Don’t fall into the trap of blindly using sex for the physical pleasure and the external validation we get from others as a measure of our success as a man without first acknowledging the connection it brings. If you don’t think that describes you, know that it goes so much deeper than the physical and into the connection/significance we need to feel.
Be careful to use sex as one-sided external validation from women without understanding the deeper connection we actually seek.
Don’t compare yourself to others or use their benchmark; instead ask what you truly desire.
If sex comes into that equation, then dig deeper and have a think about what that sex provides for you. Seek meaningful validation based on your deepest desires and human connection, not to temporarily soothe the ego.
Read More By Mike Campbell on the ManTalks Blog
How To Escape the Inner Man Cave of Isolation
The Sweet Spot for Modern Masculinity
Bio pic 2

Mike Campbell is a Man Coach who helps men find significance, worth and personal power. By challenging the broken model of manhood, he helps men to drop the ego and get out of our own way, and in doing so become their own perfect mix of James Bond, Nelson Mandela & Batman.

Plus he loves to cook, eat and talk to his food. He loves his fiancée, stone fruit, cold beer, red wine, whisky and to think of himself as a low level Batman. He also likes to lift heavy things and play Goldeneye on his vintage Nintendo 64.

You can connect with him at the following locations:

Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, or Snapchat at ‘mancoachmike’

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5 Tips to Dramatically Improve Your Relationship

Men — she’s not “okay.” It’s not “fine,” and you should definitely worry about it.
Us men were never required to take a class on how women operate, and we often have a particularly difficult time understanding how they communicate.
Miscommunication leads to not meeting the needs of your partner, which can mean the end of your relationship. The following 5 tips may not bring you any closer to understanding how women operate, but they can help you avoid miscommunication, reduce conflict, and improve your relationships.

1) Listen Rather Than Solve

When women approach you with a problem, spend time listening to the intricacies of the issue. Listen first, solve later. Men have a tendency to dominate and to assume authority in a problem solving process. We want to solve a problem as efficiently as possible. Women are just as good at solving problems as men, but they often approach it differently.

Women’s goals often focus on exploring and deepening the personal relationship while they work on the problem. Women view problems as a symbol of the relationship.

To be more successful in your relationship, focus on taking the time to show you care about the issue and less time on trying to find a solution.

2) Decide Instead of Trying to Please

Starting now make decisions. Modern day masculinity has somehow developed the idea that men cannot inconvenience women.

Thus, some men find it difficult to make decisions in a relationship without the woman’s approval. It starts as neither person wanting to inconvenience the other but eventually turns into argument. If she really doesn’t like it, she’ll tell you. Ultimately, your decision doesn’t matter. She really just wants to spend time with you.

3) Comfort Instead of Continuing a Fight

The relationship between you and your partner is more important than any problem. Men instinctively leave or fight back (fight or flight) when faced with aggression or frustration. Women are wired to respond and view any problem as a window into the relationship.

Problems are a social issue. The actual problem comes second to the health of the relationship. Comfort, assurance, and listening display that the relationship is healthy and will stay intact throughout the conflict. 

4) Focus on Her Pleasure Instead of Finishing First

Your woman’s sexual pleasure must be your priority and responsibility. Studies indicate that it takes men and women roughly the same amount of time to reach orgasm during masturbation (2-3 minutes for men, and a little less than 4 minutes for women).

A larger difference is seen in the time it takes men and women to reach orgasm during foreplay and vaginal intercourse. On average, women take 10-20 minutes to reach orgasm, while men average 2-3 minutes after beginning intercourse.

Other than improving your stamina, the best thing a man can do to make up for the time difference is to focus more on foreplay. Pleasing her in this one area will positively affect all the others.

5) Define the Relationship Instead of Letting Her Imagine It

Be honest to avoid conflict. Either way your relationship is going to be defined. If you don’t define the relationship, she will.

Eventually, mis-defined relationships clash and one of you is going to feel hurt and possibly disrespected. It is easier to define a relationship in the beginning and update it as the relationship progresses than to deal with the eventual fall-out from an undefined relationship.

Women and men communicate differently. In order to avoid miscommunication, one needs to understand the differences. It may be hard to go against your initial instincts, but the previous 5 tips will help you communicate, reduce conflict and improve your relationships.

Read More By Benjamin Ritter on the ManTalks Blog

The 5 Areas of Your Life You Need to Go Phoneless 

You Don’t Deserve Better, You Deserve to be Better



Benjamin Ritter, MBA, MPH, is an interpersonal, dating, and relationship consultant, author of The Essentials, co-host of the Suave Lover podcast, curator of the Interfaith Relationships workshop, and the Values Systems workshop, freelance expert and writer, and healthcare executive. He has years of direct client, personal, and social experiences towards improving and solving internal development, dating, and relationship situations. For more information go to;

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Derek Kief – Colonizing Mars, Gravitational Waves, and Other Fascinating Discoveries in the Stars

Derek Kief is an astronomer at H.R. MacMillan Space Centre, located in British Columbia, Canada. Both Connor and Roger sort of nerd out on this podcast with their guest, but it provides the listeners with some great knowledge as to what’s out there―beyond our planet. Derek says that our space programs are the only things that countries from all over the world agree on. He believes that when we eventually colonize Mars, we’ll begin to see more diplomacy in the world as everyone works towards a common goal.


Key Takeaways:

[0:50] There are some fantastic things happening in ManTalks. Connor gives a quick update.

[3:45] Derek talks about his defining moment as a man. 

[8:15] It took Derek some time to figure out that he didn’t have to conform to a stereotype. He can be who he is.

[9:35] What does Derek do?

[11:25] Who inspired Derek to become an astronomer?

[13:30] Be prepared! The guys geek out a little bit.

[13:50] What are we close to discovering out there?

[19:15] Where does Derek stand in the science community? Is he like the Patch Adams of science?

[24:25] Why was the discovery of gravitational waves important?

[25:40] Why are gravitational waves important for the everyday or average person?

[30:00] Let’s talk about Mars. Can we colonize it?

[31:55] Will travelling outside of our planet allow for more diplomacy? Can men of all different types and backgrounds finally work together?

[35:15] How does Derek stay curious?

[39:05] What are some of the best advice Derek has received?

[42:00] What is Derek’s stance on quantum computing?

[42:30] What does success look like for Derek?

[44:55] What exciting things are happening at the Space Centre right now?


Mentioned in This Episode:

Email Derek:


Music Credit:

Parlange & Latenite Automatic (

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