Archives for July 2015

Man Of The Week – Jesse Israel

We live in a world with more people than ever before, yet the desire for both personal and human connection has never been greater. Once our Man Of The Week, Jesse Israel, recognized this ironic trend and realized his way of giving back to the world was by creating a space where people, who share a passion, can come together to spread their message and celebrate their passions and connections. His dedication to his purpose has seen him start crowd-created programs for students that face transportation challenges in Tanzania to starting ‘The Big Quiet’, the largest mass mediation space for the public in Central Park history. Read on to learn how Jesse’s discipline allows him to channel his purpose through his everyday actions!
Age: 30
What do you do? (Work)
I’m currently building communities and businesses around human connection. Formerly I co-founded the record label and tech fund Cantora.
Why do you do it?
Our generation is thirsting for deeper connection with others and with ourselves. I feel most alive when I’m able to help facilitate that connection.
How do you make a difference in the world? (Work, business, life, family, self)
By bringing people together around a shared passion and collectively spreading a message about that passion in unique ways (Examples: Cyclones Bike Share Africa – a crowd-created bike share program for students and communities with transportation challenges in rural Tanzania; The Big Quiet – crowd-promoted mass mediations for modern people, including the largest official meditation in Central Park history).
What are 3 defining moments in your life?
The time I watched my mother cry when I almost got kicked out of middle school
Witnessing the loss of a friend in a car accident in high school
Leaving my company of 9 years – without knowing what was next – to open myself up to my next purpose
What is your life purpose?
My deepest purpose in life is to enable a world where people are more present and feel more alive; to lead community through human connection; to better serve the people I love.
How did you tap into it?
The more I live at the edge of my fear/comfort zone, the more my purpose becomes clear to me. I’m drawn to existing in safety, so living at my edge takes work and patience.
Who is your Role-Model or Mentor?
My father, Bob Israel. Among so many other valuable life lessons, he’s taught me the importance of being able to have a laugh when things get tough.
Do you have any daily habits? If so, what are they?
I meditate for 20-30 minutes twice a day – this helps me hear and trust my intuition, and provides me with a deep state of restfulness
When I first wake up, I write down 5 things I am grateful for and 5 things I am looking forward to that day – this helps me maintain a positive mindset (particularly helpful on tough days)
My bedroom is a no-tech zone – this makes my bedroom a sanctuary for sex, sleep and rest
When do you know your work/life balance is off?
When I’m checking email past 10pm.
Vulnerability is a challenge for most men – share a vulnerable moment from your life with us.
I recently wrote a blog post inviting friends and family to help me define and evolve what it means to be a man today. In the post, I candidly spoke about challenges I’ve dealt with regarding sex, relationship, love, intimacy and purpose. After sharing it on Facebook and emailing it to my community, I felt exposed in a way I’ve never experienced before – kind of like that dream where you’re naked and everyone else is clothed.
What did you learn from it?
Sharing online in a way that is authentic can be scary – but it is important. While some people may not agree with the dialogue, others will be touched and find solace in the message.
If you are or were going to be a mentor for another man, what is one piece of advice you would give him?
Follow your gut and act on it before you talk yourself out of it.
How do you be the best partner (Boyfriend/Husband- past or present)
These are (really tough) practices:
1) By being fully present with my woman
2) By being her rock
3) By making decisions that best serve her
Do you support any Charities or Not-for-profits? (Which one(s) and why?)
For half of my life I’ve been volunteering at a summer camp for underprivileged children in Los Angeles called Camp United in Harmony.

My bike club,, is currently funding a sustainable bike shop and rental business in rural Tanzania. The shop will be entirely employed by women, and will provide locals with bike rentals to help them with commuter issues and enable them to better support their families and businesses. Money made from the project will go towards infrastructure to create more bike businesses. This partnership is made possible by We previously raised money for the NGO’s Mama Hope and Tanzania Children Concern.

Jesse with students from Cyclones Bike Share Program
Jesse with students from Cyclones Bike Share Program

If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
Pony by Ginuwine
Where do you see yourself in 3 years?
Leading a global, self-propelling movement around human connection.
Running a large business that supports this mission through tools, products, courses and communities that deeply resonate with the millennial generation.
In a relationship with a woman that I am able to open to the world, and with whom evokes my greatest gifts.
What legacy do you want to leave for future generations?
A new standard for how people live life — with more presence and more aliveness.
What One book would you recommend for any Man?
Daring Greatly by Brene Brown. It helped me understand the importance of cultivating courage in all aspects of my life.
If you know a Man that is making a positive impact on the world, we would love to hear from you! Contact us at [email protected]

10 Life Lessons Every Man Should Learn In Their 20s

In this article, I feel really privileged to share with you some key insights and “aha” moments that I learned before I say goodbye to my twenties in August 27, 2015.
You and I live in a world of cause and effect. Every action has an equal reaction. The choices we make today, especially in our 20s, will determine what happens later on in our lives.
Whether you’re on your own and moving forward with your career or still with your parents and figuring out what to do, I want you to realize something. If you’re not mindful of how you spend your time, it’ll be gone before you know it. It’s easy to get lost in the transition from not having any significant responsibilities to facing the “real world.”
You may not see it immediately but at some point, you’ll have to face the consequences the decisions you’re making today. Your 20s, also knowns as your “defining decade,” matters and you should make the most out of it.
Here are some of the most important lessons every man should be aware of in order to become successful later on in their lives.
10 Life Lessons Every Man Should Know In Their 20s
Don’t Stay In A Job That You Hate
With the amount of time you have to invest in building a career, make sure it should be something you’re really interested in. You’re in a perfect time in your life right now to figure that out because you’re still young.
Trust me when I say this: the pursuit of more money doesn’t satisfy any longer once your basic needs are met. I encourage you to go ahead and take more risk while you don’t have a lot to lose.
If you’re working a job you hate, it’s your responsibility to do something about it. Until you find what you love to do, keep looking.
Life is too short to settle.
You Don’t Have To Go To School
We live in a time where there’s nothing you can’t find online. Education has changed and the way we process information is significantly different from before.
Unless you’ve chosen a profession that needs formal credentials, like Law, Medicine or Engineering, you don’t really need to pursue higher education to have a successful career.
If you feel like you’re sitting in class, twiddling your thumbs and bored out of your mind, that setting may not be right for you.
Figure out what kind of work energizes you and find resources to study about it. Go to conferences and connect with other people who already have results that you want.
If you’re learning something you enjoy, you’re much more likely to put all in. People pay for results, they don’t care about your credentials.
Pursuit knowledge rather money.
Choose Your Friends Wisely
Here’s the greatest life hack of all time: the quickest way to change is to surround yourself with the kind of people you aspire to be like. Who you’re around with all the time will have a significant impact on how you turn out to be.
When you act in integrity with the vision of who you want to become, not everybody is going to like you. As hard as it may be, let go of relationships that are not supportive of your goals. Find new ones that will.
Your environment is stronger than your will power. Constantly put yourself in situations where you’re around people who will celebrate your successes, no matter how small.
It’s Okay To Stay Single
I’m going to make an important distinction right here so pay attention. There’s a big difference between being alone and feeling lonely.
Being alone is a choice that you make to do what you want. It’s about learning how to and be in good company with yourself. The feeling of loneliness stems from a place of lack where you feel incomplete. When you come from this place, you’ll seek out acceptance from others to validate your self-worth.
Your 20s should be spent on figuring out your identity and defining your core values. Focus on activities that will increase your self-esteem. Know who you are and what you really want. Other people can’t do that for you.
Gain Wisdom From Travelling
You’d be surprised how much you’ll learn a lot about yourself when you’re taken away from your daily routine. When you travel, there’s a feeling of anonymity that you experience when you’re in a new environment.
You can show up as whoever you want. There’s no one to tell you otherwise. Travelling is a great way to reinvent yourself.
Go ahead and give yourself permission to become who you aspire to be. Travel to places you’ve always wanted to see, connect with people who you look up to and lead your life in a direction that’s right for you.
Define Your Own Purpose
What you’re meant to do in your life isn’t something that you find behind a bush or underneath a rock. It’s something you decide for yourself. Take more risk, especially while you don’t have a lot of obligations.
If money wasn’t an issue, what’s something you would love to do? What’s a topic you would enjoy learning more about?
The moment you’re in alignment with your purpose, you’ll do remarkable things as a by-product. You’ll feel so immersed in what you do that sleeping becomes the worst part of your day.
When you’re leaping out of bed because you can’t wait to get to work, that’s when people begin to take notice.
It’s hard not to because passion is very contagious.
Avoid Comparing Yourself To Others
The best way to feel like you’re not good enough is to keep looking at what other people have. Success in life is very subjective. Everyone has their own definition of what makes them happy.
What’s the point of being alive if you just want to be like everybody else?
Learn to play your own game. Set your goals and work hard at achieving them. Spend your days in a way that inspires your future self.
Self-worth comes from being thankful for what you already have. Whatever you appreciate, appreciates
Invest In Yourself, Not On Things
Nothing in life is permanent. Material assets can be easily taken away.
When you focus on the internal, you’ll get external abundance as a by-product and more. Wealth is a mindset. It’s a shift in your perspective that will cause you to do things differently.
Invest in your personal development rather than things that are temporary. Knowledge and experience can never be stolen.
Make Mistakes Often
There’s something transformational that happens when you go through experiences in your life that push you out of your comfort zone.
When you get close to the edge, you have two choices: you can either take a leap of faith and step into your higher potential or you can step back and make room for others who are going to.
Integrity is a habit that you have to consciously decide on a daily basis. It’s a choice that you make to honour the truth of what you think is right for yourself.
But first, you have to sit through the discomfort of uncertainty for a period of time and trust in the process. Wisdom only comes from circumstances that challenge you.
Character is forged through pressure and hardships. When you’re going through tough moments, be thankful! View challenging situations in your life as an opportunity to grow.
Broke And Poor Are Not The Same
Being broke is a temporary state that people go through in their journey. It’s when they pay their dues to get the skills and experience to become successful.
Being poor is a permanent state of mind. It’s a way of thinking that limits people from achieving abundance because they don’t think there’s enough for everyone.
The path to success is never linear. As you embark on your journey to self-discovery and self-fulfillment, you’ll go through tough moments inevitably.
Never wish for things to be easy because it won’t be. Instead, ask for strength to be able to endure and persevere. Those who come out on the other side are rewarded with more.
Being broke for a while is not a bad thing. As long as you have a plan and are taking massive action to create value for other people, success is inevitable.
Myke MacapinlacAbout Myke Macapinlac 
Myke Macapinlac is the Program Director of Social Man Project. His mission is to help shy men become socially confident so they can create the dating life they deserve.
If you would like to learn a proven strategy to meet quality women even if you feel like you’re not good enough, save your seat by visiting
Connect with Myke on: Facebook or Twitter

The Only Tool Box You Need For Healthy Eating.

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Colin shares the main tools for having healthy eating habits for any lifestyle. Check out this inspiring talk to gain strength, have more energy, heal your body and be in better shape.

Fatherhood: Building A Legacy

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Horrasias shares the secrets to building a life legacy and it not one you might expect. Watch one of the most charismatic speakers tell his personal story of growing up in Uganda and moving to Canada after his fathers assassination. His legacy is Fatherhood and he hopes to inspire others with his life story.

Man Of The Week – Andrew Horn

A life of service and gratitude is one of the most fulfilling pleasures one can experience, believes Andrew Horn. This belief coupled with numerous other accomplishments that make Andrew Horn our Man Of The Week! From making compassionate decisions in his personal relationships to founding his first NGO, ‘Dream for Kids DC’, Andrew is a man of many talents and passions, all of which are tied to giving back to society and making the world a better place for future generations. Today, Andrew lives his life to serve as an example to inspire others to share their appreciation and gratitude, to lead to more meaningful and enriching relationships.

  1. Age: 29
  2. What you do you do? (Work)
    Social Entrepreneur, current the Founder/CEO of
  3. Why do you do it?
    We get to help people share their gratitude and appreciation with the people they care about.
  4. How do you make a difference in the world? (Work, business, life, family, self)
    In business, I try to make a difference in the world by building organizations that have a sustainable impact on improving the lives of other. In my personal relationships, I try to lead with compassion and give people a platform to be truly seen, heard and supported the way they’d like to be.
  5. What are 3 defining moments in your life?
    1. Realizing the difference between pleasure and happiness
    2. Starting my first NGO Dreams For Kids DC with no idea what I was doing.
    3. Meeting my soul mate and marrying her three days later at Burning Man
  6. What is your life purpose?
    To live an integrous lifestyle, to be a servant to the people and causes I believe in, and to magnify love and gratitude in the world.
  7. How did you tap into it?
    I realized that helping others is the most effective way to find fulfillment and have grounded my actions and career choices in service ever since.
  8. Who is your Role-Model or Mentor?
    I am fortunate to have a community of friends called the Boom-Spiral and they are my collective role models. I learn and grow from our relationships constantly and am beyond grateful to have found/built such a strong community.
  9. Do you have any daily habits? If so, what are they?
    1. Don’t check phone immediately after waking up
    2. Put all of my team’s tasks into asana to start the day
    3. Try and be better than I was yesterday
  10. When do you know your work/life balance is off?
    I know my work-life balance is off when my energy doing the things I enjoy starts to lag lower than I’d like it to.
  11. Vulnerability is a challenge for most men – share a vulnerable moment from your life with us.
    My girlfriend Miki is the first real woman I have ever been with. She called for a man than I had to offer early on in our relationship.
    One of the arenas where I was lacking was sexual presence and technique.
    It soon became evident that one of the reasons I lacked this presence was because of an unhealthy porn habit.
    After almost a year and a half, I was finally able to subdue my porn habit and grounded myself in a constantly evolving, exciting sex life with my partner Miki.
  12. What did you learn from it?
    1. It is important to define the relationships that you want with pornography.
    2. Sexual polarity is essential if you want to maintain an element of desire in your relationship
    3. Great relationships take work, but you just need to believe in what you are building or working towards as an individual and union.
  13. If you are or were going to be a mentor for another man, what is one piece of advice you would give him?
    I would ask him to define why he wants what he wants, to help him articulate goals and understand his deepest desires.
    In understanding our internal drivers, we are most capable of obtaining happiness in the present, while engaged in a pursuit of something grander.
  14. How do you be the best partner (Boyfriend/Husband- past or present)
    1. Celebrate your partner’s victories with reckless abandon. This is the easiest way to make them feel supported.
    2. When you have something nice to say, share it. Telling the people we love why we love them is one of the easiest ways to establish deep connectivity.
    3. Realize that helping others is one of the easiest ways to add depth to any relationship. Find joy in serving those you care about.
  15. Do you support any Charities or Not-for-profits? (Which one(s) and why?)
    I am on the board of the two non-profits that I previously founded. and
  16. If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
    All I want for Christmas is you by Mariah Carey. That song is hilarious and awesome literally whenever you play it.
  17. Where do you see yourself in 3 years?
    Married to the woman of my dreams with a kid and one on the way. Living between NYC and Costa Rica. Surfing at least 50 days of the year.
    Running a successful company with 50 employees and building the “hallmark of the digital age.”
  18. What legacy do you want to leave for future generations?
    I want to leave the world with a newfound understanding and appreciation for the power of gratitude and service.
    If my life can serve as an example that inspires others to help each other and share their gratitude more openly, I think I will be able to magnify great relationships around the globe and that is a lasting impact that I would be very proud of.
  19. What One book would you recommend for any Man?
    The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida – This book has been shared around by all of the great mean in my life. It provides young men with a framework to aid in the articulation of personal purpose, and provides some essential truths about what it takes to exist in a desire filled romantic relationship.

If you know a Man that is making a positive impact on the world, we would love to hear from you! Contact us at [email protected]


Have you ever thought about where all the gentlemen have gone? Not a gentleman in the sense of where a man stands economical and socially; which was how society used to determine what social class a man would fit. But a gentleman in the modern sense. A man with morality on his mind and kindness in his heart. A man who’d stop to hold the door for a stranger and actually make an effort to put others before himself. A man that understands the power of pursuing purpose, works hard to make a life for himself and doesn’t feel like he’s entitled to something.
Have we as a society become so comfortable with the current status of our men, that we’ve learned to just accept things as they are and refuse to revolt against it?
It’s time for a shift. It’s time to make a stand. We can be more than we could’ve imagined and become the men we were created to be. We can achieve this shift by taking the steps necessary in our personal lives and challenging a generation of men to be socially, spiritually, emotionally and consciously aware. The more we bring awareness to the fact that we need to make a change and that we can be better men, it will not only affect you but it will impact the world around you. When men lead with love, which is what makes any man a gentleman; our communities, the workplace, families, businesses, and our youth will be greatly impacted in the best way possible.
Here are five ways that every man can be a part in the shift that is going change the way the world sees men. Let’s redefine manhood together. It starts with you:
As simple as it may sound, people tend to have a hard time being kind to others or are willing to go out of their way for a stranger.
Next time you’re out just be aware of others around you. Little acts of kindness have a big impact. If you’re walking into a store or coffee shop, stop and hold the door for the person either exiting or the person coming behind you.
Being kind isn’t about doing something nice and broadcasting for the world to see. It’s the acts that no one will ever see or know about that matter.
Respecting women is one trait that is a clear sign when a man’s behavior is that of a gentleman.
There was a time when men would rise every time a woman entered or was leaving the room. Now men are scarcely seen getting the car door for their date. You should strive to treat all women the same way you’d want someone to treat your mother, sister, wife, or daughter.
If you’re single, fellas the whistling, cat-calls and “say ma, let me holla at you real quick”, is not the way to get a lady’s attention. Today’s women have become so accustomed to this approach. So they think it’s a game when a man tries to be genuinely polite and respects her.
A gentleman cherishes, appreciates and values women as a whole. Show it in your actions gents, not just in your words.
Most folks think of a guy in a suit with a nice car, nice job, etc. when they hear the words ‘well-dressed’ and ‘gentleman’ in the same sentence. It’s a stereotype we’ve created for ourselves.
Let’s be clear here, there’s nothing wrong with a well-tailored Brooks Brother’s suit and oxfords. But that’s not what makes you a gentleman or a well-dressed man for that matter.
Being a modern day gentleman is all about individuality and what better way to express yourself than through your wardrobe. You can have on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, and still be a well-dressed man.
Your daily attire is just an outward expression of your inner personality and taste. The saying goes, “when you look good, you feel good”, and it’s so true. Taking care of yourself and your hygiene should be a priority for any man but especially a gentleman.
Anytime someone does something nice for you or goes out of their way, just take a second and say ‘thank you’ and show your gratitude. Gratitude is a sign of compassion and maturity.
Whether it’s a co-worker, your wife, or a waiter at a restaurant, you should never be too busy to ask politely for something and to say ‘thank you.’ If it’s something you have a hard time remembering to do on a daily basis, start practicing and making it a habit.
Manners matter and they show you truly value others.
When blogs on the internet discuss what it means to be a gentleman or how to identify one, they always seem to miss one key value. This value states that a gentleman should have a great appreciation for his life and not take any moment on this earth for granted.
We only get one shot to live our best life now, and it would be crazy to waste it worrying or complaining about the things you don’t have.
If there are any areas of your life you are unhappy with, just know you have the power to change it. And if you can’t change the actual circumstance you can always change your perspective about it.
A gentleman takes responsibility for his own life, happiness, and success. You will begin attracting opportunities and the things you want, into your life. Just remember all you have is today and tomorrow isn’t promised. That’s how we learn to enjoy every moment as it comes to us without worrying about the regrets of yesterday and the uncertainties of tomorrow.
A gentleman is at peace with his life and makes the choice to be grateful for it.
Brandon AlexanderBrandon Alexander was born in Bremerton, Washington. He started dancing/performing in talent shows at a young age and discovered he liked being in the spotlight. After moving to his hometown of Killeen, Texas, he became very active in sports and the arts. He auditioned for So You Think You Can Dance his senior year of high school and decided he should move to Los Angeles to pursue training and a career in dancing professionally. Since moving to LA Brandon’s performed with the likes of Beyonce, Raphael Saadiq, and Jennifer Lopez. Now he’s the creator and founder of “New Age Gents” a lifestyle blog for men. He’s also in the process of writing his first book titled, “Tailored just for you” A guide for the modern-day gentleman.
Connect with Brandon on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook.

Running For Charity

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In this inspiring talk, Graham explains how he tapped into his life’s purpose, tells the story of his 250km race through South America and how he has used his gifts to raise over $600,000 for charity.

Man Of The Week – Jeff Sanders

This week’s ‘Man Of The Week’ is Jeff Sanders! Seven years ago, Jeff began his journey of personal growth after reading his first personal development book. This kickstarted an ongoing journey of reading incredible books, listening to inspiring podcasts and asking himself tough life-changing questions. After taking all of this in, Jeff realized an inner desire to help others achieve their dreams, which he does today by reaching tens of thousands of people world-wide with his podcast, The 5AM Miracle Podcast. In addition to hosting his own podcast, Jeff is a personal coach, he travels for public speaking events, is an author and a marathon runner!

  1. Age: 30
  2. What do you do? (For work)
    I am a productivity coach, host The 5 AM Miracle Podcast, and an upcoming author of “The 5 A.M. Miracle,” which is launching in December of 2015.
  3. Why do you do it?
    I spent years reading phenomenal books, listening to fascinating podcasts, and changing my life in dramatic ways because of the inspiring information that others shared. I knew I wanted to emulate those people and share my story. That’s what I do now.
  4. How do you make a difference in the world? (Work, business, life, family, self)
    My podcast reaches tens of thousands of people every month all over the world and I receive emails from fans nearly every day. This is certainly where I get the biggest reach with my work and the greatest impact. It’s hard to say if I’m making a tangible difference in the world, but I know that people are making real changes and seeing real results based on the strategies I share, which is incredible and humbling.
  5. What are 3 defining moments in your life?
    1. The first occurred at age 23 when I read my first personal development book, “Your Road Map for Success” by John Maxwell. This book started my personal growth journey and changed the entire course of my life and work.
    2. The second is when I switched to a raw vegan diet at age 25. Eating nature’s best every day has fundamentally improved my health and outlook on the world.
    3. The third occurred at age 28 when I launched my podcast. Nothing has pushed my business forward faster than talking on a microphone once a week and sharing stories with the world.
  6. What is your life purpose?
    To help others achieve their life’s grandest goals by dominating their day before breakfast.
  7. How did you tap into it?
    This took years to finalize, and in many ways I’m still working on it, but the process consisted of asking myself tough questions while constantly experimenting with new ways of life and reading as much as possible.
  8. Who is your Role-Model or Mentor?
    I have many role models, most of which include successful authors, speakers, and entrepreneurs. Right now I am modeling much of my life and business off of Michael Hyatt, Darren Hardy, and Dean Karnazes.
  9. Do you have any daily habits? If so, what are they?
    I have many daily habits and I switch them up all the time. Some of my best habits include waking up early, drinking 1 liter of water first thing, making a large green smoothie for breakfast, exercising before work, and making time for daily reading.
  10. When do you know your work/life balance is off?
    If I haven’t exercised in a few days I know that I’m too busy. I am good at eating healthy and getting enough sleep most of the time, but I know right away if I am working too much when I don’t have enough time for running.
  11. Vulnerability is a challenge for most men – share a vulnerable moment from your life with us.
    On one of my podcast episodes I shared my history with drug use. I normally never get that personal on my show, but I thought I owed it to my audience to share what I’ve been through and how that has shaped my decisions today. It was easier to discuss than I expected, and the response was very positive, which encourages me to be more vulnerable in the future.
  12. What did you learn from it?
    I learned that living openly and authentically is far more ideal than trying to clean up a public image. Whenever I open up and share more about who I really am with others I always feel more confident and others trust me more.
  13. If you are or were going to be a mentor for another man, what is one piece of advice you would give him?
    Don’t sell yourself short. Pursue ambitious goals and let yourself grow into the experience. Everyone is scared and everyone is faking it all the time. Be willing to fail as you pursue big goals and watch as you amaze yourself.
  14. How do you be the best partner (Boyfriend/Husband- past or present)
    There is not doubt that genuinely and intentionally listening is key to a successful relationship — and I need to work on this one skill more than any other. The more I listen to my wife the closer we are as a couple and the more we appreciate one another.
  15. Do you support any Charities or Not-for-profits? (Which one(s) and why?)
    As a vegan I have supported a variety of charities over the years that help animals (PETA, ASPCA, etc.) and my wife and I also sponsor three children around the globe through World Vision.
  16. If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
    “Smiling” by T-Spoon
  17. Where do you see yourself in 3 years?
    I am working on phasing out coaching in order to speak full-time, along with selling online courses designed around productivity. Ideally, I will be working on my next book and traveling as I talk about my first book.
  18. What legacy do you want to leave for future generations?
    I try to embody a life filled with energy and positivity. I see enormous potential in my own life when I am optimistic and filled with enthusiasm about ambitious goals I am working towards. If anything, I would hope that future generations challenge themselves to be so much more than what society asks them to do. The bar is too low for most people and I want to inspire others to push further than they every imagined possible for themselves.
  19. What One book would you recommend for any Man?
    “Ultramarathon Man” by Dean Karnazes is an outstanding book. Though technically it’s about running, it’s really about so much more. Dean embodies a life of ambition and pushing the boundaries. Even if you never plan to run a single mile, this book will challenge you to think bigger and push yourself past your own limiting beliefs.

If you know a Man that is making a positive impact on the world, we would love to hear from you! Contact us at [email protected]

How to keep your momentum

Alright, let’s face it, there’s always something that will come in the way along our path to supreme excellence. Perhaps it’s your arch nemesis, a family member or a superior. But if you break it down – could it possibly be YOU?
It’s ok if your jaw is slightly unhinged.
Despite the fact that reaching some of our goals and aspirations is dependent on uncontrollable factors like workplace politics, financials, or fate, we can only steer our course depending on the path ahead.
Whether you’re the degree type, a self-starter with street smarts marching to your own drumbeat, or a hard worker never done until you’re done, we all have one thing in common; we give a shit about what we do and how we do it.
Being a private contractor working on a per service agreement, I don’t just rely on the provider of the opportunity to make my living, I make sure that I support everyone and make them happy – including myself personally and professionally.
It can be tricky to balance our input to output ratio like a computer while staying cool enough to prevent overheating and melting down. I have a tendency to over do what I’m passionate about because it feels so damn satisfactory that it produces pure contentment. However, that doesn’t equate to recovery and maintenance (not always.)
I took a challenge upon myself to take yoga classes from teachers I haven’t been to before, write my experiences about the classes, and share with the community via social media. I made a list of over 60 teachers across a few studios and thought it would be achievable. Well, I overdid it a tad and suffered from a nervous system breakdown consisting of flu-like symptoms, mental, and emotional challenges for a whole week.
This became a short-term block toward the so-called ‘doing’ which forced me to simply ‘be’ – which was once a foreign concept in the past and is still not exactly organic.
Isn’t the whole point of doing what you love is to keep yourself motivated and driven for excellence? So when does it become too much? Where you start missing the signs of your body saying it has had enough, slow down, you can let go now!
It all comes back to what’s important to you as a person and managing your resources of time, energy and even stress…
Remember that to keep the flame strong and continue on the path of supreme excellence, you must listen, breathe, and smile.
Most of all, it’s very important to become aware that you might be doing way more than you need to. Sometimes you just need to ‘be.’

Hiiro Sigal Prince

Hiiro is the creator of The True Identity Project + Project Z: (Yoga | Resources for Adolescent Cancer Patients).
He currently offers public Therapeutic/Classical Restorative, Yin, Hatha and Vinyasa classes in the Lower Mainland through YYoga, Chopra Yoga Centre, and YMCA Robert Lee. Hiiro also is completing his SCHWINN Indoor Cycling training to teach Spin and completing level 1 and 2 of his Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy Training with Shivani Wells in May 2015. In August 2015, Hiiro will be a presenter for the 2015 Yogathon.
Outside of his yoga practice and teaching, Hiiro enjoys his spare time pursuing his passion for photography, creative writing and visual/performing arts, enjoying float sessions, spin classes, guzzling cold-pressed green juices, wearing an awesome pair of Fluevog boots and indulging in reality TV and the occasional childhood video game session. He cares deeply for his community and is always wearing a smile on his face and arms wide-open to give the universe a hug.
Connect with Hirro through his Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn

Man Of The Week – Horrasias Balabyekkubo

For those of you who have attended our events in the past, you may have heard about this week’s ‘Man Of The Week’: Horrasias Balabyekkubo. Horrasias is an incredible human being with a wealth of talents ranging from a being loving father, a successful entrepreneur, a visionary philanthropist, an author and a motivational speaker, to name a few! From the age of 14, Horrasias began taking steps to plan his future, sought out mentorship from community leaders and making his dream a reality. Having lived on three continents, Horrasias has a wealth of stories that will send tingles down your spine, inspire you to find your purpose, live in integrity with it, and to help lay the foundation for future generations.

  1. Age: 32
  2. What do you do? (For work)
    Brand Ambassador and Distributor for Enagic Canada, Project Director at a Primary and Secondary School in Uganda and an Author.
  3. Why do you do it?
    I do it because it gives me the opportunity to give back in a life giving way to the current society I live in and across the globe. As a director it allows me to continue to build the vision of the school as well as set it on a higher trajectory for greater impact in the community we serve and the nation as a whole. I write because what I have found is; my sharpest weapon to dethrone mediocrity from the lives of young people and my greatest tool move this generation forward is my pen.
  4. How do you make a difference in the world? (Work, business, life, family, self)
    I make a difference in the world remaining constant, consistent and determined to see every man, woman and child meet their true self. By writing words that inspire, teaching the practical steps to attain fulfillment and speaking in motivational tones to ignite passion and determination in the hearts of my listeners. By staying open and vulnerable before the people it shows that the only way forward for any individual is to find that harmony and balance in the shared experience mankind by recognizing the heart of another human as significant as their own. With my children, it is simple, blow their mind daily with showing them anything is possible with determination and hard work and a lot of imagination. Setting them on a foundation of joy and compassion goes a long way to help them realize their true potential. At work the balance comes to me in delivering superior quality service and discipline in my own individual effort thereby shifting the culture among my colleagues to present our excellence to the market place. We set the standard high.
  5. What are 3 defining moments in your life?
    1. At 19 I realized, that at 6 years old I had known all along and I had delivered with precision the oracles of God with out fear and with reckless abandon, I knew who I was and why I was here; from that moment I was determined and walked with discipline to bring forth that same vigour and excellence to whatever I would do in my life and vowed never to forget my purpose again nor dim its light to “fit in” with the masses of men.
    2. My first trip back to my homeland after 12 years of being away was one of those defining moments in my life to set me on course to reaching and attaining my destiny. I was in college and had bought the marketing plan of North America: go to school, get the degree, get a job at a reputable organization, work 40 years, retire well. But it was landing into Entebbe Airport, seeing Lake Victoria and the vibrant colours of the soil and greenery, the red tile roofs mixed in that told me there was something more for my life. You see North America has a way of lulling one to sleep, or choosing the safety and complacency of mediocre exploits over the grand design and purpose for ones life. It was those 37 days in Uganda changed everything. From leaving my chosen field of expertise to enlisting in battle against injustice and poverty, choosing that my life would be spent in defence of the widow and the orphan, the last, the lost, the least and the nearly dead. I knew that this was the raging desire of my life, the constant purpose to carry me through the darkness and the fog. This was to be my magnum opus.
    3. When my son was born. August 25th, 2009 changed everything. It was the culminating event of my young manhood. I had dreamed of being a husband and father for so long that on that day, I was in heaven, the whole earth faded away and all at once I was one with the divine as I opened my mouth to speak the first words he would hear from his father, his defender and protector; I looked into his blue eyes and spoke, “you are my son, in whom all my life has found meaning, I will dare to embolden you to reach for your greatness, I will never leave you, I will defend you against the perils that life will bring, but most important I will love you for all time. You are born of fire, to be fire and to breed fire. A man of the horse and spear. Defender of the realm. You will arise, you will stand, you will conquer.” I sang to him the songs of my father in Luganda, and we became One soul. My Daughter was born May 24, 2011. I was speechless. my heart stopped and danced with rapture. I was now a King among men, I was now to raise these two to the light of their purpose. Life’ Song was worth dancing again. From the first, Fatherhood has been the crowning achievement of my life. Everything else is noise.
  6. What is your life purpose?
    My life’s purpose is to inspire young men and young women to live at their optimum level of impact. Teaching them to marshall their faculties to achieve their chief aim and ultimate purpose in life. To build an army of like minded individuals who want to build great and thriving communities so the generations to come will be living in balance, moving with clock work precision towards maximum impact, disciplined in thought, excellent in conduct, noble in deeds.
  7. How did you tap into it?
    I went back to Uganda when I was 21 and it was on the mountains of Rwanda that I got the spark and it was in the valley of Tyler, Texas where the blueprint was found. I then spent the next 11 years learning, tweaking, and masterminding the plan that will culminate in Operation Trailblazer Dec 31,2015. It took going back to my roots, going off the beaten track and off what I thought my purpose was, questioning what was handed to me as my chief aim by my family, friends and teachers, that I was able to see the signs, the writing on the wall and the omens that would guide me to my greatest treasure.
  8. Who is your Role-Model or Mentor?
    My greatest role model is my father, John Deogratias Balabyekkubo, a Son, Brother, Father, Husband, Friend, Activist, Pioneer, Author, Musician, Playwright, Disciple, Apostle, Preacher, Missionary,Philanthropist, Leader, Visionary, Luminary, Revolutionary, Maverick, the list is endless. He is my father, my friend, confidant and constant north. Defender of my dreams, preserver of my virtue, he is my best example of what a man looks like and what a father loves like, what a husband acts like, what INTEGRITY sounds, tastes, feels, looks, smells like. Oh and he was the sharpest dressed man I have ever seen. He loved God and he served his people.
  9. Do you have any daily habits? If so, what are they?
    Daily Method of Operation is crucial to attain your best from yourself. It demands discipline to achieve any success in any venture. Even if the venture is relaxing, you must do it in a disciplined way so you can maximize the benefit of it. For me that means Reading two hours a day, then studying or mastering your craft gets an hour and a half daily; Physical exercise gets an hour and fifteen minutes, then work on your necessary projects such as income generating activities, networking and building relationships. The bulk of my time however is spent in fostering the seeds of excellence and epic-ness in the imaginations of my two glorious children.
  10. When do you know your work/life balance is off?
    I know my life and work balance is off when it starts to feel like there is not enough time to do the “joy” activities. You get so excited sometimes about a particular project that you begin to get consumed by its manifestation. Which often relegates the important things to the side for the time being, now don’t get me wrong there are seasons when you have to put priority and importance on said projects but for me I always try to include my two top priorities in whatever I do so I never neglect preserving the wonder in their lives. So the moment I am to “IN” to a certain project that I have to say no to any of the requests I normally would gladly do with the Royals. I stop and reassess the plan and rectify it, because they are never going to feel second to any mission, person, or goal. It’s all for them.
  11. Vulnerability is a challenge for most men – share a vulnerable moment from your life with us.
    Vulnerability is the wellspring of creative growth. I truly believe that when you lay bare your heart and soul you can look at and live your life in front of you. I was honoured and blessed to be apart of a ManTalks event that was based on mentors and fatherhood. I was blessed to share the stage with great men and even more humbled to hear their stories. I spoke on my father’s influence on my life and the way I parent my children; as I was speaking I felt this great opening in my heart to really love the people present there in the room, to really show them that I was a man who was unafraid of discussing life, liberty and the pursuit of epic-ness. I spoke about wounds that I have thought had healed and fresh scars from recent events that have sought to un-man me. The experience was exhilarating and educational both for the audience and myself. I felt as if I had let the world see me for the first time unafraid to be seen.
  12. What did you learn from it?
    I learnt All my life, after my father’s death I have sought to lead a life of polish and poise; but it was this unmasking in front of two hundred plus new friends that helped me see that I could be free to lead my life to the full again. It taught me to go with ‘Plan A’ every time, show your fullness. I am going to quote a t.v show Friday Night Lights, the football team had the team mantra: “clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.”
  13. If you are or were going to be a mentor for another man, what is one piece of advice you would give him?
    If I were to mentor any man; I would simply tell him “find the honesty within you again. Look inside and be really real with yourself, pull back every layer, peak into every crevice and find your humanity, what makes you authentic is not just being sincere, its being truthful about your motives, intents, and core value. So it is vital you know what they are and how to deliver them into the market place of ideas and life.” Teachability says, I may know it already but there may be another way to do it. Let me seek it out. Learn, Learn, Learn, then Implement the knowledge.
  14. How do you be the best partner (Boyfriend/Husband- past or present)
    The key to being the best partner is simple; be willing. Willing to learn from each other, Willing to hold your partner at their absolute worst and celebrate them at their best even when you don’t “feel” like it. Willing to communicate your needs in a way that can actually get the result or desired end you have in mind. Be willing to Love for loving’s sake; not for a pat on the back, or to get something, just simply to Love your partner in a way that would inspire them to rise to their greatest self. Be willing to show yourself at any given moment to reassure your partner that they have free access to your heart especially when you want to close off and run. Be willing to admit wrong, be willing to be still and listen, be willing to grow. Be willing to show up consistently.
  15. Do you support any Charities or Not-for-profits? (Which one(s) and why?)
    I work with Bavubuka Foundation and Cleft of the Rock Foundation which use the arts, education and social entrepreneurship to impact various communities in Uganda and in the diaspora. Working with youth to influence their communities at large. The reason for my continued involvement is I believe in equipping the next generation to step into the halls of power fully armed with reason, a sense of equality and justice for all as well as the self discipline and governance within that will keep them on the path of high moral values, integrity and service to the communities they work in.
  16. If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
    Like a Rock, Bob Seger
  17. Where do you see yourself in 3 years?
    Three years from now I will be finishing phase one of Operation Trailblazer, I will be based out of Uganda, East Africa, building infrastructure projects in rural areas. I will be leading two thousand young people and developing training schools and other entrepreneurial pursuits to bolster the robust plan in phase two . Also at that time I will be balancing out all that legendary stuff at my farm at Kilindi, Uganda as a gentleman farmer.
  18. What legacy do you want to leave for future generations?
    Love, Loyalty, Legacy. These three principles are at the core of my being and my compass home. The Legacy I want to leave for future generations is Love God, Love his people. We are all human, we are all endowed by our creator with greatness. If we serve one another and help one another on the path to our greatness we will surely get to that desired better world we have all been taught about all our lives but have never seen. I want to go there with you. Therefore it is left to us in this generation to lay the ground work afresh with fresh zeal and purpose, so that our children and their children would benefit greatly from our sacrifices. I love people. Love them. Understanding that it is this gift of loving others that frees you up to attain self actualization, to reach fulfilment is power beyond measure. the Legacy is to ensure that every man woman and child can dream and realize that dream whilst they have breath in their lungs; life, liberty and the pursuit of epic-ness is our charge. Dare to dream and allow others to benefit from its goodness.
  19. What One book would you recommend for any Man?
    The Book of Proverbs

If you know a Man that is making a positive impact on the world, we would love to hear from you! Contact us at [email protected]


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